
Debate Info

Trump was right? Media was wrong again?
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:13
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 Trump was right? (1)
 Media was wrong again? (4)

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TimCast(812) pic

The anti HCQ study is now fake news, so Trump was right??!

Trump was right?

Side Score: 1

Media was wrong again?

Side Score: 8
0 points

That makes me happy! A Rump conservative asking "TRUMP WAS RIGHT??? Will wonders never cease!! They seem to be realizing that that is a rarity! They just MIGHT be waking up! ;-)

Side: Trump was right?
Iipek(32) Disputed
2 points

I watched the video. It shows evidence that the left has been wrong more than Trump has been wrong, and the video is made by a liberal.

Side: Media was wrong again?
Wartsauce(79) Disputed
1 point

That makes me happy!

Trump being right again makes you happy? I now theorize that what makes a brain turn Democrat is a cocktail of drugs.

Side: Media was wrong again?
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

You, like Trump, have trouble understanding English, apparently. What I SAID was, a conservative stating, questioningly, "So Trump was right"??! As if he rarely is .... which he rarely is!! (No question, there ;-).

Nope. No drugs ... no Democrat "turn" ... just a conservative brain fart.

Side: Trump was right?
Wartsauce(79) Disputed
1 point

A Rump conservative asking "TRUMP WAS RIGHT???

The video is of a liberal who attended Occupy.

Side: Media was wrong again?
MexicanFood(41) Disputed
1 point

I would like to play with your nipples and eat your butt hair.

Side: Media was wrong again?
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

"To each, his own." Enjoy your immaturity. Hopefully, it won't last past your teens. ;-)

Side: Trump was right?
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