
MegaDittos's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MegaDittos's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Freedom of choice to the consumer.

Giving a tax break to buy a Volt is not consumer choice.

1 point

Harsher punishments for what was in someone's thoughts is impossible. Only one person knows the real reason and if someone refuses to say why they committed a crime it will be trumped up as a hate crime.

1 point

"Could you imagine the voting percentage and how much it would go up?"

Younger people notoriously go to the polls less than another other age group unless you give free hand-outs were they are still the smallest group yet the numbers don't look so bad. Free T-shirts double the young turn-out.

1 point

"The bottom 80% deserves a better lifestyle than drudgery for a pittance."

The bottom 80% of Americans are the top 10% of the world, quit your bitchin.

2 points

Who would want to make millions and give 99% to the goverment??

"Land taxes should affect the wealthy most heavily, since they can afford it, and this would help pay for our social programs."

You state "the wealthy are the producers" so you as an individual take from them by being employed then you want to take 99% of their income so they can pay for your social programs.

Why don't you go produce some wealth and be a productive member of society rather than constant taking through whining?

1 point

Taxing consumption makes the tax voluntary. If you don't want to pay more in taxes, consume less non-essential products.

This takes the power away from the goverment picking winners and losers in the free market through tax law.

1 point

This statement is incorrect because it is not "needed" to develop properly. Alot of children "develop properly" without incentive given to them by their parents.

1 point

"world leaders accept that reality is scary and not fair at all" by killing each other.

If it were accepted there would be no wars.

2 points

One word where all hate comes from...................................... jealousy

2 points

Profile the terrorists! ! This is just for show to show how politically correct we are.

1 point

The current tax system is used as a weapon against some and an unfair advantage to others. Keep the system fair for everyone with all classes contributing through voluntary taxes. You consume something over a certain limit you pay taxes on it.

2 points

Hate to agree with iamdavid but he ended with a great observation. Fake boobs lift the whole countries spirits.

1 point

Personal accountability- The goverment in this and many other instances believes that the public is not smart enough to make the decision of how one should gamble and those who support this restriction only allow another freedom to be taken away from us.

1 point

The problem with this scenario is that some people are so pathetic they have to be told what is wrong. It is a fantastic idea but why should some of us have to tell someone it isn't right,it would be much better if we could just teach common sense.Our ancestors survived without entitlements.

If it was only as easy as telling them I'd be all for it.

How would your bill of wrongs look?

2 points

The taking away of freedoms does not help in any way. Also, to state their are more violent crimes now than in the past is ludicrous. History clearly shows the world as a violent place, always.

1 point

Do you think there are more violent and gory murders per capita now or at other times in history? Nowhere even close to the violent times in the past.

1 point

Because it kills jobs....... if it does not why all the exemptions. Time told on this one quick.

111 waivers to save their jobs...a job killer
1 point

Well this one kills jobs and is proven by all the exemptions.... a job killer.

If it is so right then why????????
2 points

Read first " teaching certain religions ", teach being the point. If schools teach about communism are they endorsing it????? Please

1 point

but it was founded on religious freedom, thus the optional part of my response.

1 point

Reread..................................... "everything else is optional."

1 point

and claim your manhood is ten times larger than it truly is

0 points

They should teach the religion the country was founded on,everything else is optional.

1 point

Victim mentality will get you nowhere in life. Everyone is treated differently. If we were all treated the same there would be emotional abuse because we are not treated differently.

Supporting Evidence: QBQ (
1 point

If the strongest military mattered, history would have been completely different. A man fighting for freedom and liberty is worth a dozen fighting for a paycheck.

As long as freedom and liberty is taken away from some, the goverment that grants freedoms and liberties will dominate.

1 point

In theory it is possible but to this time has never been witnessed.

1 point

Capital gains is what he was talking about. Capital gains is the same for everyone and you cannot compare someone's capital gains tax to another's income tax. He and his secretary paid the same percentage of their first $60,000.If his secretary chose to invest some of her money she would pay the same exact percentage on those CAPITAL GAINS.Read the tax code.

Much mis-information being spread here.

2 points

Man made------ no way in hell .

2 points

I would agree but they would still find something else to bitch about.

Like it though.

0 points

" death from overworking "............. Show us one deat certificate that states "over-working" as the cause of death.

Wealth cannot be created by taking from one and giving to another.

The wealthy are taxed the most for one simple reason, there is less of them.

The poor are taxed less for one simple reason, there are more of them. If you taxed the class with the highest numbers more,one would lose those votes.

