
TrumpWonLOL's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TrumpWonLOL's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Yes I don't want to keep my thoughts to myself ,because some whiny liberal finds it offensive.

3 points

This is murder. And murder of a young child. Enough said abortion is murder

1 point

My brother is a bronie and being gay is against his religion. He is very much against being gay. So misunderstood.

1 point

I believe we should let kids listen to what they want unless the parent think it is against religious beliefs. I myself Love Marilyn Manson even when I was younger.

1 point

Yes I am VERY proud to be an American ,because Trump is president now. And if you are American and not proud of it or ashamed of it can move to Iraq and be killed by Isis.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
1 point

Sorry. I meant to change that ,but then forgot. What I meant to say was that Man and Woman were made to be together.

1 point

Yes. The reason men and women were made were to reproduce.

1 point

The earth is round. Have you seen statile image from nasa

1 point

Abortion is murder.Even if it is a theart to the mothers life that would be natrual causes not MURDER!

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
1 point

Donald Trump never said anything about ALL Mexicans just the illegal immigrants who are committing crimes.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
0 points

Then I can say Slytherin ,because Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) is hot.


1 point

Well Trump is president-elect now.And clearly everyone who voted for Hillary enjoy voting for sacks of crap

1 point

I would say Hufflepuff ,because J.K.Rowling herself said at first she was going to put Harry in Hufflepuff (Loyal,Hardworking,kind these are the types of things I a hero is considered) ,but decided Gryffindor ,because Bravery would be more important in his situation.

1 point

Yes! And for everyone who is going to come here calling Trump and all his supporters resit for wanting to build a wall all I will say is this:Number 1:It is already illegal for them to be here and all Trump is doing is in forcing more. Number 2:Mexico built a wall to keep the Guatemalans out. Number 3:He isn't resit beau cause he just doesn't want illegal immigrants here and immigrant isn't a race.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
1 point

Well so he told some lies ,but he didn't lie to the FBI. And we aren't looking for a Sunday school teacher we are looking for a president.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
1 point

My mom actually banned me from Harry Potter for about 6 months ,because I got to obsessed.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
2 points

They probably meant MAGA (Make America Great Again)

Am I right?

1 point

Why would a parent tell their child that they are related to Hitler?(Especially at that time)

3 points

Thank You I fully agree I have heard people say things like "Donald Trump is litteraly Hitler" When Hitler killed many people and Trump said somethings they didn't agree with.

2 points

I can't say ALL of her supporters are shallow ,because I don't know all of them ,but the ones I do know are shallow.And now that Trump has won alot of them are out here rioting,setting American flags on fire,and beating anyone they find who voted for Trump.(And that is pretty shallow to me)And I have seen tweets from Hillary supporters saying things like "All white people are racist pigs" and "Could someone assonant Trump all ready?" I thought Hillary and her suppoters were anti-violence.And isn't calling a large group of people something just based off of their skin color considered racist? Like I said I can't call them all shallow ,but the ones I know are shallow.

TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
4 points

What did Trump lie about during the campaign? And if there is no video evidence of it then it never happened and it cant come from CNN.

1 point

I just don't have a life and i spend 99.8 percent of my time on the internet and I really enjoy arguing with others.

1 point

Now that Trump has won.Hillary supporters are out here rioting,setting American flags on fire,beating and even killing Trump supporters. And they say Trump supporters are violent.

2 points

You telling me that does nothing either I still voted for Trump

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