
Spuds's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Spuds's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They like to keep changing the definition of "American" until it's not us.

1 point

You never replied to my objective facts

You admitting you are Impirum's puppet.

2 points

Liberals are bigots unless you toe the line. They can't get rid of their klan mentality.

1 point

He SHOULD build a wall! A wall of BOOKS, and actually READ them! We KNOW he is the dumbest President …. ever …

The guy you say was the smartest said Trump would need a magic wand to do what he has done.

How do stupid people get half a million manufacturing jobs back that Obama said could not be gotten back?


1 point

All of the puppets used on the site are Nom or Nom pretending to be another one of the members on the site.

1 point

Neither. There should be no government jobs.

1 point

Throw Trump in jail for whatever you libs can make up in your fairytale world. When Pense becomes President, then what? He'll then have a VP. If you impeach Pense, the new VP becomes President. You impeach him, the 4th VP becomes President to infinitum. Then what Al?

1 point

I BELIEVE the law and order Republicans of old are still in the Senate.. At least, I HOPE they are.

Looks to me like you admitted that Democrats don't care about the rule of law.

If the report reveals NOTHING, then we can get back to work

Trump's already back to work. Does he look slowed down to you?

2 points

He knew he wasn't a king? After saying that, he passed it, and the Democrats let him! ROFLMAO

2 points

Peanut oil? Nope. Peanut oil is everywhere.

1 point

But I have a beautiful coat of fur and a wiggly little tail. Come on Mint, pucker up.

1 point

Another Nom dupe account.

1 point

Overpopulation and liberal philosophies killed those days. Oh well. Libs know best.

1 point

Make sweet love to me Mint. We may be different species, but just let it happen.

1 point

Yep. Racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, istaphobic walls.

Spuds(1074) Clarified
1 point

Those who blew up our buildings either were from BEHIND any walls we have, or flew high enough that no wall would have stopped them.

Conservative philosophies that the Democrats reject would have stopped them. They would have never gotten here, much less had access to learn how to fly here.

1 point

What's your point? The libs tell us Bush was great now that he's not in power.

Nevertheless, the steepest drops in GDP ended before Obama took office and before the stimulus kicked into gear.

Here, have some pics.

-,655,auto&imageuri= usa-police-1.jpg&client=amp-blogside-v2&signature=eeba65f52655c9dbed8cceb734be24072d7708b9


Neither George Bush voted for Trump, book author tells New York Times

And it was still your boy that bailed them out. Neither Bush or Obama is my boy.

1 point

You completely ignore the white trash taking Russian bribes

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years 2018/09/14/woodward noevidenceofcollusionbetweentrumpandrussiaisearchedfortwoyears.html

attack the black man who retired two years ago.

Why do you care that he is black?

You completely ignore

You ignore Obama taking $500,000 a pop from the same banks he bailed out. What's your point?

2 points

Pretty stupid Nom. Even worse, you are either lying again, or you literally checked everyone to see who posted when. Might want to get a life buddy.


2 points

I believe that you are a neo-Nazi idiot who talks a lot of crap about the press.

Red herring.

Can you trust someone's story who has admitted they are trying to destroy the person they are covering?

2 points

Didn't you once say calling others a name to shut people up is what idiots do? When you said it, it was that idiots call people "conspiracy theorists" to end the debate.

I'll quote it for you.

It appears to have become commonplace in America to use the phrase "conspiracy theorist" as a form of blanket attack against anybody or anything which scrutinises or questions the status quo in any regard. In other words, if you question what you are told by political authority, you are to be mocked with this disparaging phrase and compared to people who believe Elvis is still alive."

1 point

The illuminati runs the entire Democrat Party and much of the Republican Party.

2 points

I had forgotten about Russian collusion because they've come up with so much more unverifiable crap since then.

1 point

otherwise groups that want communism WILL GET IT! Exactly what Schumer was talking about.

Schumer himself is a Communist. Much of the Democrat Party quotes Alinsky and Marx. Your party's 2 Presidential candidates were an open Communist and a Saul Alinsky follower.

Trump (and those who follow him, of course), are the gift that keeps on giving

The economy and unemployment has rarely been better. You are right.

Their "modified communism" is working with the help of Trump and his li'l helpers!

Trump has not presented nor passed any Communist policy. He has been tougher on Communist countries than any recent President.

We can say the opposite of the Democrat Party.

1 point

against guys like Putin, ISIS, MBS …. ANY of those that Trump is defending

Trump bombed ISIS into near nonexistence and put the heaviest sanctions in American history on Russia. He attacked Russia militarily too.