This is exactly why the evil rich are demonized.

Show us one person that got wealthy by taxing another.

" why the less fortunate ought to pull up the slack for the tax cuts the wealthy enjoy"- because almost 50% of people now pay no federal taxes after tax returns. They use the roads,schools,courts,sewers, etc.

2 points

No but those who do speak english should not have to be forced to cater to those who choose not to learn the language.

3 points

And some people are allergic to the sun so should we destroy it? Some of you people are more dangerous to freedom than you know.

Supporting Evidence: Sunlight allergy (
1 point

Thank you .

1 point

The premise that we are in a crisis is incorrect.Everything is a crisis nowadays.

Supporting Evidence: Crisis definition (
1 point

If students forget due to stress, I don't want them as my doctor,teacher,pilot,fireman, etc,etc,etc Stress is self made.

Keep it as is.

2 points

Liberties and freedom should not be taken away from the masses for a few, if one is allergic to peanuts they should be vigilant as to watch for them. I am allergic to gunshot wounds therefore I try to stay away from flying lead.

1 point

Goverment has no true competition because it does not have to operate at a profit and therefore it is not as efficient. Some services are effective but costs are way too high.

1 point

Society's view that rich people are lucky and that they did not work to get there runs deep. It is work to maintain wealth, just look at lottery winners, they become instant millionaires and within years are back where they were earlier in life.

Society's misconceptions of rich people is an excuse.

Supporting Evidence: The Millionaire Next Door (
1 point

Absolutely .

1 point

Absolutely not, our justice department already won't file charges against certain races because of their belief in oppressed minorities. Fines would only go one way and be used to distribute wealth.

2 points

While I do not like to lump people into categories like liberals do, I disagree and believe in the individual so I believe the groups are equal.

1 point

" minimum length for an argument is 50 characters"= " to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible'

A minimum is to cut down on an amount ???????????????

1 point

Sarcasm .

2 points

No but I do not think we should feed the next 30%. I do not think we should pay for the homes/rent of those next 30%.I don't thing we should support 47% of people by letting them pay no federal taxes (after returns).

I wish it was only 10% on the bottom we supported.

Now when times are good,sure,have your programs to aid some of the 30% but when the belt tightens,I do not feed someone who has a cell-phone and a flat screen TV.

2 points

I would meet with the founders of the United States and inform them of the way liberals would twist the constitution (though they saw most of it coming) and try to add more safe-guards against the taking of freedoms and liberty here in the USA.

3 points

One man is inferior to another man,not by race but by the individual.

1 point

Again just like the cloture debate you have your facts wrong with your usual touch of elitist twang ("Do you always argue in 1 dimension because you're not bright enough to understand the underlying complexities? Or is it simply more convenient since your ideas so rarely stand up against any amount of critical thinking?")

The fact is over 700 billion in spending has not created anywhere near the jobs this administration said it would,in fact other than goverment jobs being created, little has been done.

Another fact, Democrats everywhere and on this site are saying we should have spent MORE, so even if the tax cuts cost more (I say they don't), more private sector jobs have always and will always be created by tax cuts for those who create jobs and all of a sudden Dems don't want to spend on a tax cut but state that we should spend more to stimulate.Which is it???

And here is where you again fall short on your understanding of procedures in goverment, "And finally, the tax cut was designed to expire by both a Republican Executive branch, and a Republican Legislative Branch after ten years, which has passed". It was not designed to expire, Republicans wanted these tax cuts to last forever. The biased CBO prevented this by not finding the tax cuts to be revenue neutral. You really need to study up on your procedures in Congress.

Many other Presidents have raised taxes, just not the highest tax increase in history in an economical crisis during a recession.

"Obama and the legislative branch is not even proposing a tax increase, they are simply letting an ill-advised tax cut expire." Spin it however you want, even liberal news agencies know a tax increase when they see it.

1 point

But it is punishment to ask the 47% that pay no federal taxes(after refunds) to chip in just a little?

"but I know for certain that tax money goes somewhere." Brilliant

1 point

"Allowing the rich to avoid paying their fair share is tantamount to giving them handouts."

Top 1% of earners in America pay 40% of the federal tax bill,top 10% pay 80%.

You should be thanking them for paying most of your share also.

If 10% of your workplace was doing 80% of all the work, would you punish them and ask them to work more?or ask the other 90% to do their fair share?

If 10% of any team was producing 80% of the scores, would the 10% be asked to produce more or would the other 90% be asked to contribute THEIR fair share?

