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 What is Hell to You? (46)

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Thejackster(518) pic

What is Hell to You?

Being an Atheist, I do not believe in hell, however I am told by many theists that hell isnt simply a lake of fire but experiencing your worst nightmare for eternitey and it got me thinking......whats your own personal Hell? Regardless if you believe in it or not


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3 points

Living inside CreateDebate for eternity with people that are clueless and make no sense... of course I've pretty much been doing that for a while anyway so...

1 point

I think I can survive it. :D

1 point

No dip you think you can why else would your name be hellno

Life, when making bad decisions.

2 points

So, everyday?

2 points

If you make bad decisions everyday, then duh.

1 point

I have long debated personally about the existence of hell and what it is or is not. The best explanation/view of it that I have currently heard is an idea that hell is not really a place but instead a state of mind. This idea generated in my mind while I was reading something written by Tim Keller.

Essentially I think the pop-culture vision of hell in people's mind is this rather cartoonish scene in which a person is on a cloud at these golden gates, and then St. Peter can't find the person in his book and so poof they are in a pit of flames and the devil is standing there laughing manically. This personally makes NO sense to me, and all I can think of is that heaven is a club and St. Peter is the most intense bouncer ever!

Instead I would say that hell (and heaven for that matter) is not a physical location, and you are not somehow assigned to one or the other in a mutually exclusive manor. Instead they are your soul continuing on your current trajectory. For example, if you are a person who is greedy and selfish while alive, then in death you no longer have your possessions or power and you are simply left with your selfishness which steadily grows inside of you, consuming you in what is a more and more miserable feeling.

By contrast if you are a person who sees the good in the world and has good loving relationships with others, that love and appreciation is what grows and grows in you over time, making you happier and happier.

Therefore living a good life and (in my belief system) one in which you are in a close relationship with god, means an eternity of becoming spiritually closer to god, and more and more satisfied and happy. Though a life of greed and hatred and (in my belief system) lack of relationship with god leads to an eternity of being consumed by greed and hatred.

It is in a way a mental hell or heaven of your own creation, and it is experienced in a more gradient like fashion, as opposed to a definitive separation of people into two distinct locations.

1 point

Hell? America. Or any nation full of greedy capatalists and dumb fucks. We don't need anymore Obamas. I guess you could say hell is just bad shit thay happens.

1 point

Hell to me is a place where all of the non-believers who didn't believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior of their lives. Hell is a place where there is constant torturing, suffering, and people crying out in agony. It's a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. There is 100% conversion rate in hell because they all want to believe in Christ but it's too late and their fate is sealed.

LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
3 points

If after you die you discover that Hinduism was the true religion and because you didn't believe in the Hindu gods you will be tortured for eternity in Naraka, the Hindu version of Hell, do you think that would be a fair punishment for not believing?

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

You do know "If" is the keyword you are saying in this but I am focusing on reality not the "what ifs". I know that Hinduism is false because the Hindu god never claimed to be God in the flesh, died for mankind's sins, or rose again from the grave. Only Jesus Christ is the only one in the history of mankind to do that. No one else has done but Him.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
2 points

You also have to roast in hell my friend because you are a sinner who ignores his God , you are disobeying his direct instruction .." For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV) Clearly the Old Testament is to be abided by until the end of human existence itself. None other then Jesus said so.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

You, have no right to say to me that I am going to hell for not following Christ's law. You aren't even in a Christian at all so you have no right to say that to me because you don't believe in it. When you become a Christian you can comeback and talk to me about this.

This is what I hate about atheists they come and tell us that we aren't following Christ's teachings when they aren't even believing in Christ. Stop telling us what we shouldn't or should be doing and worry about yourself.

Hell for me is a warm place filled with all of us, humans. And not animals, I don't consider them equal to things on which human's min is capable of doing. - I believe in Hell philosophically and not as a place of suffering. - I think that Hell is a horrible place. Sometimes I compare it to reality because of comparing it to Earths surface. Many people said that Hell is on Earth, and think it the same way. Evil is with what we need to deal with. And I honestly wouldn't expect to be living in Heaven since there are bad things which I committed personally.

Hell exists in horror movies only. And those movies can be creepy.