
Spuds's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Spuds's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What's worse than Covid-19 ? Biden-20

Biden is a Communist sympathizer who will sell us out to China.

1 point

Just how fake are left wing polls?

Everything about the left is fake from the media, to the politicians, to the people virtue signaling about things they can flip positions on in 5 seconds.

2 points

Looks like your clan did a Nazi Bible burning last night. Very Aryan of them.

You think he wanted to conceive a Nazi?

Your parents did just that.

1 point

Why do left wing adults behave like children with regard to the anti-covid-19 measures?

Because most leftists never grew up and became adults. It's why they search far and wide for excuses and financial aid nonstop.

1 point

Nothing you said was coherant, but yes, your party has brought us back 60 years to segregation, killing the civil rights movement. Great work destroying liberalism right before our very eyes.

1 point

As 100,000 Americans Lie Dead

More than that died fighting the Nazis. You reward them by calling them Nazis because you're an evil piece of shit that rejoices when people die because you're an anarchist rooting for 100,000 deaths. Rot in hell.

0 points

America is racing towards a cliff. In order to sustain the corruption rotting the system from within the powers that be have purposefully kept the public as naive, compliant and stupid as possible

Thanks for informing us of the Democratic Party establishment years after the fact. I suppose you figuring it out decades later is better than staying a retard forever.

1 point

But, Stalin wanted to crush all left-wing parties who were not the Communist party; this led to a civil war amongst the Republican movement in Spain. Orwell got caught up in this and it made him really disgusted with Stalin and the Communist party.

“the Communists stood not upon the extreme Left, but upon the extreme right. In reality this should come as no surprise, because of the tactics of the Communist parties elsewhere.”

George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

1 point

But, Stalin wanted to crush all left-wing parties who were not the Communist party; this led to a civil war amongst the Republican movement in Spain. Orwell got caught up in this and it made him really disgusted with Stalin and the Communist party.

“the Communists stood not upon the extreme Left, but upon the extreme right. In reality this should come as no surprise, because of the tactics of the Communist parties elsewhere.”

George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

1 point

But, Stalin wanted to crush all left-wing parties who were not the Communist party; this led to a civil war amongst the Republican movement in Spain. Orwell got caught up in this and it made him really disgusted with Stalin and the Communist party.

“the Communists stood not upon the extreme Left, but upon the extreme right. In reality this should come as no surprise, because of the tactics of the Communist parties elsewhere.”

George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

1 point

Does somebody need to explain to you how quotes work?

Anyone other than you.

1 point

And your opinion to murder children can't be pushed on everyone. If you want abortions, don't get pregnant. Accept it.

1 point

There's no difference between a Bernie Sanders supporter and the guy on the street you described.

5 points

Oh my goodness. What an honor for Mr. Trump. You did it. You triggered the left into that many lawsuits!

1 point

Pretty stupid burrito. You probably should go back to the child's end of the pool so you don't drown.

1 point

185 pounds is little. Are you a midget or anorexic?

1 point

Banned for proving I'm a liar

Fixed that for you buddy

Exactly. Banned for being proven a liar.

1 point

Shut your stupid face, Mingi. Just because 9/11 was a conspiracy doesn't mean the Earth is flat or that you are in communication with alien puppetmasters

No one is talking about aliens or flat earth, are they burrito?

They're talking about a term used by many world leaders.

0 points

Banned for acting like a little girl in pink panties.

1 point

The guy with the time machine must have wanted Trump elected. Nom's screwed. It's just fate now.

0 points

Nothing worse than there being so little MAGA violence that you have to stage some MAGA violence.

-1 points

How do you know Burrito has a fat ass bronto?

0 points

I agrre with you more than you agree with him.

-1 points

I agree with you more than you agree with him.

1 point

I'd prefer to live in a Christian nation. Communist and Islamic nations are tyranical dictatorships ruled by the rule of someone who is basically a monarch.

2 points

Isn't it interesting that the old time Communists said the way you destroy the United States and Europe is to get rid of Christianity, and liberals followed suit like a dog wagging its tail?

1 point

The fire department is racist, and only goes to white peoples' houses. Socialism fail.