There is nothing fair about 10% of any group pulling the cart for the other 90% and then being demonized to pay more.

Ask the 47% that pay no federal taxes (after returns) to pay even a small percentage of the bill which would be FAIR.

0 points

Even the libs agree .

1 point

If your statement were true, then you would be happy with the US being smug because it would lead to "won't be the greatest for long" but you are not happy which proves your statement is pure bull.

3 points

Listen carefully- 1:05 "giving these big red eggs to the very high income people would cost 700 billion dollars that we would have to borrow...."

Sir, please explain to me how letting people keep THEIR OWN MONEY is giving them anything??????

WE give OUR money to the US goverment.

Again, keep on explaining it this way and the people will vote against it.

Telling us you are GIVING us our money back just makes our fight that much easier in November.

Also, the least effective way that we can do was shown to us, the last two years.

Last line "We know it doesn't work."

History does not agree with this statement and are we supposed to believe it just because you say so? What about TARP and the stimulus? What happened there?

Most analysts agree, this message will fall flat,we know it doesn't work.

3 points

What you are describing is not a concerted effort to only help "higher ups", it is just the way the free market is run. Computers,color tv's, vcrs,medical procedures etc,etc are/were extremely expensive at their beginnings because they are not mass produced yet. Would you rather never to have had new medical break-throughs or great inventions/miracle procedures that find their way into availability for all through cheap mass production just because at the beginning the price makes them not attainable to some ?

What kind of world would we live in if we could not produce anything new that cannot be attained by all?

Can you show us an example of any procedure in another country that is immediately available to the masses (because of low price)?

Equality of results in life is not guaranteed in America,equality of opportunity is.

3 points

Please explain how the actions you have stated has "help the higher ups in society"?Thanks

1 point

Because they give animals human qualities in their stance that they should not be abused or eaten. If you give animals human qualities as a defense for not making them into hamburgers would you not then protect humans as an argument to protect the animals with human qualities?

Maybe it's because we don't eat fetuses????

1 point

"everyone tries to migrate to"- Who claims/claimed that?

" You don't look at one small time frame and 1 small reason to decide whether or not a country is great"- Who claims/claimed this?

Tell me your choice of who is greater and the reason and I can surely pick it apart.

There is simply one answer and one answer only,some just never want to admit it.That says more about the person than the country.

0 points

When the debate is lost or one does not have anything intelligent to say, out come the insults. Says much about you.

1 point

Posting the video proves your interpretation of DADT is incorrect as the media wants you to believe it. Clinton is the person who signed the bill. Clinton clearly explains it in the video.Take the explanation of DADT from the man who signed it into law,you don't have to take it from me.

1 point

I guess you were never in the military then because inappropriate sexual behavior by heterosexuals leads to discipline also.

"Servicemen and woman will be judged on their conduct NOT their sexual orientation"-Bill Clinton seconds 10 through 16

Rules of conduct that apply to everyone.

Rules of conduct for ALL services
1 point

Uh, whenever DADT was passed it was pushed just as you said, as fair for everyone so I do agree with you and also Bill Clinton. His words put it best.

You now oppose the very thing that was fought for as fair.

DADT now to you is against "openly gay service members should be allowed to serve in the United States military", exactly opposite of what Clinton stated when PASSING it.

Judged by conduct, not sexual orientation
1 point

"I worked it out with Colin Powell" 18 seconds in.

Powell left, then the policy changed. Interesting

Here his story is different?????
1 point

Of course and I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

Fooled you once,shame on him,fooled you twice, shame on you.

Bill Clinton says it all
0 points

Bill Clinton got it right .

1 point

Clinton was in office and libs wanted don't ask don't tell,they got it.Now many years later libs cry it is discriminatory. Society is not against don't ask don't tell, a small vocal minority of libs go against things for one reason and one reason only, VOTES.The media pushes it like a majority of people are against it and it then seems many want this agenda,not true.

You could ask these radicals what would make them happy,the answer they give you today will piss them off in a year or two.

2 points

So a tax website can't be used to debate taxes? A global warming website can't be used to debate global warming? That argument could be used countless times here.

"If praying has helped anyone with any kind of illness, it's due to the placebo effect"- exactly but it worked, no matter the reaseon, praying worked in this study.

2 points

" putting thought into a response"- Pure elistist response, next comes the twisting of conservatism as approving everything America has ever done. Right from the liberal template. Please stay on subject.

