
Negligentt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Negligentt's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You eady to ake that Robert Byrd statue down con? No? I didn't think so. That's the leader of your leftist cult. He designed your politics and strategies.

1 point

Um.... we are trying to keep people from invading more native lands and You keep bringing them in and ignoring the natives. You blame the land grab on the white man, then do another land grab.

1 point

Those liberal parts of the country have rampant std's, gun violence, crime and poverty. We should follow their model.

1 point

Ya know, not getting anywhere with North Korea, giving $150 billion in sanction lifts to Iran, being accused of being a terrorist by Turkey and Egypt, Obama personally declaring that the Libya debacle was "his biggest mistake", the Bengazi debacle, and the chaos caused by Obamcare- huge success. Ask any Democrat.

1 point

American leftists only follow Hitler's concepts in the minds of a few alt-right idiots and FOX trained "absorbers


Anti Israel

Pro Islam


Intense hatred for Russia

Media monopoly and mass propaganda

Monopoly on academia and the youth, and preaching of worldview to academia

Using violence to silence the opposition

Desire for government to have complete social control

Was that the Nazis or the modern Democratic Party? Answer? Both.

1 point

American rightist actually helped would-be American terrorists to build a gun

Obama left thousands of military grade weapons and vehicles in Iraq when we evacuated our military from the country. Would you like to hear more specifics such as estimated amounts and types, or are you good?

1 point

That's what the "deplorables" do.

Loving the generalization. All Muslims are terrorists. All liberals hate vets, the flag, white people, and Christians. I mean, that's just what Democrats do.

1 point

there are just MORE of them on the right

Are you certain on this? Last I noticed, the left was demanding safe spaces, claiming there were 48 genders, and led by a drunk woman and a jihadist. BLM completely took over a Bernie Sanders' rally and shouted him down and off of the stage, and began screaming into the microphone obscenities and racist remarks.

1 point

it's about time we face these issues instead of lying to ourselves and the world that we welcome all people

Should we welcome people who are commanded by the Quran to kill all non-Muslims and wage jihad on the "unbelievers"? And what would be the logic in doing so? Are we obligated to welcome aliens from the Omega Pan galaxy, who are hovering their mother ship over Earth with the phasers pointed at us, or would it be best that we blew them out of the sky if able.

We, the West, haven't had any major problems with Asians, Hindus, South Africans, Etc and integrating them nicely into our nations. We've only had major problems with people from the Middle East and the religion of death and oppression. It's not our fault their religion demands war with us. It's theirs. The Quran and Prophet Muhammad screwed it up and made peace with them impossible, not us.

1 point

A bunch of Israelis conducted a suicide mission on planes hijacked by Muslims from Saudi Arabia. Uh huh. Try to make that one stick.

1 point

Okay. Tell us about Obama and Libya, Obama and Egypt, Egypt and Turkey's claims that he was a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and his attempt to turn the election of Netanyahu inIsrael.

1 point

The real Civil War started out with small groups getting bigger and getting more and more support.

1 point

The Republican Party has actually pushed more to the left. In 1980, gay marriage and taking down Christian monuments from state buildings would have never gotten through.

1 point

There are about 1,000 people in these groups nationwide. BLM and, ANTIFA, and the U.S. version of the Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand, have enough members to be of a real threat, and are a real threat. There are more ANTIFA and BLM members in Chicago alone than KKK members nationwide.

1 point

Were you holding his hand as if he were your girlfriend and giving him bro hugs? Maybe you are a terminator. How would I know?*

2 points

Riots, protests, marches, threats of war

And almost all of these protests and marches are by the far left. This is Obama's America, and Conservatives have become its biggest victim.

Threats of war? Obama, Bush, and Hillary herself made them all the time. Apparently you can say what you want if you are black, a liberal disguised as an elephant or a woman.

Obama attacked nations unprovoked, started coups all the time, and tried to affect foreign elections. Trump is still yet to do it once. Amazingly, based on acts, Trump is yet to do anything Fascist or even resist his opposition with force. It's amazing how what you actually do is not how the left defines you. They define you based on your label, and if it isn't Democrat, they show you exactly what real Fascism looks like.

2 points

Lightning knows best. *

1 point

2 phases of ingagement. Tactical nuclear weapons button present. Push tactical nuclear weapons button.

1 point

Nope. You just got sucked into the enemy's trap. He wants you to hear his voice, and it looks like you did, at least for now.

1 point

That was almost as clever as the last stupid remark you made.

1 point

Of course they won't. Liberals made sure men would be last place from now on.

1 point

You think Muhammad's command to have sex with children is peaceful and deserving of tolerance and that anyone who doesn't need a safe space or a list of gender pronouns needs the gas chamber.

