
Bootstrap's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bootstrap's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

He claims to be a "prodigy"


I think not.

2 points

Now you can get the Kik messenger app and join our room if you want. The friend I mentioned is there and one other guy who is like minded. You will essentially be joining the RBE Illuminati if you come. We have serious intentions to change the system and I have wanted you to officially join us for a long time.

Lol. Sounds awesome brother. I will definitely join.

0 points

It's been a while. Lets do a head count. Whats your political affiliation?

I'm a militant Zulu. Prepare for spears.

1 point

everything you say is the complete opposite of reality

Yes you do call people niggers you pathetic liar. See:-

Mingiwuwu: Are you surprised that I spotted who you were so well?

Jody: Oh shut up you filthy nigger , dadman is a scaremongering troll and a religious nut , you're just a dirty little fat nigger with an attitude problem.

2 points

I think it was about freedom for him and also because he felt ready to be his own man. he hitch hiked around the country trying to find himself an engineering job because he had studied on his own and felt he was ready but no one would hire him because he was a kid with no credentials. Eventually though he found a company that was willing to hire him because he showed them some technical drawings which proved he was smart enough.

Guy was a real genius. If it hadn't been for Peter Joseph the world might never have even known who he was. Sad that he died, even though he was really old and lived a full life. It wasn't even so much his intellect that impressed me so much as his wisdom. Kind of like a Mr Miyagi sort of character.

1 point

You ran away at the same age as Jacque Fresco, did you ever notice that?

Lol. No, I had no idea he even ran away. Strange. What were his reasons?

1 point

It's a riot.The party who hates old, rich white guys best hope is an old, rich white guy with a below average IQ whose past includes supporting segregation and racists.

You don't half talk some shit lad. In four years you haven't written a single post which isn't an attack against the left based on something you're either twisting, exaggerating, or (most often) outright making up.

Like FactMachine pointed out earlier, you're a corporate cock sleeve. Nobody wants to listen to you or read the stupid shit you write because you're such a corrupt establishment shill.

2 points

True story. Before the invasion of Iraq the American CIA were toying with the idea of faking a video showing Saddam Hussein taking it up the butt and distributing it all over the country in order to undermine his rulership.

2 points

Wow, 14 years old? How did that happen?

I never got on with my folks. Ran away at 14 and refused to go back. Spent the next couple of years bouncing around children's homes. Some of the best years of my life in actual fact.

2 points

And your point is.... ;)

That it's a line from Ghostbusters.

2 points

You are too stupid to understand anything a smart person says.

You are too stupid to understand how far away from smart you are. Start with learning how far the Moon is away from the Earth.

Probably why you live with your parents and play video games at age 40.

But I don't live with my parents (and haven't since I was 14 years old), the average age of a video gamer is 31 (you'd know that if you weren't stupid), and you've replied to the wrong comment in the first place you stupid retard.

Why don't you go and do something productive like freaking killing yourself? Your incessant bitching and whining reminds me of a spoilt six year old girl.

1 point

This country is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. I mean, Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Human sacrifice. Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes..., the dead rising from the grave! Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.

Wait, isn't that a line from Ghostbusters?

1 point

You just made my point.

I agree with your point that you don't want to debate the facts.

Just an FYI though. Spending your entire sad little life throwing every false accusation your small brain can think of at the left isn't a "point". That's simply called being a tool.

1 point

The Leftist was a Pedophile so it accept or not !!

Is it going to explain why Trump befriended a COMMIE?

I mean, a paedophile is one thing, BUT A COMMIE?????

Explain yourself.

1 point

He's embarrassed, which only goes to evidence the video you linked was really him. Lol. Bless him. He doesn't even bother me that much. There are much bigger idiots here than him.

1 point

Careful there BOY! Epstein will send you to the GULAG!!!


1 point

Sorry to say Epstein was and i say was a Leftist Pedophile

Cool. Tell us more about Epstein's theory of Communism my poor grass chewing dolt. He sure was rich for a Commie there boy!!!


1 point

a Leftist Pedophile

He wasn't a leftist you banana. Firstly, he donated to Republicans and to Democrats. Secondly, he befriended both Republicans and Democrats. Thirdly, the Democrats aren't considered to be on the left in any civilised country where the people are well educated.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

Let's see whose not invited to the funeral and we can start there. What ya think there LIMEY ????????????????