1 point

Probably why you seem to be depressed and miserable, isn't it devil? Maybe you should seek therapy. They'll probably tell you to apply a bunch of Biblical concepts without telling you they are Biblical concepts, so it will be fine for you, and you'll be ignorantly happier because you are not aware that they are Biblical concepts.

1 point

Blue is gay, and you are acting like an unhinged, over dramatic little girl. Put your big girl panties on.

2 points

Nevermind that most of the Patriots' players are black.

1 point

There's just life. Now go live it.

2 points

You said media bias was debunked in the 1980s.

1 point

4 cups of coffee in under an hour. Thoughts?

It'll make you have no sex drive. In your case, it probably doesn't matter. Drink away.

2 points

Because leftists haven't been brainwashed to actually oppose your logic with sound arguments.

They've been taught from infancy to attack you instead.

1 point

Your boy Obama weaponized the FBI like a Stalinist. We have a special cell for treason.

1 point

I'm going to troll fascists on 4chan

Trolling Muslims and Marxists isn't very nice.

1 point

What you aren't telling them is that in order to support covering everyone fully, they will have to tax you at 90% of your income, and that we all end up with long lines, rationing, and less quality doctors due to less pay.

Ypu also leave out that those numbers compile quickly once people can go to the doctor 10 times for "free" rather than the once they go now.

You also leave out that in countries with this system, where they can't fit the bill through heavy taxes, they charge what's left of your income to cover costs, winding up with lesser quality care and people not going due to having to pay if taxes can't cover it.

It's a cycle of failure.

1 point

I'm passed out drunk and happy. So what happened Joe?

2 points

Only problem is libs want to put 20 million illegals on this dole, which screws your math and allows anyone else who can get here to come for free service, which screws the math even more.

2 points

They have no proposal to secure the border. Their only objective is to stay in office and get paid, and the left is now open borders, so they think that's how they stay in office and get paid.

2 points

You were literally on here five minutes ago calling the "fiscal policies" of liberals childish

They are childish. They literally make no sense. Create a private debate and debate me on them. Yeah right. No one with a calculator can defend that shit.

yet here you are in a different debate attempting to defend Trump shutting down the entire government because he can't get his own way

Welcome to politics. A wall isn't childish. Houses, sporting arenas, theme parks, and many other countries have them for a reason. We can afford trillions of dollars to give healthcare and college to illegal aliens, when we can't afford it for ourselves, is.

You pathetic partisan shill.

Pathetic is an odd word for a jobless man living with his parents, playing Skyrim all day.

2 points

The Democrats promised a barrier that America would pay for. They gave us neither.

1 point

Ah yes: the meme.

It's only a meme if it's not an actual quote.

When your policies are shit

The economy and gdp are at the highest of any empire in human history.

your leaders are corrupt

Democrats keep entering poor and leaving rich. Nothing better than libs giving $500,000 speeches to the groups they condemn and/or condemned. Here's your sign.

and you borrowed your rhetoric from the Nazis

You have no position you disagree with Hitler on. Literally zero.

what you need are some good memes.

See above.

1 point

How many Democrats spend their lives spamming far right neo-Nazi memes on the internet?

Democrats ARE childish. They call a wall they themselves offered up immoral and expensive. Then they tell us there are 72 genders and coddle Islam after trashing religion. Let that sink in.

And you are worse. Beyond spamming this site and Skyrim, you literally do nothing all day.

1 point

How many Democrats spend their lives spamming far right neo-Nazi memes on the internet?

All over twitter. All over facebook. So many they look like an army.

1 point

Nancy has a plan

I've never once seen Pelosi lay out a plan. I have seen her tell us to pass it to see what's in it about someone else's plan.

Don't lay down for Donald Trump

Not cooperating with a President overseeing an elite economy isn't a political winner.

Easy peasy.. When she's got her opposition on the ropes, what option, OTHER than KEEPING him there, should she consider

I've never seen Pelosi put anyone on the ropes. I've seen her look and act drunk. Should the 25th Amendment be applied here?

1 point

That's a fairly good point. If you advocate for something then call it immoral when your opponent advocates for it, that would be hypocrisy & slander I would say.

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