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 Why Do (Mainly) Conservative Americans Still Deny The Controlled Demo Of The WTC Buildings (68)

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Quantumhead(749) pic

Why Do (Mainly) Conservative Americans Still Deny The Controlled Demo Of The WTC Buildings

I've had so many arguments about this and it never ceases to amaze me how irrational Conservatives get on the issue. It literally doesn't matter how much evidence you show them, or how many times you painstakingly explain basic Newtonian mechanics, they simply stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to listen to anything except the sound of their own voice.
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Aaah. Liberals denying science. It's called gravity. Go to youtube and watch a candle burn down in fast motion. It looks identical in the method of the fall.

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
4 points

It's called gravity.

Lol. Oh God you are just so stupid. Gravity has an equal and opposite reaction, which is what keeps buildings upright in the first place. Please explain why gravity wasn't being resisted by the 93 floors of concrete and steel resting underneath the point of impact you fucking intellectual banana boy.

3 points

Please explain why gravity wasn't being resisted by the 93 floors of concrete and steel resting underneath the point of impact

Explosives. Simple as that. Explosives which incapacitated the resistance in the bottom of the buildings.

1 point

The beams melted, otherwise the building wouldn't have fallen. In video, you can see the fires spreading downward throughout the inside the building.

Let me guess, you'll give the next bullshit liberal version of science, telling us steel can't melt. I'll trash that argument too. You're out of your league. You don't even know wtf you are talking about. Go learn chemistry and physics and come back.

1 point

Oh but bronto. It was magic. Harry Potter manifested the towers to the ground. I don't believe in God, but magic? Yes, yes... A mythological nothing pulled those buildings down. There were unicorns in the buildings. You just couldn't see them. And... that's why we don't have unicorns anymore.

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
3 points

Aaah. Liberals denying science.

I don't think that word means what you think it means. You would not know what science was even if it rang your doorbell late at night and attacked you with a cutlass.

1 point

Oh, a canned response. No liberals ever memorize slogans as their default setting when they have no argument. Clever.

If you can't even design your own wording, it's safe to say you can't form an argument about science. Way to ignore the candle. That makes you look brilliant.

Demonstration of how gravity works in a collapse...

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
2 points

The collapse of WTC 7 side-by-side with three different confirmed controlled demolitions:-

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
2 points

Demonstration of how gravity works in a collapse...

Demonstration of how gravity works in a non-collapse:-

But wait, if that building behind him suddenly collapses vertically into its own footprint at free fall speed, then we can just say, "duh gravity" and this explains everything we need to know.

Oh no wait, you're an idiot. My bad.

I told you that atheists are magical thinkers. They don't make unprovable claims about afterlife. They bring unprovable claims about THIS life. They live in never never land concerning THIS life.

amankan123(1) Clarified
1 point

j bkklnlnlknlkn;lkjmo[kjjpoinkjnkjbgyiihvghcyfcgyujgvghvihiophuoibi

1 point

What we have here is some Leftist Wacko that believes in his Leftist mind that Republicans killed their own people on 9-11 ! Hey Dummy you better hop a plane fly to NYC hold you a press briefing and tell them what an internet genius you are and the information you know.

Better yet once your in NYC hop a plane to DC and address Congress with your wealth of information. Crawl back into your hole BOY !

IAmSpartacus Disputed
4 points

Leftist Wacko

I'm a British Conservative and 9/11 was obviously an inside job. It isn't a partisan thing. It's a not being stupid thing.

2 points

It isn't a partisan thing. It's a not being stupid thing.


Quantumhead(749) Disputed
2 points

What we have here is some Leftist Wacko that believes in his Leftist mind that Republicans killed their own people on 9-11 !

What we have here is an appeal to ridicule supported by absolutely no argument or evidence. A vicious personal attack which is completely devoid of any intellectual content. This fallacy is a Republican speciality known as "the emperor has no clothes", in which they attempt to shame you into subordination to their ideas.

Either make an argument or enjoy a ban. In fact, fuck it. You have made your intentions clear so you're leaving right now.

Dermot(5736) Banned
1 point

What evidence do you have to support your claim ?

What do you base your conclusions on ?

Quantumhead(749) Clarified
2 points

What evidence do you have to support your claim ?

I have:-

1) The FEMA Metallurgy Report.

The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified.

2) A journal analysis of the FEMA metallurgy report.

A one-inch column has been reduced to half-inch thickness. Its edges--which are curled like a paper scroll--have been thinned to almost razor sharpness. Gaping holes--some larger than a silver dollar--let light shine through a formerly solid steel flange. This Swiss cheese appearance shocked all of the fire-wise professors, who expected to see distortion and bending--but not holes.

3) Professor Harrit's 2009 analysis of four (actually five) separate WTC dust samples.

4) Professor Jones's 2006 analysis of the physics.

5) The patent number for the munitions used during the demolition.

The present invention relates generally to incendiary devices, and more particularly, to incendiary devices for producing controlled-diameter holes in metallic targets.

6) Susan Lindbaugh's source in the State Department.

7) Barry Jennings (at least I did have him before he was murdered).

8) William Rodriguez, the janitor in the South Tower who claimed a bomb went off in the sub basement.

9) Dozens of firefighters who reported secondary devices and/or explosions.