I think whoever ordered it has the bonus of being one of hundreds of potential suspects. It will be recorded as a suicide pending any major errors at the scene of the crime or explosive testimonies from whistleblowers. Unfortunately this is just the way the world works. Powerful people get away with lots of evil stuff. I learned that after 9/11.

1 point

Pedophiles are all part of the Democrat party.

Shut up Bronto you partisan nitwit. It is comments like that which expose you for the outrageous moron you so evidently are.

1 point

The call to action by prosecutors and the discovery that Epstein, a registered sex offender, possessed explicit photos could lead to additional charges, Frenkel said.

In this way, prosecutors’ request for more evidence poses a threat to any of Epstein’s associates who also engaged in sex with minors. It also raises the stakes for those who attended his parties and might have inferred that something was wrong with the fact that so many grown men were surrounded by girls who appeared to be teenagers.

To be sure, Epstein’s contact list includes many prominent people, both men and women, who are fixtures in the celebrity party scene.

The black book contains more than 1,000 names, ranging from close friends like Wexner to peripheral contacts from the worlds of politics, business, the media and European high society. The U.K.’s Prince Andrew and members of the Trump family make appearances. There’s even an entry for the main number to the White House. want-to-talk-to-you

2 points

It is clear that he was doubt he had too much on too many and could have taken down much of the world's elite in the process.

With you 100 percent on this one, Andy.

1 point

Then you come along with some CONSPIRACY THEORY

Lol. Shut up you naive idiot. You're talking about one of the world's most powerful men who for decades organised paedophile parties for the rich and famous.

-1 points

But the FBI cannot figure out how he was able to kill himself, when they were so closely monitoring him.

He didn't, moron. How come everything the MSM prints is "fake news" right up until it's something you desperately want to believe?

Epstein was murdered as sure as water is wet. If you were a billionaire and you'd been raping underage girls for decades, when suddenly your buddy (i.e. the one who organised it and made it all happen) got arrested, what would you do?

The obvious suspect is Trump, given that he was the centre of an underage rape lawsuit involving Epstein. That said, there are probably multiple suspects. But the fact they made it look like a suicide implies it was someone powerful.

Supporting Evidence: Trump/Epstein Lawsuit (
2 points

The left can't argue their position

ROFLMAO. Are you deranged? Albert Einstein couldn't "argue" his "position"?

Shut up. Idiot. If you were prepared to debate the facts there wouldn't even BE a right wing. Period.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

For your analogy, you should say St. Niklaus instead of the Easter Bunny.


3 points

You hate Christians because you hate Jesus.

I don't even believe in Jesus you fucking basket case. That's you. And obviously you're the one who hates him because he spent a lifetime preaching the values of socialism and philanthropy while you're a raging mad, gun-toting capitalist who wants to execute criminals and bomb Muslims.

You are just completely backwards. Everything you say is backwards. It's a wonder you can find your own arse in the mirror.

3 points

And what do you think about normal people having to put up with your ridiculous kumbaya bullshit for the last two thousand years?

During which time your religion has killed literally more people than smallpox?

Let me guess. You're not so angry about that, right?

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

Nationalism is just the opposite of globalism.

No it isn't. Nationalism created a movement which caused a war in which 70 million people lost their lives. It's time you switched off Fox News and opened an actual history book. In the words of the great Albert Einstein: "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

I think globalism is a bad idea, therefore, I am a nationalist

LOL. Ahahahahaha!

I think Communism is a bad idea, therefore I'm a Nazi.

Great line buddy. Give us another.

1 point

GUNS pull the trigger ????? What ????????? When did that happen ??

Your bullshit is laughable because -- extremely predictably -- you omit to mention the other half of the story. People can't shoot each other if they don't have guns.

Acknowledge the half of the story which promotes your narrative. Ignore everything which contradicts it. The world is very familiar with how the diseased minds of Americans work.

1 point

So the guns are shooting without a trigger pull ?

Your straw man fallacies get really boring to read. At no point have I suggested guns can be fired without a trigger pull. As usual you are simply repeating lines you've seen on TV like a stupid, fat doughnut-eating American robot. You can't debate anybody because you don't actually have the ability to address what your opponent says. You're basically just a Fox News loudspeaker.

1 point

I question the inherently fallacious notion that all nationalists are racist.

Obviously, since almost all nations are comprised of multiple races.

One notion which is however unequivocal is that all nationalists are idiots.

I am a nationalist

I already guessed from reading a few of the incredibly stupid things you have written.

