
Goldtop's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Goldtop's arguments, looking across every debate.
Goldtop(166) Clarified
-1 points

You'll need to shut your stupid mouth or I'll kick you out of the thread.

As I suspected, you can't explain your claims. Here's how you operate:

1. Make ridiculous claim.

2. Ban those who question your claim.

3. Revel in your victory.

4. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Newton's equations don't work over long distances

You'll need to explain that claim and provide examples.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

people trust NASA

NASA has absolutely nothing to do with this. They do not determine the shape of the earth, that is done by a completely different organization, which you simply are ingnorant to understand.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

only the third law of Newton would be true under the coherent flat-earth model

But, the flat earth model violates all three laws among a host of others.

Einstein already debunked Newton

No, he didn't. He corrected Newton on a few points. Other than that, Newtons laws hold.

Sorry, you're really going to have to put your big boy pants on for this and try to come up with something valid. Right now, you're just shooting blanks.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I can and have

But, you haven't formed an argument for a flat earth, no one has.

In fact, we even got down to the very basics of violating Newton's laws of motion, which your claims do violate, despite the fact it has never occurred anywhere in nature. We then went on further to establish you didn't know those laws, couldn't come up with an explanation, so you just disappeared.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

The fervour with which you loathe me, mock me and spit at my metaphorical face

I do no such thing, this is just how you react to others when you can't form an argument to defend your irrational beliefs about a flat earth.

perceive the truth without ego and sheep-think involved

If by ego, you refer to facts and by sheep-think you refer to evidence, then yes, that is how it works.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

it is usually better to know something that most don't

You know as well as I do that you don't know the earth is flat, we determined that through our discussions on the topic. Your entire education on flat earth logistics comes from youtube videos of other flat earth proponents who attempt to show the earth is flat by placing a camera on a tennis court.

"See, the tennis court is flat, ergo..."

Goldtop(166) Clarified
0 points

I'm not him

And, I'm sure you would like everyone to believe that regardless of how indistinguishable your posts are from Burrito's.

people from CD know me as FactMachine

Was that one of the many accounts you have in addition to these others?

If not, perhaps you could explain why you are as equally brain dead as Burrito, why your posts and threads you create are literally identical to his?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I'm saying that there are reasons I dare not come out as a flat-earther

Are you also afraid of losing your Fellowship from Cambridge? Or, was the constant hysterical laughter finally getting to you?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
0 points

Thank you for your clarification, Burrito. I know how important it is for you to not make spelling mistakes when you offer nonsensical word salads topped off with dried profanity crumbs.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

you didn't know the difference between a subscript and a superscript.

No, that was you who doesn't still yet know what a subscript is, then you went on to lie about what he said when YOU changed his story.

How quickly they forget. Lol.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

There are no research papers on turning male mammals into female mammals

Your claim is that it couldn't be done, do you have evidence to support that?

ADHD, mild autism

Those can be found in non-transgender folks, a lot of them.

recent social movements made it faddish to claim the biologically disjunctive gender

What social movements do you refer and how did they lead to fads?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I provided links to research papers and studies, but it seems you just dismissed them out of hand.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I have never claimed I don't downvote you

That is another blatant lie.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

What I don't know is why you are hunting for information about me

For the third time trying to explain to you, it is evidence to show you were lying about down voting me.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

my user statistics

Quite simple, it shows where and when you down vote, hence since you've claimed you didn't down vote, that would be the evidence to show you were lying.

And, it did, repeatedly.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It’s fine that the powers that be don’t want to classify Transgenderism as a disorder

Because transgenderism isn't a mental disorder, so it makes sense.

this won’t make the transgender mind more well ordered

Sorry, but I have no idea what that means.

genetically male mammals cannot be turned into genetically female mammals.

And research papers done on that you could offer?

trans people disproportionately suffer from other, still classified disorders

Could you describe those and provide some evidence for support?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Either you are lying or you are purposefully checking into my user statistics

Of course, your user statistics show that you have down voted others, hence you are lying when you say you aren't down voting. Are you really that stupid? Wow!

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

You need a research paper

I would like to see research papers, studies and statistics considering that's what they are working with to make their determinations that transgenderism is not a mental disorder.

BIID isn’t a straw man, it’s a disorder.