1 point

Oh. And do not forget the children. We need to protect our children. It's all about our children.

2 points

Yes. Walls keep people on the outside from getting in and blowing up your buildings and abusing your system.

2 points

I will if the Senate actually tossed Trump out (will never happen)

I know a lot of people ready to disarm the Commies with lethal force, seeing they think laws only apply to the right. You can't deal with tyrants using diplomacy.

1 point

In other words it's a term used for hypocrites to try and keep themselves from being called hypocrites.

popularised in the Soviet propaganda of the 1980s.

You adhere to the soviet style of doing things. Can't keep your narratives straight can you?

1 point

If someone decides the law applies to you and not them, then militarizes against you, your option is to mirror their acts and hit them in the mouth. Everything is fair in war. They declared war, not us.

1 point

I looked at the debate in question. You spammed the debate.

1 point

Yeah. It's why we don't trust a corrupt government with more power and control.

1 point

Not in this case because we can read the Constitution. You can't make me buy a product.

It's also obviously retaliation to leftist activist judges. If you say fuck the law and make your own rules, so can we.

Welcome to the world you created. Laws? Fuck em.

1 point

I wouldn't even give them the numbers. I'd just turn the hose on them for throwing firebombs at the border patrol. I would be interested in giant flypaper too.

The Nazi reference was weak. Nazism isn't controlling your border and protecting your people. Nazis censor speech and use violence to get their way. That's you Adolf. If it was like Nazism, we'd have no illegals making any attempts.

The Obama's not a Nazi because he did it less argument is hysterical. Let's ignore that Mexicans are more pissed than we are about this orchestrated hoard.

My guess is that you'd never live on the boarder, and we both know why. You'll stay up north where you don't have to see it or deal with it.

As for the numbers, you tell us how to identify a leftist organized mob of thousands that just appears making demands.

1 point

This is probably the dumbest most brutally right-wing nonsense I've read in a while.

It is? A man has a job and kids and thinks one day, "hmmm. I think I'll say screw my job and drag my family into the desert with no money and hope we don't die." He'd be an idiot.

1 point

Looks like you just admitted thst you are Nom. Not very bright.

21 points

I saw bronto post a CNN and BBC link this week. I didn't know those sites were fake.

-2 points
3 points

Free healthcare and college for all?

-2 points
0 points

Trump FIRED Flynn because he LIED. Now, Trump says he DIDN'T lie. What's up with that?

You'll have to get specific. We never know which Communist propaganda hit piece you're referencing.

I'm not clear on which part of the FBI agents present saying he didn't lie, yet wrangled him into a confession to not go bankrupt has you confused.

The agents that entrapped him have all disappeared. We've seen Strzok and McCabe's texts and emails admitting there was nothing. It's objectively true that they claimed over text to have nothing, hated Trump and sought ways to go after him.

Are you a fact hater?

1 point

I really doubt he cares. He just said everyone loved them when I know no one that loved them.

1 point

Up until a few years ago EVERYBODY loved the illegals

I've never loved the illegals. I know no one who has ever loved the illegals. We don't need slaves to pick our lettuce or do our laundry.

How much were you plantation owners paying Tido? Why didn't you pay Tido white man wages? Was it because Democrats like Tido, but don't see Tido as equal or as any more than cattle?

1 point

Cruz wouldn't become President. It would be Mike Pence, who wants gay marriage abolished. Since the libs have decided to become police state tyrants, we should repay the favor and abolish it and make it the law that schools have to teach the Bible.

1 point


0 points

Enjoy reality.

Of 10 Highest IQs At Least 8 Are Theists And At Least 6 Are Christians

8 Out of the 10 Highest IQ People on Earth are Theists

Out Of The Top 10 Most Intelligent People In The World: At Least 8 Think God Exists And 6 are Believing Christians

Highest IQs on Earth Are Theist/Christian ForumsC1/LavenderRoomF4/HighestIQsonEarthAreTheist/ChristianP5871110/

6 of top 10 IQs on the planet are Christians.

Of 10 best IQ’s in the world, atleast 8 are Theists, at the very least 6 are Christians

Of 10 best IQ’s in the world, atleast 8 are Theists, at the very least 6 are Christians

Of 10 highest IQ's on earth, at least 8 are Theists, at least 6 are Christians

1 point

I guess you missed my blanket condemnation.. For your edification, here it is again: I hereby CONDEMN every shitty thing anybody has ever done..

It's nice that you are condemning yourself for siding with Hamas over your own people.

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