I love black men.

That makes you a slut, not a nationalist.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

remember that a gun is an intimate object !

So is a nuclear missile you brainless American twerp. Fancy handing one over to ISIS?

No, I didn't think so.

1 point

Oh the folloy of a leftist judge!

Unbelievable. If you're going to keep attacking the left like a deranged Nazi then at least learn to spell first.

-2 points
2 points

Why are all political leaders such lying fuck bags?

Because in capitalism, power does not lie in politics but in economics. The most powerful economic forces (i.e. the ruling class) are able to manipulate the political system to get what they want, and what they want is for absolutely nothing to ever change. With the exception of tax cuts for themselves they want everything to remain exactly how it is because that is the situation in which they are powerful and everybody else is not.

It isn't foolproof however. Occasionally, genuine politicians make it through because large sections of the population are becoming politically literate. People like Bernie Sanders in the States and Jeremy Corbyn in Britain represent real potential for change. But obviously the ruling class does not want this and hence uses its full resources to slander, demean and undermine these very real threats to its power.

1 point

Of course I recognize the difference, but you are missing my point.

As is always the case, the precise opposite is true. You are missing the point.

The Left claims that their anti gun motives are all about saving lives from mass killers.

"The left" is not a single unified voice and even if it were you would not speak for it. Your entire boring, backwards theme is to pretend everybody to the left of Mussolini has the same unanimous opinion and that what you say is what "the left" believes. It is childlike to the point that it is positively infantile.

If their true goal is to save lives, then back ground checks on drunk drivers would save FAR MORE LIVES then back ground checks on guns.

That is a tu quoque (i.e. appeal to hypocrisy) fallacy. By the same logic, you don't give a shit about the poor when you donate to charity, because you'd save countless more lives if you flew to Africa and helped out UNICEF.

Your rhetoric is stupid, riddled with irrationality, hateful, twisted and backwards.

My point is that the Left could not care less about the few people killed in mass shootings.

But that isn't a point. That's just you slandering "the left". Again.

You are just hopeless. You will always be an imbecile because you just don't possess the intellect to ever consider that there might be another point of view. You are a complete waste of people's time.

1 point

DUMMY you got's you a problem with the 2ND Amendment ?

I've got a problem with your interpretation of the second amendment and I've got a problem with it being used to justify a future which was completely unknown to its writers. Let's say we compact nuclear technology into a handheld weapon. Do you suppose the writers of the second amendment would have approved of giving every Tom, Dick and Harry the means to take out a city???

Your culture is being conned by a multi-billion dollar arms industry which pretends to be your friend while it simultaneously sells you death.

1 point

Oh JESUS CHRIST, why are you so STUPID????? What is WRONG WITH YOU???

Doesn't any part of you understand that these right wing memes you keep spamming are FAKE? They contain false information purposefully DESIGNED to appeal to populist IDIOTS who don't bother to check their facts!!

Switzerland has 27.6 guns per 100 people.

The United States has 120.5 guns per 100 people.

Hence, the United States has over FOUR TIMES as many guns per capita than Switzerland.


Supporting Evidence: Wiki (
1 point

For God's sake it's no wonder you talk so much complete fucking trash:-

The Daily Wire is owned by Forward Publishing LLC. Forward Publishing is owned and managed by the billionaire Wilks Bothers who made their money through the fossil fuel industry with their company Frac Tech. The Wilks brothers are also a part of the extreme Christian right who interpret the bible literally. The website is funded through a subscription and advertising model.

Virtually every story favors the right and denigrates the left. The Daily Wire has also published some false information such as these and this directly from Ben Shapiro. Further, a factual search reveals that the Daily Wire, on a whole, has a mixed track record with fact checkers.

Overall, we rate The Daily Wire as a far right biased news source based on story selection that always favors the right and that is Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks. (9/2/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 6/16/2018)

1 point

That explains why you're so hot.

The world just facepalmed in perfect unison.

1 point

And what should the community do with a problem?

Burn it with fire.

1 point

They were, now share with the group why they were arresting you.

They were there to receive the long laundry list of inappropriate PMs you have sent me. I need a crime number to file my sexual harassment complaint. You sound like you might be deranged. Are you deranged?

1 point

Not really, was it a problem for you?

It's a problem for everybody. Including you.

1 point

As many times as your rape fetish group therapy says you must tell me.

