
Debate Info

Great Biden can do no wrong
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Great (6)
 Biden can do no wrong (10)

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HornedOne(39) pic

Trump Approval Rating Hits All-Time High in New Gallup Poll

Trump Approval Rating Hits All-Time High in New Gallup Poll

49 percent of respondents approving of his performance versus 47 percent disapproving.


Side Score: 7

Biden can do no wrong

Side Score: 14

The Trumpster, aka, Donaldo Magnus, and Trumponomics reigns supreme, man!

KAG2020 in a landslide victory over Joe "Quick Fingers" Biden!

Side: Great
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

KAG 2020 in a landslide victory over Biden

Hello High,

I’m just thinking that with 14% unemployment, and 70,000 dead Americans, Trump ain’t gonna win shit. Now, I could be wrong. I was wrong once back in ‘02.


Side: Biden can do no wrong
1 point

The unemployment rate and the deaths won't be blamed on Trump by the voters. The MSM is working overtime to pin it on him and they will fail. People understand we have a pandemic and what happened would have happened no matter who was in office.

Side: Great

Trump Approval Rating Hits All-Time High in New Gallup Poll

Ahahahaha! And then, wait for it...

49 percent

ROFLMAO. His all time high is worse than most presidents' all time low!!!! Face it Bronto, most people just aren't that stupid.

Side: Biden can do no wrong
2 points

UM, ;-)

Side: Biden can do no wrong