
Potatosalad's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Potatosalad's arguments, looking across every debate.

So name the positions of Hitler that you disagree with Nom. You haven't been able to in years, so we assume you're a Nazi.

2 points

Everybody who is sane cried when Trump won.

Name them.

The only people who celebrated were neo-Nazis, white supremacists, militant far right terrorists and KKK members.

Who are led by Jason Kessler, an Obama voter.

Republicans voted in the next Hitler. Real Holocaust survivors say so:-

So show us examples of his Hitlerian acts. You haven't been able to in two whole years. We'll wait though.

You literally defend antisemitic groups.

Yet this debate is about a Republican shutting down the government because he couldn't get his own way.

Democrats do the same thing. Welcome to your first day in the politics section.

COD World at War. I like it because I get to kill Nazis

So the Nation of Islam is on the game? Maybe you should play Pacman.

2 points

Republicans are afraid to leave their houses without being armed but Libs are pussies.

Pussy and stupid have 2 different definitions.

Most if not all of these are your puppets. Here are the rest.

List of Nom dupe accounts





































3 points

The shutting down of the government on the part of President Donald Trump just shows how much of a childish person he is. That is one point. The bickering and fighting going on in Washington show that neither party is there for the good of the people. For one, I am sick of the whole mess.

Americans don't care about British politics, so why do you care about ours?

3 points

So did Republicans.

Name a Republican who literally cried when Trump won.

No sane person wants an insane person in charge of the White House.

That's why we didn't elect a liberal, and put someone in that got jobs up, unemployment down, and a soaring market.

You don't believe in objective morality, so tell us what standard you are going by. Oh yeah. It's all "relative". To what, you do not know.

I would like, as a witness, to say Bronto has defeated nom in about 5,000 straight debates now.

The REASON they don't rake the forest in California is because they're LEFT WINGERS.

Explain why only California continues to burn for miles every year.

3 points

Jason Kessler is an open Nazi who voted for Obama. Farrakhan defends Nazis.

When whites aren't the majority anymore, who will the left blame

If they genocide all the whites, they'll then go after those suspected of being white.


I don't support ANYBODY illegally entering the US..

Probably bad to vote for a leftist at the midterms then or ever again.

6 points

The left hates Trump because he practices their practices and is the first American, right wing politician in recent times to give them their own methods and act just like them.

It has been quite amusing to watch the left condemn someone for chants, strongarm political tactics, their sex life, and their tone. Hillarious.

Which is worse?

"Build that wall" or "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon"?

Which is worse?

"CNN sucks!" or "you need to get up in somebody's face!"

Which is worse?

"Lock her up" or "when they go low, we kick them!"

Which is worse?

Fake bomb or real bullets hitting people at a softball game?

The left can't condemn anything on the left, and never will, but the right condemns even its own bad acts, and the left goes berserk like lunatics regardless.

It doesn't matter if the right is far outdonating the left. It doesn't matter that the right migrates in caravans to disaster areas. It doesn't matter that the right is less violent and more subdued. So guess what. We tossed you a mirror called Donald Trump and finally told you to go screw yourself like we should have done years ago. Nice, polite, etc doesn't work with the left. They only understand one thing. Defeat. So that's what we are going to give you.

It's a 12 sided inside out, super plondic mega triangle.

So the universe is a simulation, but there is no creator. You're a damned genius.

3 points

I'll be sure and tell the militant Marxists that you stamped this as art.

The Kavanaugh debate is NOT about his fitness. It's about the electability of the Senators

The Democrats grilling him are all rapists and child molesters. It's their job to prove they are innocent. They are in a job interview. We must know.

2 points

When Trump rode the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for pres, was the adoring crowd PAID???

I couldn't care less if people standing peacefully are paid. I care if groups are paid to be intentionally violent and destructive.


She bragged about it on their official site and advertized her pictures from the day.

That is why their site link was provided.

Looks like nom doesn't have the ability to process the conceptualization of the thread.

5 points

All I can think about is the Democrats glowing as they invoked the nuclear option. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

5 points

Whataboutism means it's OK if Kavanaugh is a rapist because Clinton was.. That's stinkin thinkin.

Whataboutism means look in the mirror and screw your double standards.