1 point

You like grafitti. You like art. You like me.

1 point

What else ya got?

1 point

2Pac is still alive living in Cuba under the name Excon.

2 points

Yes you should. My new pronoun is Darth Negligentt. Now start calling me that, assume I have 3 penises, put a saddle on me, and ride me to the club.

1 point

The richest 1% in the United States don't have enough accumulated wealth to fix social security, much less the other thousands of social services. If they can take whatever they want from those with a lot, guess who else they can take whatever they want from whether they have a lot or not..

2 points

It can't work. It is the gospel of envy, the equal sharing of misery, as Churchill put it. As Margaret Thatcher said, Socialism's problem is eventually you run out of other peoples' money.

A system of "equality" has fatal flaws.

1)If you don't reward hard work, and reward sloth equally, all you will get is sloth.

2)No one would have any incentive to do a skilled or hard job.

3)It demands rationing. Rationing of meds, medical attention, and food. Venezuela is a current example of Socialism in practice. The food has been rationed "equally" on a card. But that amount of food equals? Starvation. There are people hunting pets for food. It was a rich, healthy nation like the U.S. Now it's a third world hellhole on the brink of civil war. They'd love to be under a Capitalist system. What you find with the government is they are horrible at running things. Just go to a typical DMV and tell me how your government controlled experience was.

4)The lines and waiting lists to see a doctor are enormous. You'll die or get well before you receive help many times. When meds are free? Lines are obnoxiously long. Imagine the hypochondriac response to free medical...

5)And of course we know it isn't really free. Socialists put the bill on their children's credit card. The problem becomes your children's problem.

6)Your work pay will be decimated by taxes. Enjoy.

1 point

So impeach Trump, who would be replaced by Mike Pense, who wants to repeal gay marriage. Makes sense.

0 points

To get more politically specific, Conservatives should have a say in education.

Liberals have suppressed all history that looks bad for their party or that points out our Christian history.

1 point

If the shoe fits. Don't tell us literal ancient witch hunts that we never participated in were bat crazy, and then turn around and go all Salem on us like it's a good thing.

2 points

Exactly. Now tell us what you think of the white race. *

1 point

Let me get this straight. We are the well off, imperialists with white privilege, and leftists are the educated welfare draining slugs drowning in student debt who can't find a job. Makes sense.

1 point

Agreed. There's a big difference in defending "in the name of God" and killing random people in theatres and nightclubs "in the name of Allah".

2 points

You are just as bad as they are, if not worse

So if you had a ship full of asylum seekers that were gay, do you send them to a Muslim country or a Christian country? That's what I thought.

0 points

He didn't "lie about being a socialist". Germany was under Socialism when he came into power and remained there. Hell, one could argue that Germany is still Socialist. Show us Germany being Capitalist or anything non-socialist in the 1930's or 1940's. You'll be searching until your dead and gone.

1 point

If it was horrible for Mexicans here, they wouldn't keep coming here. They aren't coming here to get their asses stomped. They are coming here for the free liberal shit. Notice that Obama leaves, and the Mexicans quit coming. Why? No more free handouts on the dime of Americans. Go look in the grocery basket of the "immigrants" on food stamps. They eat like damn kings. It's not our responsibility to keep taking them in. It's the Mexican government's job to take care of them. If it's not doing it's job, the people know what to do. It's happened in many countries now. If the government sucks, meet it at the door in throngs and masses. Otherwise, keep getting your head shoved in the dirt.

1 point

Trump won. Guess not. I'd say nice attempt, but it really wasn't. ;-)

1 point

Yes, bringing in more welfare recipients and jihadists that create ghettos and gangs is a great idea. Let us destroy ourselves, shall we? That traffic will control itself too by the way. More cars will end the congestion.

1 point

Too many people and mindlessly demanding even more as the city can't sustain the people that are already there. They also think the rest of America is like NY, and most of America is nothing like New York.

1 point

You like eating spoiled cabbage and digging in the trash for gibblets.

1 point

Gary Johnson is a pod.

1 point

My ideal tax rate is I sit on my ass and you support me, so get started.

1 point

What you find as a consistent theme throughout the interviews of people who were raised in the Hitler Youth is the danger of Socialism and the indoctrination by academia and the media.

1 point

Here. Have some pics for reference.

Now stop comparing illegal aliens to Mongolian armies at war with the Chinese and visa versa. That's intellectual dishonesty beyond the pale. Also quit portraying it that it wouldn't stop most even if one here and there scaled it and didn't get caught. 500 getting through in a year is doable. Hundreds of thousands or millions is not.

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