
MegaDittos's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MegaDittos's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"I also don't see muslims/jews/hindu people forcing their religion on other people."

Yeah they stone them and crucify them now in Egypt.

Get real

1 point

Men are corrupt, not goverment. .........

1 point

Freedom of individuals to make their own choices and suffer the consequences, to spend their own money and suffer the cosequences, to eat what they want and suffer the consequences,etc,etc.

They believe that through legislation they can limit those consequences but this action takes aways one's freedoms.

1 point

Private schools do not have more money. Way more money per student in public schools with much worse results

1 point

poverty is increasing because of the war on poverty. When you pay people to sit at home and be poor, they sit at home and be poor.

2 points

Life is important because it is not man or a goverment that determines life.Man and goverment corrupts everything they touch for money and power. Life cannot be regulated so that it why it is a great thing.

2 points

You prove my point, thanks .

1 point

Medicare- A patient with their own money can and will search for the best price and doctor not be told where to go.

Social security- I can make more money investing MY money than SS will EVER pay out.

Simple as that

1 point

Yet I hope to hear for the next two weeks how great the Packers are, that will really piss the Steeler D off.

1 point

Very close I had Vikings Steelers .

1 point

Pretty close

Steelers vs Green Bay

Steelers win .

1 point

The mindset is that WE the taxpayers should not have to fund it. If the idea is so great them it should be privately funded.That is how it was in the past. Convince investors to invest in an idea.

See somewhere along the line creative people found out they could get a free ride on the gravy train if they just came up with some crisis(global warming for instance) they could use to get endless funding. This it what brings about the mindset of waste. Someone wants to study the effect of cow farts on the enviroment,fund it yourself.Fund it yourself if it is such an ingenious idea and keep your hands off our money.

1 point

Name any that is not. The energy used to bash the freest nation in the world could be better served fighting for those who die each day because of race,religion,sex or sexual preference.

2 points

Oil is released naturally into the environment, always has and always will be whether we humans continue to drill or not.

1 point

You do not pay taxes but you want to make decisions on where the money goes????

Well on your way to becoming a Democrat liberal.

0 points

I would like you to be accountable to your own words but that does not happen,feelings and emotions change with you as does your decisions. They are based on the moment and therefore you have to answer to no one, even your previous statements.

Laws would change as you are above the law or reasons would be changed to cover your position at the moment.

You are a liberal and you answer to no one,laws mean nothing to you,traditions obviously and even your own words may be gone against if it feels good.

"And yes, once again, my view is superior" ,absolutely and it always will be no matter how often it changes.

1 point

"my system of morality is superior"

No, your system of morality allows you to live a life that is not questioned and tries to justify whatever it is you choose to do while you indeed questions other's morality.

Either way you try and spin it, if it were done to you, you would call it racist,homophobic or some other name that would demonize someone trying to be superior to you.


1 point

Isn't calling names being abused???

You do it but they can't?

1 point

Man made disasters...... not terrorism .

1 point

Disliking anti-homosexuals is one thing but calling someone a despicable shit is spreading a blind hatred and is a different thing.

1 point

He spoke about having all the solutions and now those solutions are changing. He is clearly in way over his head.

1 point

Goverment is forcing everyone to buy healthcare or pay a fine. IRS agents have been hired to enforce this mandate and cease fines from individuals income tax returns if proof of healthcare is not shown. The Democrats and liberals are for this measure.

Compare that to the fact if goverment forced every person to buy a gun or face the same fines.

What would the reaction be?

1 point

So you have discussed the fallout such an action would make with lawsuits and liberal screams but when the goverment forces one to buy healthcare or have IRS agents confiscate fines from one's income tax return you have no problems being forced to buy healthcare?

Can you provide a link?

0 points

So believing you are superior to another is fine for you but that makes others disgusting creatures. Interesting

1 point

USA largest milk consumer in world.

This is a crisis and we need an alternative.

Supporting Evidence: Addicted to milk (
1 point

But it does cause pollution.....

.... more harmful to the enviroment.

One has other options than gas , walking,bicycle,electric scooters, yet you want more research and restrictions now rather than later.

1 point

Milk costs more per gallon than gas in most places. Are you for supporting research to find an alternative to milk?