10) Common fucking sense.

Dermot(5736) Disputed Banned
1 point

You start your argument by giving links and sources for your claims ; but you end unfairly by saying " common fucking sense ," so anyone that challenges your assertions lacks common sense ?

This conspiracy theory has been taken apart by experts all over the world as well you know I can easily do so also but you would still claim the opposite wouldn't you ?

If it was an inside job what were the reasons for it ?

So let's ask you a couple of 'common fucking sense questions 'as you put it

1: No doubt you will claim The Bush administration was behind the attacks which would mean that the Obama administration became aware of it why would they not reveal it to damage the Republican Party ?

Maybe they're 'in on it too ' ?

2: 9/11 has been investigated by the 9/11 commission, the CIA, FBI, FAA, FEMA, The National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, (and) the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

All these groups do not believe the American government was 'in on it '

Whys that ?

3: You claim the buildings were brought down by explosives . and no one noticed this going on in the buildings ?

Why would you then fly planes into a building why not just blow the building up isn't that what terrorists do ?

1 point

Dozens of firefighters who reported secondary devices and/or explosions.

When each plane hit, it sounded like an explosion. Pressure and heat caused other explosions. They didn't know that planes hit, so they may have assumed an explosion. Also, Jihadists are well known for putting explosives on planes. Perhaps they did to make sure they finished the job.

1 point

William Rodriguez, the janitor in the South Tower who claimed a bomb went off in the sub basement.

Which is inconsistent with the video of the buildings breaking up from the top, not the bottom.

1 point

Common fucking sense.

The physics of how the 2 tallest buildings in NYC could fall from being hit by two passenger airliners hijacked by Islaic jihadists is "common sense"? Get the f*ck out of here.

Negligentt(397) Disputed
1 point

That there building were destroyed by Satanic Moose limbs from Saudi Arabias. We needs more Moose limbs here in da U.S. Keep bringing da roaches in.

Amarel(5669) Banned
1 point

Your description of the debate which illustrates your unwillingness to accept their explanations can be similarly applied to them to indicate why they deny your explanation. They are certain they are right, just as you are, and find your position unreasonable, just as you do theirs. You don't trust their sources (911 commission), neither do they trust yours (YouTube etc).

Small secrets between few people are hard to keep. The larger the secret, and the more people who know it, the less likely the secret will be kept. With a crime the size of 911, and the number of people required to pull it off, the chances that the events are not fairly close to the official narrative is exceedingly unlikely. That and the fact that the physics behind the official story are in factual keeping with the laws of physics as we know them, despite the massive amount of social media evidence to the contrary, make it very difficult for reasonable people of any given political affiliation to accept claims of conspiracy.

Quantumhead(749) Disputed
3 points

your unwillingness to accept their explanations

You seem to be confusing "explanations" with personal attacks, fallacy, total misunderstanding of basic physics and two word buzz phrases like, "Duh, gravity".

Small secrets between few people are hard to keep. The larger the secret, and the more people who know it, the less likely the secret will be kept.

Cool. And can you explain in precisely which universe it is still a secret? Your argument essentially seems to be that we can't be having this conversation right now because this type of secret never leaks. It's like standing in the middle of 1942 Berlin and denying WW2 because wars cost an extraordinary amount of money and nobody really wants them. In other words, you are using logical fallacy to argue against physical reality.

and the number of people required to pull it off

So wait a minute. You want me to believe that nineteen Saudis pulled it off because it would require too many Americans to pull off? Are you smoking crack? Make up your mind. If it would have required thousands of people to coordinate and pull off, as seems to be your "argument", then why would you even entertain the idea that it could have been done by nineteen people?

Your entire post is one big fat contradiction of itself.

1 point

In other words, you are using logical fallacy to argue against physical reality.

Bingo. This is what they do.

So wait a minute. You want me to believe that nineteen Saudis pulled it off because it would require too many Americans to pull off?

Lol. This is exactly what I find amusing too. It's hilarious. If we are saying Saudis did it, then they pulled the whole thing off with 19 people. If we are saying someone else did it then that's ridiculous because it would have taken hundreds if not thousands of people all acting in perfect coordination. Don't argue with them. These people are idiots.

Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
-1 points

And can you explain in precisely which universe it is still a secret? Your argument essentially seems to be that we can't be having this conversation right now because this type of secret never leaks

Which credible source (or anyone) stepped forward to detail their role in the plot?

If it would have required thousands of people to coordinate and pull off, as seems to be your "argument", then why would you even entertain the idea that it could have been done by nineteen people?

"Thousands" is your estimate of what it takes to rig multiple occupied buildings with explosives, drop a few planes out of the sky as patsies, set off the explosions while the buildings are still occupied, all while moving through the various necessary government channels required to get a domestic attack unofficially sanctioned. I don't know if "thousands" is accurate. It doesn't matter since it is hypothetical. Now consider that it takes less people to fly a few planes. People with the fanaticism necessary to carry out that kind of an act against the US as they have repeatedly shown.

How many people worked on the NSA domestic spying program? How many did it take to bring the program to public light? It would have taken less people than what would be required for an internal 911 plot. And it took 1 person to bring it to light.

1 point

Hello Q:

I have no idea, especially since their boy, Alex Jones has PROOF that Americans KILLED themselves..