That's fine, but it has nothing to do with this discussion, so it's a strawman.

1 point

It looks like Burritto has already downvoted over a dozen times today, which does not even include his other accounts up voting him.

He must be under the delusion that up votes and down votes have meaning.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I’ve already supported it

Not anywhere that I've seen. You have studies, statistics and research papers available?

How about body integrity identity disorder.

Sounds like a strawman.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

it’s still not a well supported assertion

Denials of these well supported "assertions" are not well supported.

My position is that their environmental stressors does not account for all of the significantly higher rates of suicide and depression.

Not all cases, of course, but certainly a significant proportion according to the stats.

My position, rather, is that you are dead wrong to hold a position of disrespect toward those who perceive Transgenderism as a mental health issue

That's fine, I have no problem with that because the stats show them to be wrong.

Do you think that your opponent is mean to people with Downsyndrome or Autism? Do you perceive people with disabilities to be “less than”?

No idea, but it certainly would be disrespectful to lump transgenders in the same capacity as Downsyndrome or Autism. The World Health Organization has already made that clear.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I still have to admit that this kind of behaviour is much more prevalent on the left.

Come now, I think we both know that's not true. What's important is that both sides see the facts for what they are and we can see that Burritto is in fact really nutty.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It would seem fairly clear that in this case, left and right are rather irrelevant when it comes to lunacy. Burritto is simply bat shit crazy.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Are you denying the factual accuracy of this statement?

Nope, just pointing out the depths of vileness, stupidity and hatred you constantly spew on these forums.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Both of your sources make the claim, and both offer little support for said claim.

The first report is based on over 12,000 respondents and dozens of peer reviewed studies, how is that little support offered?

The second is suicide prevention, the folks who get the vast majority of details from the people who call in coupled with an army of health care workers. Again, how is this little support?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Btw BigOats, while we may not agree on certain topics, which is fine, I want you to know that whatever the discussion brings, I will certainly never stoop to this course of action demonstrated by Burritto when he says this to you...

" fucking neo-Nazi retard. Shut your fucking stupid mouth. You're literally a goddamned idiot."

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

illigal immigrants do actually commit more crime in proportion to their population.

Not according to the statistics.

When crime is comimted by US criminal gangs, it is possible at least in theory to track them down and prosecute them.

Yet, it's far easier to track down illegal immigrants considering the US gangs have far more money and resources to stay hidden.

you are only strengthening the case for declaring a national emergency. If these gangs are so hellbent on abusing the unprotected border.

Yet, the entire point to this exercise in logistics would show that a wall would never stop them. In fact, they have far more effective ways to ship drugs into the country, just like they do in any other country.

A wall is a waste of money, resources and time.

A physical barrier on the border can serve as a serious deterrent, thus significantly reducing the amount of illegal border crossings.

"During fiscal 2018, which ran through the end of September, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended 396,579 undocumented immigrants at the southern border. That figure is lower than the 413,377 average yearly apprehensions during former President Barack Obama’s time in office and only a fraction of the 1,643,679 apprehensions in 2000, when Bill Clinton was in office."

Motion trackers, cameras, razor wire, electric wire, and even flashbang grenades can be mounted on top of the wall. These would not cost a lot of money but be extremely effective.

Do you have any supporting evidence to show they would be extremely effective?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

a 13 year old Tourette's sufferer

Once again, Burritto pulls out his full length mirror and comments on what he sees.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Yes it was you boring cunt. The same quote appeared in at least four British national newspapers. In quotation marks.

You're the worst liar. Not one physicist said they invented a time machine, you are clearly lying, or deluded, or both.

a machine capable of reversing the thermodynamic arrow of time could be called a time machine.

Notice that YOU said time machine? Here's the quote...

"‘We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time’"

See how utterly stupid you are?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I just don't understand

Exactly, that is the problem in a nutshell, you have no fucking clue.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It was a quote given by one of the physicists to the journalists

No, it wasn't. Not one of them said anything about inventing a time machine, those are your stupid words.

The research paper was published for other physicists

So what. Nowhere in the paper does it talk about time machines. Again, those are your stupid words or the words of some other dolt journalist.