You seem to be confused. Those guys were cops.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

I'll just make out with you right here right now then, thought we were both staying in the closet, darling.

How many times do I need to tell you I'm straight? No means no.

These finely chiselled buttocks are for the ladies only.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

I'm saying I don't want your dick.

Liar. Do I need to show people these filthy PMs you've been sending?

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

Not 'a parallel'

But I changed the religion, just like you said.

Why don't you ever know when to stop talking? Was this a problem for you as a child?

2 points

So change the religion, boom. Parallel.

Ahahahahahahahaha!! OK, then on that basis, I changed the religion again and now have a "parallel" between Hinduism and Hitler.

Shut your laughably stupid mouth.

2 points

see strong parallels to fascism in them

The fascists were Catholics you stupid, boring moron.

1 point

I would like you to observe Sharia nations

I would like you to observe the difference between politics and religion you stupid little twat. But like the Stones said, you can't always get what you want, sugar.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
0 points

I bet you would.

You bet I would do what I've just said I would do?

The problem is I'd not want your dick even if we were both gay.

So you're saying you only want my dick because I'm straight?

1 point

Depends on many factors.

Such as? Give pertinent examples please.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

More than the inches you fail to provide.

Well, my apologies for not being gay, otherwise I would provide you with all 12 inches.

2 points

Let me rephrase it a different way for you, brother.

If I were to write you a cheque right now, how large would that cheque have to be in order to persuade you to give up the dick?

1 point

I note you have spectacularly sidestepped the OP's very reasonable question, Mingiwuwu.

How much dick is enough?

1 point

zero proof to back it up

Now that isn't true, is it?

Click the New Debates tab:-

Democratic Socialists of America do have some Mental Issues !

Pot, meet kettle. Leftist accuses Trump supporters of being terror supporters.

No, with a side of go fuck yourself, Mexico!

Is the left unfairly maligning Trump, and his supporters?

4 out of the last 5 "debates" are attacks by the far right against the left. Is that really your interpretation of "zero proof", you bearded halfwit?

1 point

LIMEY let me ask you a question. Are you ready ?

Buddy, open a history book. Read about how the far right has survived the last 200 years simply by attacking the left. You have no working economic theories left. It's all just boom and bust.

Ask yourself this: did Albert Einstein have mental issues? Did George Orwell? Did Erich Fromm?

The fact of the matter is that you don't like the left because that is where all the smart people are. You have spent your entire life seething with jealousy and low and behold, a bunch of politicians with fake teeth suddenly turn up to tell you, no, everybody has had it wrong your entire life!! YOU are actually the smart one. It's like selling candy to babies! Fucking thickies like you and 90 percent of the rest of the southern states lap it up like it was peanut butter!!

Who wants to listen to the boring old farts patiently explaining why your ideology is a total fucking lie?? Nah, it's a lot more fun to cheer and yell, right buddy?? Welcome to Nazi Germany, bumblefuck.

1 point

you would not say you lean COMMUNIST now would you AL!

I would put you straight in the fucking Gulag pal.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

Can I be clear on this, You, a die-hard Socialist, deny that Islam is Conservative

Can I be clear on this: you lack the ability to read?

2 points

Abolishing guns means more people will die in home invasions.

What the literal fuck????

I am just simply STUNNED by your ignorance.

The reason you have home invasions in America in the first place is because you have legalised guns.

I live in the UK and guess what? Very few home invasions.

-1 points

Don’t they know that jazz hands are a trigger

You mean jizz hands, which are what you endure from spending all day every day caressing Donald Trump's flaccid dick.

0 points

Islam and Sharia Law are extremely Right-Wing and Conservative.

Can you please explain where you find these FUCKING STUPID arguments? Is there a TV channel dedicated to the proliferation of farcically laughable bullshit in America?

Firstly, politics is not the same thing as religion. Calling Islam right wing is like calling a car fat or the Battle of Hastings male.

Secondly, the people who claim Islam is right wing are the American right wing!! The exact same fuckers who hate Islam!!

Stop watching American TV. It is turning your brain into mush.

1 point

Criminals will still buy and sell guns

Criminals still murder people even though murder is illegal. Hence, following the exact same argument you are putting forward, we should therefore legalise murder immediately to help protect law-abiding citizens from criminals looking to murder them.


You have reached the stage where you are just writing sheer, unadulterated HORSE SHIT!!!

