
Leahliberty's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Leahliberty's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

it shouldn't be banned but you should have a licence for having a wild animal so you're trained for having one

1 point

i refuse to support anyone who is named after a farting cartoon character

1 point

depends if they're oven chips or fries, if fries then definitely. American chips (fries) are the best!

1 point

no because it's his choice whether he wants to serve that customer or not, many people may not agree with his opinion but it is still his right as a human to do what he likes a bit like te gay couple and b&b;owner incident where the owners did not want them staying at the hotel as they were christians and i respect that because it is their choice and many people would not agree with their opinions but it is theirs to have and it should not be discriminated against

1 point

yes as it is somebody else's body and no government should dictate what somebody else should do with their body because they don't have a right to tell us what to do (unless we are being an indecent citizen)

1 point

i believe so and russia are just backing up england against isis because they want our land all nice and tidy for themselves

1 point

i dont like football and i hear this argument all the time and i just have to say that i hate them both

1 point

not like the english! over here criminals are able to play xbox have iphones 3 meals a day a bed and shelter its like heaven and out taxes are paying for this

1 point

it is unnatural, it could be bad for the environment in future but we dont know because we havent looked into it properly. it oculd release a specific chemical that poisons the universe

1 point

yeah we go to school for 6 And a half hours a day so our parents don't go to prison plus we do extra chores so we should benefit

1 point

i live in england so it is not allowed and they are called mobiles here or just phones. it helps education and as long as we get our work done i dont see the problem with them

2 points

even dogs can be pervots ........................................

1 point

we get this can of sardines every christmas from waitrose and it is just chocolate wrapped in sardine looking tinfoil on the outside and it looks so real

2 points

Yacht because there's food on a yacht so it is a win win. why do i need 50 character oml

1 point

I believe life begins when the child first takes his own breaths whilst disconnected from its mother. When the baby is attached to its mother, abortion would only be killing a part of the mother as the fetus isn't capable of breathing and living on its own yet

1 point

it causes fights, it singles people out. evem though im a christian myself, i even think that the world would be a lot more peaceful without religion

1 point

no because the sport industry is completely different to every other industry and u might not think so but it is very hard work. people have put years of training into this and it should be appreciated the same as any other industry like television or computing softwares. if you think its so easy to get to the top then why dont you be the best and earn that much money and do it urself if u think its easy. besides, only the best of the best earn the big amounts of money

1 point

well its not exactly we have fossil evidence and it seems right and this has been thought out very well by Darwin. and its still just a theory because we cant travel back in time and see for ourselves

1 point

god all the way, we have no proof of aliens... however there is no proof of god but we have better evidence about god like the bible and jesus etc but aliens are only a theory inside one's mind we haven't heard about any real life alien stories. OOh and I bet that area 51 have loads of ufos and weird creatures every day

1 point

Maybe not in countries such as MEDCs but in some LEDCs women have no rights at all. This question is asking women as a whole so if you think that every women in the world is treated just as equally as men then you are wrong!

1 point

If somebody wants to be gay then they should be gay, it is their life, not the governments. Even if it was illegal, they would still just get married in another country.

1 point

(Donald Trump) but Australia as their security systems are outstanding, you couldn't even drop a bomb in that place because it is like the country has a protective force field around it

1 point

The USA because they have the best decisions but there is no point in arguing this one through because China would win due to their ginormous population

1 point

american because obama has the best decisions and is so passionate about his job

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