1 point

"with enough time and money, renewable resources can be cost effective."

Whose's money?

1 point

Does it make you feel better if the rich are drug down to your level?

Or would you feel better if you were given the freedom to rise to theirs?

1 point

Of course it is growing,it is being subsidized. Of course fossil fuels will shrink when restricted.Anything that is subsidized shows growth,false growth. Anything that is taxed or restricted,there is less of, common sense.

Funny how you state "without anyone trying to research this stuff we're kind of between a rock and a hard place.", are you aware how long windmills and solar panels have been around???? It is known that they are not viable on a large scale and are very expensive.

No one is trying research????????? You really believe that?

1 point

Would not raising the weaker up be better than "dragging them down" as you say???

Very interesting.

1 point

Absolutely and those on the other side of the debate you would not want as your countrymen.

1 point

You voted for the STATE REQUIRING something.

Who would require people to invest money in something that costs more than the current system, surely the market would not?

0 points

If homosexuality has to do with gentics, how in the hell is reproduction accomplished?

Darwin or superior design believer?

0 points

If you believe your religion or lack there of makes you superior to those of the Christian religion, was does that make you?

2 points

Why does someone always have to be "to blame" for some made up crisis?

Obesity could drop 50% in 11 straight years then go up 1% and the sky is falling with a rise in obesity.

1 point

Nature is inequal which explains survival of the fittest while the inferiority is a perceived one that has led to a victim mentality which is misused to try and legislate equality which will never happen.

0 points

If it does so, it's politicians should be voted out of office as they would be working against the wishes of the people.

1 point

Before there were fossil fuels being widely used as energy, did America pour alot of money into an alternative over the use of animals or say firewood?

No, it is not their job to do so.

Whenever the market produces a cheaper form of energy, it will be widely accepted and fast.Goverment cannot force the market.

1 point

Freedom of choice to not watch. Stop dictating what is news to everyone. Vote with your dollars.

1 point

Anything that NEEDS subsidies is not the best way to go. The market will go the cheapest route which gives room for more jobs to be created.

The US should not "make" any building anything that does not fall under the Constitution of the United States.

0 points

Oh, he's a good guy so I'll do whatever he says????? Take your own stand for something not just what one person tells you and then changes and you just follow along.

1 point

"If getting the rich richer via lower taxes = more jobs, it would have already happened, "

Is there more or less jobs now that business owners were told since the last Presidential campaign the Bush tax cuts would expire? Businesses look farther ahead than people do and the decisions were made because this administration said over and over these tax rates would expire.

It has already happened 50+ months in a row it happened in the last administration.

Obama now guarantees it will happen.

1 point

In America, homosexuals have more freedoms and liberty than anywhere else on the globe. Iran has no gays according to it's leader. Again another perceived discrimination used to lift up another small group, the American way.

Where's the protests for this
2 points

Posts numbers counted in the left whines the most though in the minority. Just like in real life.

1 point

Clinton alone balanced the budget? Your whole approach on the tax rates changed with Clinton's opinion changing, you said it in your own words.

You don't stand for anything concrete and only change with what Clinton said????? I find that an odd way to change one's views?

0 points

Which judgement, the two dozen times he said he would not favor the extention because we will not slip into a double-dip recession because of the actions he took or now when he says we must extend Bush's tax rates or we will slip into a double-dip recession?

1 point

How can there be a lack of income if the tax rates stay the same? The tax rates would stay the same as the last 10 years or so, where is the lack of income?Spending....period Jobs,jobs,jobs

"The only President since the before WWII to balance the budget was Clinton"

" but then Clinton endorsed the deal, so perhaps it is not as bad as it seems on the surface."

Here is a great example of a liberal. Liberals believe in a person,a messiah perhaps to cure all that is ill with the world. One person is going to come in and balance a budget, do all that is good for society. On the flip side, one person is evil W, and he has screwed up the world and America. David actually changes his whole view because of one man's words,good or bad it comes down to what one or two chosen people say to him.Clinton or Obama, no philosophy,no ideology,he really doesn't have to stand for anything other than what his one leader says to believe in even when these people flip their beliefs. Very telling

1 point

Read the question then, why would anyone have to worry if a Koran is burnt or a mosque is moved?

