
RandomDude's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of RandomDude's arguments, looking across every debate.

Wow what a dumb debate. Shove it clown boy this is worse then the moist towelett debate

4 points

Come on sticky you can do better than that you didn't really answer so try again or be banned

2 points

Probably and youre a monkey loving douche slug for being such an butt crunch asshole

4 points

How is he supposed to do that shit minion when you've banned him.

What the hell is this shit all about you dumb smelly ass carcass? You have a problem

If you think looking like a giant douche bag ass minion is cool then yea

not all drug dealers r ignorant twats you know

2 points

Shut up!

the only funny thing here seems to be YOU! i wasnt trying to be funny cream puff now get the hell out of here!

miss with you? what the hell are you talking about? are your making a pass at me? no thanks!

2 points

youre a freaking monkey loving douche-surf! this is sick stuff and people that like it should be strung up by their scrotum and shocked with a car battery!

anger is fucking stupid and there is no point in it. i hate angry people

grab your ankles and prepare to be fucked because youre a whiny little bitch! who cares someone downvoted you

planets well yes but what i dont get it

the bible is bullshit lies written by demons to scare people into being zombie ass slaves

well la ti da for you arent you a high falutin arrogant hemorrhoid hedgehog of a person. nice to know ya

me too



2 points

yea dont take it personally but she dont like you

0 points

nice to meet ya

prove it

that was a serious answer that i would like to know the answer to if you dont mind rude randy

3 points

the dude is butter riding chunk muffin and should be put to death by having to slide down a 1000 foot razor blade!!!! theres my opinion.

am i supposed to be impressed by your nit wit observation because im not

if i see pollution then i'm aware of it so what?

2 points

its supposed to be "coffee, tea or me?" duh

some people like fat kids

2 points

more meals with smaller portions is the way to go

what? get out of here because thats just dumb

2 points

sometimes i get defensive because the ass minions are everywhere but you are alright so sorry if i overreacted

stop talking because you dont know what youre talking about

i'm already dead inside but who said i take it as normal when my point is whats the debate about

and ?

4 points

will we ever find life between your ears?

the same could be said about U!!

you lying puss stain that is not true and i like dana because she is a decent person who has been bullied by the likes of you and others

i know when someone is a fraud like you

2 points

yea and she dont like you

i am always nice but when i denounced god i was visited by a lot of demons that still haunt me today

i wish i never heard of you

i think i forgot how to?

5 points

weve been ignoring it pretty damn well so far so why stop i say let the ass crabs blow each other up

how can there be a test to get into some place that doesnt exist but i do believe in hell coz ive been visited by many demons

never heard of him but it looks like not many people like him

2 points

i seriously dont know why u hate me but its cool i dont really care slap-scrotum

2 points

if you dont want to help fine but you dont have to be a dick about it

2 points

what do you mean what do i mean they visit me that's what i mean.

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