Do you think the people who sell you these arguments do not know they are built upon upside down, utterly false logic? They know perfectly well they are. And idiots like you fall for them because you are too STUPID and fucking well DUMBED DOWN to ever think CRITICALLY about them.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

Let me clarify, I am not saying restrictions should not exist, but the existence of these restrictions would be benign to criminals.

It is so difficult to even know where to begin in pulling apart your STUPID, completely fucking FALSE assumptions about reality.

How about I just start with the obvious?

The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of criminals obey gun laws in EVERY COUNTRY where gun laws exist. They do so because punishment for possessing firearms outweighs the punishment for the actual offence which classifies them as a criminal.

Your STUPID, completely fucking FALSE DICHOTOMY where millions of people ignore gun laws and only the "good guys" have their guns taken away is a classic right wing scare tactic, comparable to the Nazis warning everybody to report Jews or risk going to prison.

Look, just fuck off. Your stupid anti-human bullshit is retarded.

2 points

A parody of this fucking corrupt little idiot's (deliberately) false logic:-

How did we have explosions before nuclear bombs?

Oh, we did have them?

Well, therefore nuclear bombs are safe. Let's sell them in corner shops and supermarkets.

Shut up Bronto. You're a completely fucking corrupt little prick who would say anything for money.

2 points

True, I can definitely concede that it makes no sense to have gun restrictions that criminals will not follow.

That's absolutely, utterly, the most fucking STUPID excuse I have ever heard. If something is a problem for society then it is not the job of lawmakers to IGNORE it because some right wing FOOL decides he doesn't want to obey the law. Apply the same logic to rape or murder and it quickly becomes apparent how fucking STUPID it is. It makes no sense to illegalise murder if criminals aren't going to obey the law, right?

Your country is full of people who are STUPID and INSANE. Until someone decides that money is LESS important than the countless human lives lost to your CRAZED gun culture, evil little profiteering bastards will continue to put forward these INSANELY STUPID EXCUSES about why guns can't be taken off the streets.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

How do I fit the personality of an idiot?

You write lots of stupid things. You're jealous, arrogant, obstinate, and vindictive. You're incapable of critical thought. All qualities of the idiot.

1 point

Perhaps, if I am that insane then I wouldn't be able to tell that I was

Now you are beginning to understand.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

What makes you think I'm American?

Your overuse of every possible American cliche I can think of. You also write in American English, love the sound of your own voice, and are a grovelling Israeli apologist.

1 point

Why do you call him Alfie

For the same reason I call you an idiot. It fits his personality.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

Mingiwuwu, when are you going to seek the psychiatric help you so obviously need? I thought America was a "great" country where people can get proper medical attention? If so, why are you loose on the internet without supervision?

2 points

I have strong reason to believe that this is FM imitating Bronto's Goblin accounts

Translation: the voices in my head told me this.

1 point

Just so people know, Gremlin is a Brontoraptor alt account.

Brontoraptor, the neo-Nazi who spends his entire sad little life attacking "libs" and "leftists", then accuses other people of "black and white dumbassery".

You can't argue with that level of liar. Someone who just literally accuses his enemies of all his own crimes. The only thing to do with idiots like that is ban them.

Of course Brontoraptor has over two hundred alt accounts, so no doubt he'll treat us to more of his Nazi propaganda a bit later. Happy days!!

1 point

Simple. The instructions come down from their "handlers", they have lost the ability to think for themselves …. as is the norm in authoritarian societies.

Absolutely Alfie. All these idiots know how to do is attack. If one of them ever develops a brain cell and starts thinking it'll be the shock of a lifetime.

0 points

You smell like a filthy basement which belongs to a single mother being inhabited by a fat, sweaty 40 year old marxist virgin.

We do not even HAVE basements in the UK. Try finding some original jokes you pathetic fucking rubber lipped arsehole. Your cliched lines are stupid, banal and pathetic, as are you. In an hour's time you'll be complaining about "bullying" which, like everything else you ever write, exists only in your own disturbed mind.

You're a sad little fantasist who sits in an armchair all day long wanking his cock and telling everybody he's a genius. You're literally laughably sad.

1 point

Carl Marx

Karl Marx. The academic who dedicated his entire life to explaining to superstitious, indoctrinated morons like yourself how capitalism is a form of enslavement.

I believe Einstein (another socialist) put it best when he said, "Only two things are infinite: the universe and the depth of human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former."

