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GoodListener's Reward Points: 603

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument What is Justice?
2 Added Argument OneRepublic Vs Imagine Dragons
1 Added Argument I am a moderate.
0 Created Debate Unbanned: Are dems gonna be the reason for the gov shutdown?
1 Added Argument My permaban list. If don't make it, post away.
0 Downvoted Argument No Banning: Do Democrats ever favor restrictions on abortion? I do. Last resort only.
0 Downvoted Argument No Banning: Do Democrats ever favor restrictions on abortion? I do. Last resort only.
1 Added Argument Are Aliens Real?
-1 Downvoted Argument When do kids become adults
0 Added Argument No Banning: Do Democrats ever favor restrictions on abortion? I do. Last resort only.
1 Added Argument FCK the FCC.
1 Added Argument What are your views on Christmas?
5 Created Debate What are your views on Christmas?
3 Added Argument Merry Christmas in advance! :)
1 Added Argument When do kids become adults
1 Added Argument I love fags. ;)
3 Added Argument Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring from law enforcement
1 Added Argument Should Donald Trump Fire Mueller?
1 Added Argument I SAY I'm hung like a stud horse. Is it legitimate for me to make that claim?
1 Added Argument An open letter to Addlt.
1 Added Argument Abortion for rape victims.
2 Added Argument Whatever happened to the decent debators?
1 Added Argument Do you enjoy this site? I do. Thanks, Addlt.
2 Added Argument I'm a Theist but enjoy atheist magical nothing monster. Is that wrong?
1 Added Argument Is peaceful disobedience a right? Brontoraptor doesn't think so.
1 Added Argument Can you marry yourself?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which beverage do you prefer?
1 Added Argument Should Roy Moore give up and vanish?
-1 Downvoted Argument WHO is the most ANNOYING member??
2 Added Argument Private Sperming Donation - Would You Do It?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument I'm an atheist, but I light Hanukkah candles.. Is that wrong?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which beverage do you prefer?
1 Added Argument Illuminati business
-1 Downvoted Argument
2 Added Argument WHO is the most ANNOYING member??
4 Added Argument Which beverage do you prefer?
5 Created Debate Which beverage do you prefer?
5 Added Argument I'm an atheist, but I light Hanukkah candles.. Is that wrong?
1 Added Argument If Democrats win the House in 2020, should they gerrymander Congressional districts?
1 Added Argument I'm not racist
1 Added Argument Private Sperming Donation - Would You Do It?
5 Added Argument WHO is the most ANNOYING member??
-1 Downvoted Argument If a man can marry a man can he marry his mother or sister?
-1 Downvoted Argument If a man can marry a man can he marry his mother or sister?
-1 Downvoted Argument GoodListener is MilkJar
-1 Downvoted Argument GoodListener is MilkJar
3 Added Argument If a man can marry a man can he marry his mother or sister?
-1 Downvoted Argument
0 Added Argument Brontoraptor trolls Prodigee posing as Sitar/goodlistener
2 Added Argument If a man can marry a man can he marry his mother or sister?
1 Added Argument Clinton Lynch emails released by FBI. What say you?
1 Added Argument If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?
10 Added Argument GoodListener is MilkJar
3 Added Argument When do kids become adults
1 Added Argument Should torture be abolished internationally?
2 Added Argument Bernie Sanders versus Donald Trump: Who is a better leader?
1 Added Argument Are transgender people legitimately the gender they say they are?
0 Added Argument Are Nazi's allowed to participate in debates here? If they are I'm gone.
1 Added Argument Net Nuetrality
1 Added Argument Let me give you some examples of Narcissism & what insecurity does to people.
0 Added Argument pasteurization destroys nutrients
0 Added Argument Which is worse, tobacco or cannibis?
4 Added Argument Who's more honest CNN or Alex Jones?
3 Added Argument How Innocent and Naive is God for creating such a World for all living beings
0 Added Argument Would it bother you?
1 Added Argument If you're a cop AND a Democrat, do you REFUSE to arrest liberals??
0 Added Argument Anyone else notice that Roy Moore doesn't know how to ride a horse?
1 Added Argument Can you imagine Trump doing this???
1 Added Argument Is Gary Busey going to replace Amarosa??
10 Added Argument Is it time to investigate Mueller?
2 Added Argument Is it time to impeach Nancy Pelosi?
1 Added Argument Is pc gaming better than console gaming.
1 Added Argument Will you Debate an Economic Issue of your choice?
2 Added Argument Palestine / Israel Conflict
1 Added Argument Trump will be President for two terms
1 Added Argument Hillary Clinton would have already attacked North Korea. Yes or no?
10 Added Argument Who's more honest CNN or Alex Jones?
3 Added Argument Can progressives be prolife?
2 Added Argument Are transgender people legitimately the gender they say they are?
3 Added Argument Is there a such thing as 100% contraception.
1 Added Argument Satanist sues to remove God from cuyrrency.
0 Added Argument Doug Jones victory over Roy Moore - I'm not sure I'm ok with it
1 Added Argument Should the police be allowed to arrest people who sell alcohol to teens on home ground?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument If you hate both Hillary and Trump RELEASE RAGE HERE
3 Created Debate If you hate both Hillary and Trump RELEASE RAGE HERE
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument What will the Libs' next anti-trump attempt be...
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
5 Added Argument Anarchismn
1 Created Debate From the Democratic Party to FromWithin.
1 Added Argument Have you Read the Bible? Is it that Important?
1 Added Argument Can the extreme left wing be classified as communist?

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