1 point

Definition- NO ONE can MARRY someone of the opposite sex. Me,you,anyone. No discrimination PERIOD

1 point

Someone cannot marry an animal, are they being discriminated against? Pologimists want to marry more consensual adults,are they being discriminated against?

They have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex.

If anyone chooses to do something either than that, no matter who it may be(no discrimination),it is not marriage. Pretty simple. No one is being denied anything, they may marry.

1 point

"It is used to allow society to advance, allowing children to be born only when the parent feels they are ready."

Would not then killing the unwanted members of society work as well?

1 point

But it goes totally against your thought that they are being denied the right to marry.

3 points

So you don't think sharia law has stopped even one illegitimate birth in Afghanistan? Interesting

1 point

Great for weeding out the liberals in any group or function so as you know who to avoid the rest of the night.

1 point

The system is already log-jammed and having a percentage admit to the crime and take a deal helps all.

1 point

Absolutely, Clinton's compromise in 1996 hit it right on the head .

2 points

What has added to the debt in this deal is that the money was already spent for raising the tax rate. Keeping these tax rates is not adding to the debt.

Example, you were told you possibly would be getting a 10% raise by your employer. You go out and spend an extra 10% planning to get the raise but then unfortunate things at work cause a cutback on raises so your pay is frozen. The frozen pay did not add to your deficit, you SPENDING the money you thought you were going to get caused your larger deficit.

This is a common slant of goverment,you see goverment plans on an increased budget each year, say 8%. Whenever that 8% is reduced to say 3%, politicians cry the budget is being cut but in reality rather than getting 8% more money they are only getting 3% MORE. They are still getting MORE money yet they cry about budget cuts.

The same tax rates we have had for the last 8 or so years do not add to the deficit. Spending the money politicians THOUGHT they were going to get is the culprit.

SPENDING is the key.

1 point

Gays can marry, someone of the opposite sex. See, no discrimination,they are permitted to do so like everyone else.

BUT, if one chooses one of their own sex it will be called civil unions.

No discrimination because if they so choose,a homosexual may marry someone of a different sex.

1 point

"Face it, we are no longer in 18th century"

Ok, face it that we have 20 million illegal immigrants now live in the US and a million more a year try and cross our border. Face it more people do drugs now than ever before. Face it, some men are going to have sex with children. Face it, people have been killing one another for thousands of years. Let's just face it and legalize it all.

Gays have the right to marry just like everyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex or have it be called a civil union.

1 point

Who stated gays don't contribute to society? Show me that quote.

Your idea of discrimination could be used in that way to change every difference in every definition of words,male-female,ugly-pretty,fat-skinny. They all contribute to society.

There would be no differences in society so that society could not look at differences in any way. There is a difference in gay and hetero couples, that will never change. Discrimination= " the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently"

When it is about rights the American people stand behind you and vote that both unions should have the same rights but whenever you want to change a word based on a false sense of discrimination, that could be done in so many areas it seems childish and proves it is not about the RIGHTS but in your own words "discourages complete integration of homosexuals, setting them apart as a different type of citizen". We are all different. Most groups want names that make them so, African Americans,Italian Americans,Mexican Americans, on and on.

I as a white male American want the same rights as a purple,black,red,green,blue male or female American but I don't want to be called a purple female American.That is not discrimination if I can't be called so. If my rights are not the same then I am behind you. The definition of a word is not the fight, it is the rights that should be worried about.

"Phrasing is important and it influences public opinion, and public opinion influences how homosexuals are treated." So if you got the word marriage for gay couples all homosexuals would be treated fairly?

See how ridiculous that is?

1 point

" something sullying about same sex unions" Thanks for proving my point once again, it is all about making same sex unions acceptable in society. It is not about rights or the argument would be to give civil unions the same RIGHTS AS MARRIAGE. Do you see the distinction? IF CIVIL UNIONS WERE GIVEN THE SAME EXACT RIGHTs, you admit you still would not be happy THEREFORE, this is not about rights.

1 point

Ok, I want to be called a woman even though I am man. Women get more benefits in custody battles,alimony,child support so I feel discriminated against and want the definition of a female to include men who want better custody,child support and alimony.

1 point

Yes, there are many things that can be confirmed so if the question is "anything" then the obvious answer is yes.