0 points

tolerance of diversity

Incredibly, followed by:-


I genuinely wish idiots like you would just learn to shut your stupid, self-contradicting mouths.

2 points

And now you are unable to fathom that another person would dare intervene in your bullying tactics

You are not another person. You are the exact same idiot.

Only one person on this site has ever attempted to smear me with the false narrative that I am a bully and that person is Mingiwuwu.

You are absolutely pathetic, Mingi. Only you could possibly be stupid enough to use multiple accounts to attack me and then accuse ME of bullying.

Please go away, you infantile toad. You're a pathetic child and everything you say is the precise opposite of reality.

2 points

You are 100% correct.

You are 100% mentally ill.

Without a moral foundation, the commitment of relationships are no longer valued.

I wish deranged halfwits like yourself were capable of processing the fact that moral values are not exclusive to religion.

I also wish you were capable of processing the fact that hating homosexuals is not a way to celebrate the commitment of relationships.

However, I'm not naive. I can see that you are clearly not a well person, and nothing anybody ever says to you is going to make you any less stupid and bigoted.

Hence, I'm just going to downvote your stupid shit.

1 point

The fact that he cannot fathom someone with a different perspective than himself.

Perspectives I understand. What baffles me is why you open alt accounts just to agree with yourself and then expect other people not to notice. It's infantile and -- frankly -- plain sad.

In other words he is projecting his own ignorance onto you.

No, in other words, you don't like it when people tell you the truth. You prefer the make-believe fantasies you manufacture in your head about alien mentors, flat planets and self-professed "geniuses" who can't count to five.

0 points

Look at the caveman wave around his shiny new black club!!!!

OMG, he's so awesome. Owning a lethal weapon is literally the most amazing thing anybody could ever do with their life!!

I mean, it isn't as if they'll sell literally any retard a lethal weapon. Oh heavens no.

1 point

Have they been a symptom of knife violence that is on the rise ????????

Is your concern about UK knife crime when your own country enjoys 40,000 gun deaths per year a symptom of your crazed lunacy?

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

Back to your old self again?

I can't be anybody else you twat.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

What makes you think that I am a retard to begin with?


Let's just say you leave a lot of clues.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

Not at all

Cool. You are more than welcome to spend another hour arguing that what you meant was the opposite of what you said, but you're still going to be a retard when you finish.

I know

Literally nothing about any subject known to man.

1 point

He is a raving manchild just like you so I'm not surprised at this

So, to clarify, you have entered my thread to call me names, but I am the child?

What exactly is wrong with you?

Nevermind. I don't even care.

2 points

Hahahahaha, you're smart enough to surely know how much you'd betray him when the time comes.

Hahahahahahaha. You're confusing being smart with being a piece of shit.

1 point

I notice that you dummies have been unresponsive to my questions.

Why are you such an idiot?

We eagerly await your response.

1 point

These dumb ass Latinos haven't got the ability to create successful economies

Not even a question. A racially motivated slur which purposefully misrepresents the complex political history of Latin America and predominantly its strategic importance to the Cold War. Venezuela was a highly successful economy until the capitalist douchebags you eagerly shill for conspired to crash the price of oil in the late 1970s.

Just fuck off. You're a stupid tool. You're selling fascist propaganda and calling it candy.

1 point

If that was the best you could do you shouldn't have responded.

You can't say a bunch of stupid stuff and then attack other people for sinking down to your own level of cringe. That's ridiculous. If you want better answers then ask better questions you fucking tool.

1 point

You're someone who may have equal IQ to me.

Steady on. There's no need for that. He was only being friendly.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

I am a genius

What you are is a jealous, mildly schizophrenic narcissistic sociopath. Your delusions of grandeur only serve to emphasise your own mental illness.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
2 points

before you go calling Nom your ally, he'd leave you to rot when and if things got to real-life courts.

It's really frightening that you profess to know intricate character details about complete strangers you've never even met. I would NEVER leave one of my brothers in a time of need.

Shut your mouth you idiot.

1 point

That was your alt

Countrygurl is a blatant Mingiwuwu alt. The poor kid is insane.

Bootstrap(226) Clarified
1 point

They do imply that

Simply repeating the same clearly false statement over and over again isn't going to make it any less false.

they don't imply that the Internet is a person

False. Obviously they do. The words, "You are scum to the internet" imply that the internet thinks I am scum. In fact, they don't merely imply it: THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT YOU WROTE!

Fucking shut up. For once in your life.

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