1 point

" America isn't the only country where people can practice their own religion, politics etc." but it is the only country with the American dream that so many leave their own country for. They die coming here because it is the greatest. It is so great that millions do not want to stand in line to get here, they will chance death and/or imprisonment for a chance to come here.

Hundreds of other countries do not have that.

1 point

Then why contract out jobs????? Does goverment everywhere own the equipment to provide better roads or do they contract to the private to get the job done?

2 points

Whistle blowers are often demonized and destroyed publically for speaking up. They have the freedom and liberty to not assist or speak up if that is what they so choose. This problem has been created for bystanders and I don't blame them if they don't intervene. The blame should go elsewhere.

2 points

Would thirty minutes a day with anybody during the school year make up for laziness 365 at home?

1 point

It gets my vote .

1 point

You are a long way from your first day of school, maybe ask your parents.

1 point

Liberals .

1 point

No, it is not human nature to believe a race is superior to another race based solely on genetic factors which constitute race.

All other definitons are meant to divide and/or excuse an agenda.

Supporting Evidence: Racism (
3 points

No because then fatness can be blamed on the school for not providing enough physical activity. Countries with little or no schools do not have an obesity problem,school physical activity is not the problem.

1 point

Do you have kids????? Call your local grade school to confirm.

1 point

Absolutely and not only do I believe it, I am living it. I have the freedom to pursue millions if I want it,speak what I want to speak,think what I want to think. There are countries where women can't be seen with another man that is not her husband or relative or be killed and all you do is bitch about the USA. There are countries where if you do not believe in a certain religion, or goverment you are imprisoned or killed and all you do is bitch about America.There are countries where you cannot invest and become a millionaire if you so choose and all you do is bitch about America. There are countries you cannot leave your city without a passport and all you do is bitch about America. Fearful??????? You haven't seen fear.

You are fearful because you buy the media's bull. I am thankful I live here.

1 point

Praying to God, real or not, has been shown to improve one's health and this may be the only instance where liberals will not try and legislate something that has been shown to improve one's health.

Supporting Evidence: Can you pray your way to health? (
2 points

yes .

1 point

Not that I would want more people active, but the most simple way to get more people active in anything is to reduce the tax on it.

When taxes on investment profits rise, investment declines. Drop the tax to zero and more people and money would go into investing.

This is proven over and over again in the market. Mortgage tax breaks,cash for clunkers and the such increase demand for things. Lower the tax rate on investment profits and many more would jump in.

2 points

Post Office, energy companies,cable tv companies,natural gas companies,etc,etc

3 points

Stating that something is the greatest in no way means it cannot be improved upon. The best in any category can most definitely be improved upon but does not disqualify it from being the greatest at the time.

2 points

The poor in America would be considered the richest elsewhere .

4 points

Inalienable rights to life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness .

1 point

Greatest experiment in the history of mankind .

1 point

Absolutely and it happens right off the bat as a youngster. Young children go to school with their new pencils and tablets,erasers and rulers, so proud of the new tools they will use to learn and what happens the very first day to that youngster????? The authority figure in the class collects all the selected tools of learning from each individuals. The young minds wonder why THEIR school items are being taken when the teacher states that they must be collected so that those who can't afford new school items can have an equal share.The young mind cannot understand that their property was taken to be given to someone who did not supply their own. Thus begins the path to socialist ideals.

3 points

Schools as is at work is their for one reason, to learn (work is for work). Each is funded by someone else and therefore can be regulated. Socializing is for your free time.If you want more free time fund it yourself and or quit.

3 points

Sure, in some instances this is very helpful but the mis-use of this could lead to abuse. If goverment can be transparent about these developments this can clearly work but whenever data is fixed to fit an agenda it brings about questions that need to be answered.

3 points

Children are much smarter than we think.Knowing what is right and wrong is developed early in life so yes, sometimes they should be tried as adults.

1 point

Also, Democrats that voted against Obamacare easily won their party's elections(despite threats from leftists) and the Dems spent more money on commercials AGAINST Obamacare than for it. Hitler would be proud and the Dems are running from it.

2 points

In the heat of battle an untrained shooter is more dangerous to by-standers than the intended target.

1 point

Hand to hand combat seperates the men from the boys .

0 points

Individual freedoms and liberty is what makes the difference in a nation and it's people becoming the best they can be.

2 points

Giving a handout does not promote the general welfare. Teaching a man to fish is more important than giving him a fish every day.

And why always the name calling? First rule of debating.

2 points

Power .

1 point

No .

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