
Raziekiel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Raziekiel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

your not making points here, give everyone a gun? thats just asking for trouble, because theres gonna be a threat anywhere where someone can just walk up to you and blow your brains out. everyone wasnt meant to have a gun otherwise, it would have been made so.

1 point

no because its is only setting a bad example to the students letting them no that it is ok to use profanity. but as soon as a student uses profanity they are written up or suspended that the teachers get away with.

3 points

I agree with the fact that guns weapons doesn't kill people they are just a tool that is being use, such knives, or even are hands. The one who is doing the killing is the on handling the weapon the tool.

1 point

The media is the most influential technological advancement that modern man has created. It has the power to make kids want to learn, it can make people see what they want to see, and tell lies and incorrect information that can make people choose bad decisions.

1 point

suicide will be done wether its legal or not, so it might as well be legal, cause how you gonna sentance someone to serve time in a jail if they are dead, and there is no way to physically stop someone from commiting suicide.

1 point

media is everything because of the stuff that is being said on the radio and movies kids watch. they get these ideas. and i wouldn't feel safe around anyone who has a gun who thinks they some gang member or that it makes you cool to have it and use it. why don't you grow up and go to school in a neighborhood where everyone had guns it wouldn't be pretty. the media corrupt kids.

1 point

no because when that child turns 18 they living own their own and in all reality it is their life the parent can try to advise the child but not tell them how to live their life.

3 points

magick because magick is the ultimate power with the ability to create and destroy and undo what is done. with magick technology can be undone and magick has no limits as long as you are openminded and openhearted and believe in it and yourself.

2 points

i would have to say no age doesnt matter. i get the point that people trying to say age does matter but when you really get down to earth about it. age doesnt matter if the feelings are real then who is to get in the way of love. put yourself in other persons situation.

2 points

Abortion should be consider illegal. it is not the unborn child's fault that they was to be given life. the ones who conceded the child are at fault. even if the child is unborn the child should still have every other right to live as any other human being for the child is a human being too. and it would be murder and disgrace to kill a child that has yet to be born and to kill a innocent child who has convicted no crime unless you call being alive and wanting to live a crime, then in that case everyone in the human race has committed a crime.

1 point

global warming is the cause of human errors in this world we destroy the world nature spent millinuems to build within the matter of centuries, and place poisonous factories that lets off chemicals in the air that traps more heat than neccessary into the planet.

2 points

in my honest opinion god is a figure that gives people hope and something to put their faith in when all else lets out and they have nothing else left for them.

1 point

with the way media is today i would definitly recommend that students are not allowed to have a gun licence or not, because if they was to be bully then someone would died either the student being bullied or the bully and considering that if every child had a gun crime and death rates would increase drastically.

1 point

what if the teacher is criminal, or she is anger by a student in which she either serioulsly hurts or kills her student. teachers should have guns in school. thats why school police was made and have a job.

2 points

i am against the cencorship of student publications and free speech because they the children need to learn to speak for themselves as the future of the country. and by revoking their rights to speak freely then it would destroy their sef esteem and possibly make them against the world and cause trouble.

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