Yes. He raped a girl when he was 16, she ignored it for 35 years, then poof, the Democrats sit on it until Kavanaugh is nominated for the Supreme Court, and all after saying they would resist Trump's pick regardless of who it is. Forget the fact that no one else remembers the party, them together, and say he was a shy quiet kid. Nevermind that all of the women who have ever known him defend him and everyone that knows her says she's a lying piece of trash and has always been.

The point? No one got raped, and libs have now created a culture where real rape victims will be looked at as false accusers. You bastards are sick beyond belief.

5 points

Libs don't care if kids are present or not while they are acting like bigots and assholes.

5 points

Oh, so you go out and survey the ones that are "libs" or "cons" at disasters? Do you do anything productive at all those disasters you ho to?? Zealot??

I look at the pictures and read the articles about the heroes. They aren't libs.

Jimmy Carter is a "Lib", he's at MANY of them, and he brings other "lib" friends

Jimmy Carter is a strong Christian and has supported Trump. He looks nothing like libs today, nor could he win today as a Democrat.


Jimmy Carter saying things Democrats today hate-

5 points

Judge tosses lawsuit by man banned from Hemming Park

Jacksonville, mayor, group running park named in suit over loitering rules

6 points

But, is your library socialism?

No. The Library doesn't produce anything, and some libraries are privately owned.

Is it the trash collectors?

No. The trash collectors don't produce anything, and some providers are privately owned.

Is it your food bank?

Food banks get their food from donations, a capitalist concept. Socialists would just take your monetary good without permission.

Is the parks and recreation department??

Parks don't produce any goods. They also are not obligated to let you on the grounds by any law.

Is it your fire department??

The fire department doesn't produce a good, relies on volunteers, and many are privatized because privatization is cheaper, more effective, and more efficient.

5 points

Donald Trump won in 'electoral landslide,' GOP's Reince Priebus says

Fact check: false



The truth-

Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton garnered 227

5 points

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Even before you get to his campaign’s incompetence and lackluster fundraising, the numbers just aren’t on his side.

-The Nation

5 points

And, I watch the liars too

Yes. We've seen their work.

A Trump win would sink stocks. What about Clinton?


5 points

It must be the beginning of that giant blue tidal wave they keep telling us about.

5 points

I'd like to take a knee against the rapists taking a knee as well.

5 points

I hear he told a dog it was a bad dog when he was 7. The libs will need a full report.

5 points

Awww.. Are the dems outsmarting the Republicans???

This is like asking if the dog is outsmarting the cat by shitting on the floor.

No. It just looked like a stupid animal shitting on the floor.

5 points

We tried to stop Obama from seperating kids from their parents at the border and putting them in Nazi death camps, but Libs called us racist.

5 points

Nom, who defends Islam, is now trying to hide his identity so that he can attack Islam anonymously with no ridicule from those he attacked for critiquing Islam.

5 points

Have you noticed that the man triggering the left right noe is an a-political psychologist?

5 points

30,000 deaths is tiny compared to 350,000,000 people. It's not even a blip on the radar. And with most of those deaths being suicides, and most of the rest being gang on gang, there's almost zero chance I get shot today.

As for your snarky, toxic tone, how were you planning on defending yourself against all these Nazis & fascists you claim exist? Bean flip?

5 points

It was Democratic Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson who worked tirelessly to defeat the Communists

That's weird. Last time we talked, you said the Democrat Party used to be the right wing party.

5 points

It was Democratic Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson who worked tirelessly to defeat the Communists during the Cold War

The Cold War didn't end during Reagan's Presidency? Obama and the history books must be wrong.

5 points

Communism worked for 70 years, during which time the Soviets invented satellite technology and were the first to put a man in space.

And murdered their own people using Stalinist tactics and surveillance on anyone who stepped out of line or got in the way. So that is "Communism working"? Stupid story bro. Mega stupid story. Stupid story on steroids.

5 points

it is because you are either retarded, dishonest or further right than Hitler. Capiche?

You think we're Muslims? Poor story bro.

5 points

Bronto, why would anybody believe that Earth needs to be invaded in order for aliens to exist?

I can't speak for bronto, but it's like the Exodus. Show us alien evidence from migration, invasion, etc etc. Or do you believe without evidence? Ah. I see. Welcome to theism.

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