1 point

You and they are trying to make it that. A crisis is needed to fill that agenda. I will again ask you..... if the same RIGHTS are given to same sex couples(civil unions) as are MARRIED couples but it is only not called MARRIAGE, how is that discrimination??????

1 point

Civil unions give the same rights as marriage but because it is not called marriage it is discrimination????,WRONG. The definition does not allow it.

1 point

Thank you and this shows it is not about RIGHTS because civil unions give the same rights as marriage. It is all about wanting to change the definition, the same rights is not enough for some. My whole point.

1 point

Give the same rights as marriage but by DEFINITION it is not marriage(civil union). If this cannot be accepted there is more to the agenda than just RIGHTS.

1 point

" demographic is being discriminated against" Perceived discrimination does not give the right to change definitions whenever one chooses.

1 point

I cannot be an amphibian, because by definition I am not. No matter how bad I want to be an amphibian, I cannot do it based on the definition.I can put on scuba gear and swim around with them but by definition I can never be an amphibian unless I change the definition of the word.

It is not that complicated.

1 point

"Why do you think the media uses the terms same sex marriage "

Read my argument, they want it to become acceptable in society. The push is on for this.

" how come in some places, same sex individuals are allowed to get married"- And then it is voted down again and again.

1 point

Marriage is defind as a union between one man and one woman. Period. Unless the definition is changed, you are absolutely incorrect.

1 point

Then why not call regular marriage , "marriage" so as not to change it and gay marriage "gay marriage".... but see that is not wanted. You expect others to bend and change but you won't and that is the reason we don't want to change. ;)

1 point

No rephrase, comprehend .

2 points

All species are driven to reproduce or else they would not be around,only one kills their children in the womb and is the most advanced.

1 point

No offense taken..... your piss poor attitude .;)

2 points

Here's a liberal one for you.

Use google to get hundreds of thousands of more sources.

1 point

"I personally don't give a shit about" is exactly why we don't have a dictatorship here in America.

What an attitude.

1 point

Polls show a majority of Americans support civil unions but oppose gay "marriage", I would say that is exactly true.

Trying to change the definition is all about making this more acceptable in society.

Most Americans want homosexual couples to have the same rights with their partners (medical,inheritance), the problem comes with redefining marriage.

2 points

How about a person and an animal ?

1 point

Because the definition of marriage is a union between a man and a woman......... you would have to change the definition of marriage. If the definition is changed, there would still have to be some word to define the union between one man and one woman.

Most people would/have voted for homosexuals to have the same rights as a marriage(union between a man and a woman) with civil unions but most do not want to change the definition of the word marriage just so homosexuality is now more acceptable in society.

1 point

Requiring one party to compromise while the other just uses it a stepping stone to get what they really want is manipulative.

Equality in compromise or asking for compromise would solve this.

1 point

"And so I choose to rest my case."

Until public opinion again changes your case and at that time I am sure your argument will change and any spoken or written word from you will indeed be misquoted or taken out of context and this change will be racked up as more progress despite going against said previous statements.

Yes very convincing indeed and proves my point.

1 point

But stating something is like a "dragon" means it can never happen yet your argument now is that it is progress and if it takes place is progress. You can't have it both ways.

You have proven my very point.

Slavery was pretty simple,there was those for it and those against it. A war was fought over it. The north had their view and stated it, the south the same.

Lying in the name of compromise to appease the base is what this debate is all about and you stated the change (progress) quite well.

1 point

So years from now when single payer comes up and public opinion is crying out for it because democrat regulations made our current system too expensive you will call single payer a dragon???

I call Bull sh it. You LL then call for single payer which was indeed your plan from the beginning. Like I said, a cycle that has repeated itself over and over.

The least you could do is man up and say what you really want.

1 point

Citing youtube?????

It's a video, now Obama didn't say it....... you tube did????

0 points

I won't use media ,I'll use his own words.

How is it sneaky, goggle 111 exemptions to Obamacare???

Why are exemptions needed unless the system would crash and single payer would be needed much sooner?

"give every American citizen a balloon with their agenda printed on it before you cease mentioning liberal secrecy with absolutely no warrant"

It's called a platform. When a party needs to "NOT" tell or keep secret what it really wants done, I see a major problem. When a party needs to hide or "create" a crisis to get something done, that is a problem.

