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Debate Score:48
Total Votes:75
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MAGRTrumpLOL(13) pic

Is Hillary a Lying Sack of Crap?

Yes of course she is, she even lied to get to the last debates that she had against Trump!
#HillaryForPrison and #TrumpMAGAPresident


Side Score: 31


Side Score: 17

You shouldn't insult sacks of crap by comparing her to them. You need to apologize.

Side: Yes
4 points

This may not be completely true but who wants to vote for the mother of ISIS?

Side: Yes
0 points

What !???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: Yes
2 points

Of course she is! #HillaryforPrison and #TrumpMAGApresident

Side: Yes
2 points

She lied to the FBI and to America and its people. She is Pro-Abortion which is basically being Pro-Murder.#HillaryForPrison #MAGATrump

Side: Yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
2 points

Uhhhh... you do realize that hash tags don't do anything on this site?

Side: No
TrumpWonLOL(41) Disputed
2 points

You telling me that does nothing either I still voted for Trump

Side: Yes
MAGRTrumpLOL(13) Clarified
1 point

SO your saying... You are an idiot that knows nothing and deserves to die in a hole??

Side: Yes
2 points

She is a politician. Of course she is a lying sack of crap. But that doesn't make her stand out as the worst. In fact analysis of Trump's campaign showed he was the biggest liar of a Presidential candidate ever.

But yes, she lies. As do the vast majority of your conservative Republican heroes.

Side: Yes
TrumpWonLOL(41) Clarified
4 points

What did Trump lie about during the campaign? And if there is no video evidence of it then it never happened and it cant come from CNN.

Side: Yes
-2 points
Foozball Disputed
1 point

Trump won loser 111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Side: Yes
Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Hillary won the popular vote............................................................

Side: Yes
0 points

Yes, he won and he deserved to win, and if I could talk to Hillary I would say, "You little stupid ass bitch I ain't Fucking with you!"

Side: Yes
1 point

All down vote, and no argument?..............................................................

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Disputed
0 points

She didn't make a good person, but maybe she would make a good president. Guess we will never know.

Side: Yes
0 points

True that. It is sad indeed. ,

Side: Yes