I've explained at least a dozen times "what is going on"

Yet you haven't, you are talking about science fiction while the rest of us are talking about science. You have no clue what is going on.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
0 points

the phrase "time machine" was a quote in the first place

Just not in the actual research paper itself, but instead by others like yourself too stupid to understand what's actually going on.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

The claim that significant, disproportionately high rates of depression and suicide among transgender people is primarily environmental is a hypothesis which is not well supported.

Yeah, it is well supported.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Being transgender causes distress

More correctly, the distress is often from others who have yet to understand the world around them.

there are exceptionally high rates of suicide among transgenders

Again, this is often caused by other people who have yet to turn their brains on.

Having said this, transgender people should still be treated with respect and dignity, the same way someone with anorexia or depression should be treated with respect.

And, those who say such things deserve no respect whatsoever, especially considering Transgenderism has been declassified as a mental disorder by the World Health Organization last year.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
2 points

growing a pair of balls so you can take a joke.

Oh I get it now, you actually think your posts are meant to be jokes. That in itself is a hilarious joke considering that nothing you ever post here is funny in the least. It might be funny to you but your posts lack any form of comedy that I've ever seen.

Normally, it would be said that you shouldn't quit your day job if you decided to go into comedy, but it's highly unlikely you even have a job, who the fuck in their right mind would ever hire someone like you?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
0 points

A machine which can send electrons back into a past state of existence is a time machine.

Lol. Omg, you still haven't figured it out, which actually isn't surprising.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Tunnels you idiot

You mean like the tunnels the US and Mexican authorities are already finding? Ever hear of the 80-20 rule?

some form of razor wire

Some form of wire cutters.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Next to a country with one of the highest murder rates in the world, ruled almost entirely by rutheless drug cartels.

I would suspect that illegal immigrants are going on killing sprees in the US, yet native US citizens do much more crime. Perhaps, the sprees are happening at the border, hence the need to declare a national emergency? What am I missing here?

Of course, if those drug cartels are ruthless and have a lot of money, do you think a wall is going to stop them? I'm pretty sure they can afford ladders.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

such situations on the border do create serious threats to national security

Okay, what are the situations that are serious threats to national security exactly?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

What's about to unfold is simething very different.

I guess we'll see then.

I would suspect that any national emergency would be valid if indeed there were an emergency threat to the US. There wasn't.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

That's sad to hear.

Yes, it would be sad to hear a President gets impeached for treason. But, if that's what he did, then he should he go to prison, too.

National emergence has been declared in the US many times in the past

True, and there is a list of them, all being valid except for this one from Trump.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

If he had violated the Constitution just once, he would have already been impeached.

And we are all waiting patiently for that marvelous even to unfold.

It is his right to declare a national emergency

Sure, it's his right to hit the button and nuke other countries, too. That doesn't mean it's the appropriate action of a President.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Even if that were a fact (i.e. it isn't, because I didn't),

As we can all see, it's one blatant lie after another.

you would have no accurate methodology of determining it to be a fact

You mean like the fact your profile shows you to have down voted specifically in that thread at exactly the same time as the notification in my profile showing that I had been down voted?

You're unbelievably dense. You would be a threat to a black hole.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

everybody else is mocking your pitiful lack of originality

Let's not mention the fact you up voted yourself and down voted me, which is so childish and immature, let alone petty and weasely, you'll find not a single person here is mocking me, but many are heavily mocking you, if you hadn't noticed yet.

you probably think you are being witty

I'm being direct, honest and observing a circus clown who keeps getting the seltzer bottle in his face. He seems to enjoy it as he keeps asking for more. Hence, there is no need to be witty when the twit literally writes the script.

1 point

Yet another childish, peurile, petulant, immature and utterly stupid thread from an even more childish, peurile, petulant, immature and utterly stupid author.

Burritto must wear slip ons becuase I just can't see him having the aptitude to tie a pair of shoes.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It's unlikely Trump has read the Constitution and has repeatedly violated it during his term, the latest him declaring a national emergency at the border where none exists. His good buddy in North Korea is his role model.

1 point

Just curious, have you seen Bill Maher's "Dictators Checklist"? Trump fullfills all but one on the list, which was wearing a military uniform. Once he does that, he's a full blown dictator whether he wants to be one or not.

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