
GrittyWorm's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GrittyWorm's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

He doesn't even know what in the world you are talking about.

1 point

How do you think they conquered the Middle East? They entered peacefully, then waited for reinforcements, then destroyed and conquered. It's been happening for 1400 years. Most of the "nation of Islam" used to be a part of different cultures, for example Turkey was the capital of the Roman empire at Constantinople.

1 point

You must have missed the parts of the Quran that command all Muslims to kill Atheists and that they cannot be friends with them unless it is to trick them, then kill them.

3 points

True. That's what the studies do show. It's sad to watch people self destruct like that and begin to manifest self hatred onto others.

4 points

Social science and psychology show us that people speak to others in the manner that they talk to themselves inside of their heads.

1 point

It's true. The Mooselimbs are from a religion that actually teaches you to be a bad person. If a Mooselimb is good, it simply means that they ignored Islam's teachings.

2 points

I want an Atheist prayer room, so that I can worship Thor and Zeus as it was meant to be, you know, the old "dead gods".

3 points

I think that Rachel Maddow suffers from psychological problems actually. If she saw a shrink, they would definitely give her some meds.

2 points

Liberals do not care about rules or about regulation. They want the government to tell us all what to think and what to do.

5 points

We need guns because if we do not have them, then only the nasty criminals will have weapons. Law abiding people would obey the laws and be unarmed. The nasties would disobey the laws and shoot their unarmed victims.

1 point

I don't think that Atheists understand that by attacking Christianity, they are rejecting the Western world, and what it is replaced by is anyone's guess. I'm an atheist, and I realize that this is unforgivably stupid. Atheists like me need to learn to pick their alliances better.

2 points

He did slip it appears. I think that Dawkins only pretends to be an Atheist because theoretical mythology is making a lot of money from unbelieving cultists.

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