Maybe not for you but the election shows it is a problem for the majority of Americans.

His own words!!!!!!!!!!!
1 point

1)You post a blog as evidence???????? And talks about talking over a candidate?????

Money talks and shows who favors who.

An analysis of federal election records shows that the amount of money journalists contributed so far this election cycle favors Democrats by a 15:1 margin over Republicans, with $225,563 going to Democrats, only $16,298 to Republicans .

235 journalists donated to Democrats, just 20 gave to Republicans -- a margin greater than 10:1. An even greater disparity, 20:1, exists between the number of journalists who donated to Barack Obama and John McCain.

And why is it always about racism????

2)Gays are in the military.

3)sneakily push an agenda through when public opinion is against their views (Obamacare) and changes it 's agenda when public opinion changes (imigration, DADT)

really quite simple if one just pays attention

1 point

1) Liberals talk about bipartisanship and compromise on a daily basis to the media and the media goes along with the need for this (watch it any night on the news) yet you yourself admit that President Clinton did just that- "A compromise bill is passed by congress: dont ask dont tell".Cherished compromise until liberals get more power and refuse the earlier compromise.

Yet the plan changes when Obama is elected as you clearly state, "Obama is elected,Obama tries to push to allow openly gay to serve in military."

This goes against the compromise liberals so often cherish. Thus, there in lies the stealth. Claim compromise is expected but in reality once liberals take control, they can gain more than the compromise reached which in fact was just a hoax to push more of their agenda. See Obamacare now.

2)Premise of "public opinion entirely against homosexuals" is totally inaccurate but the democrats and Clinton pushed DADT as something great at the time but now state it is discriminatory. I am not arguing the bases of DADT, I am clearly pointing out the fact that at one moment DADT is the greatest thing and is a compromise that is so cherished by the media and Democrats yet years later it is evil and must be repealed once liberals have more power.

3)Again, premise is totally in left field. Democrats do not manipulate public opinion, the media does. The Democrats merely change like the wind with it IE support DADT now it is evil....... support harsh immigration reform now are against it,support civil unions now that doesn't go far enough.

Compromise is talked about constantly by the left especially when Republicans are in power yet you clearly show that it is not compromise that liberals want. They want to pass something (whatever they can) as you state"Bill Clinton tries to bas bill that will adjust UCMJ, to allow gays into military.....Congress blocks Clinton's bill......A compromise bill is passed by congress: don't ask don't tell" only to later push for more once power is fully in their hands.

Liberals wanted civil unions,a compromise was reached now civil unions are no longer good enough and the definition of marriage needs to be changed.

It is a cycle that plays out again and again.I am clearly stating that Democrats never tell you exactly what they want,they preach compromise only to go after their agenda once they gain more power.

2 points

What is the divorce rate for American "love" marriages? for arranged marriages??

Those answers make it pretty clear cut.

-2 points
0 points

This debate is clearly stated in the question. If you want to debate other parties favoring political correctness start another debate.

1 point

Question was clearly about Dems and libs,please stay on subject.

0 points

Question was clearly about Dems and libs,please stay on subject.

1 point

I do not think there is any doubt. Don't ask don't tell is a perfect example, it was PC when liberals passed it but now it is not PC so they are against it. Harry Reid supported closing the border in 1994, now he's for the total opposite. The evidence is clear.

In 1994 Senator Harry Reid thought so- "SENATOR HARRY REID: “Most politicians agree that illegal immigration should end. My legislation would double border patrols and accelerate the deportation process for criminals and illegal entrants. But many lawmakers feel that lowering legal immigration is too dicey. This is a cop-out. My legislation calls for a reduction of legal immigrants from the current level of about 1 million admissions a year to approximately 325,000. Even that more realistic level means 25,000 newcomers entering every month, looking for jobs, housing and education.” (Harry Reid, Op-Ed, “Perspectives On Immigration,” Los Angeles Times, 8/10/94)

1 point

The purpose of sex is to procreate so sex that results or could result in procreation is right, all other sex is wrong....... now anyone can choose to do something wrong if they wish and their freedom to choose is right but the constant trying to make it "right" is an agenda that has been going on for a long time.

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