
Potatosalad's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Potatosalad's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

Libs don't care if kids are present or not while they are acting like bigots and assholes.

5 points

Oh, so you go out and survey the ones that are "libs" or "cons" at disasters? Do you do anything productive at all those disasters you ho to?? Zealot??

I look at the pictures and read the articles about the heroes. They aren't libs.

Jimmy Carter is a "Lib", he's at MANY of them, and he brings other "lib" friends

Jimmy Carter is a strong Christian and has supported Trump. He looks nothing like libs today, nor could he win today as a Democrat.


Jimmy Carter saying things Democrats today hate-

5 points

Judge tosses lawsuit by man banned from Hemming Park

Jacksonville, mayor, group running park named in suit over loitering rules

6 points

But, is your library socialism?

No. The Library doesn't produce anything, and some libraries are privately owned.

Is it the trash collectors?

No. The trash collectors don't produce anything, and some providers are privately owned.

Is it your food bank?

Food banks get their food from donations, a capitalist concept. Socialists would just take your monetary good without permission.

Is the parks and recreation department??

Parks don't produce any goods. They also are not obligated to let you on the grounds by any law.

Is it your fire department??

The fire department doesn't produce a good, relies on volunteers, and many are privatized because privatization is cheaper, more effective, and more efficient.

5 points

Donald Trump won in 'electoral landslide,' GOP's Reince Priebus says

Fact check: false



The truth-

Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton garnered 227

5 points

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Even before you get to his campaign’s incompetence and lackluster fundraising, the numbers just aren’t on his side.

-The Nation

5 points

And, I watch the liars too

Yes. We've seen their work.

A Trump win would sink stocks. What about Clinton?


5 points

It must be the beginning of that giant blue tidal wave they keep telling us about.

5 points

I'd like to take a knee against the rapists taking a knee as well.

5 points

I hear he told a dog it was a bad dog when he was 7. The libs will need a full report.

5 points

Awww.. Are the dems outsmarting the Republicans???

This is like asking if the dog is outsmarting the cat by shitting on the floor.

No. It just looked like a stupid animal shitting on the floor.

5 points

We tried to stop Obama from seperating kids from their parents at the border and putting them in Nazi death camps, but Libs called us racist.

5 points

Nom, who defends Islam, is now trying to hide his identity so that he can attack Islam anonymously with no ridicule from those he attacked for critiquing Islam.

5 points

Have you noticed that the man triggering the left right noe is an a-political psychologist?

5 points

30,000 deaths is tiny compared to 350,000,000 people. It's not even a blip on the radar. And with most of those deaths being suicides, and most of the rest being gang on gang, there's almost zero chance I get shot today.

As for your snarky, toxic tone, how were you planning on defending yourself against all these Nazis & fascists you claim exist? Bean flip?

5 points

It was Democratic Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson who worked tirelessly to defeat the Communists

That's weird. Last time we talked, you said the Democrat Party used to be the right wing party.

5 points

It was Democratic Presidents like Kennedy and Johnson who worked tirelessly to defeat the Communists during the Cold War

The Cold War didn't end during Reagan's Presidency? Obama and the history books must be wrong.

5 points

Communism worked for 70 years, during which time the Soviets invented satellite technology and were the first to put a man in space.

And murdered their own people using Stalinist tactics and surveillance on anyone who stepped out of line or got in the way. So that is "Communism working"? Stupid story bro. Mega stupid story. Stupid story on steroids.

5 points

it is because you are either retarded, dishonest or further right than Hitler. Capiche?

You think we're Muslims? Poor story bro.

5 points

Bronto, why would anybody believe that Earth needs to be invaded in order for aliens to exist?

I can't speak for bronto, but it's like the Exodus. Show us alien evidence from migration, invasion, etc etc. Or do you believe without evidence? Ah. I see. Welcome to theism.

5 points

the most recent estimates of the Earth's age put it at 4.5 billion years old.

"It is hypothesised that the accretion of Earth began soon after the formation of the calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions and the meteorites. Because the exact amount of time this accretion process took is not yet known, and the predictions from different accretion models range from a few million up to about 100 million years, the exact age of Earth is difficult to determine. It is also difficult to determine the exact age of the oldest rocks on Earth, exposed at the surface, as they are aggregates of minerals of possibly different ages."

5 points

It having the most people pretty much proves the OP's point.

Asians are over half the world's population, does that make them the patriarchy?

5 points

Nom Logic:

The Exodus never happened, and there are no Jews, but the Jews created Capitalism.

You can't be a Jew because you don't believe in God, but everyone else is a Jew.

Make sense? No huh?

5 points

America is literally letting the terrorist state of Israel commit terrorist atrocities

As far as atrocities, Israel ranks near last in the Middle East.

5 points

Why Did America Invade Afghanistan?

Because lib Marxist globalists needed it as an excuse to start WW3 to usher in their Marxist dystopia.

5 points

Bernie Sanders, who almost WON the Democratic nomination for president, is a Jew..

Who hates Israel, which is full of Jews.

5 points

Just like you did the last time

You mean like you did last time. Why did you throw Jews in furnaces?

5 points

Oh yes, that's right. The Communists!!

Communists killing Communists isn't a new thing. That's pretty much the heart of Communism, killing other Communists.

5 points

Bush was a dumbass. What else you got?

5 points

What happens if Jews ARE a race?

Nom's head explodes, and we have to clean up a giant f*ing mess.

5 points

Hey look. Nom can't tell us what it is either. Shocker.

5 points

The Democrat platform is simply empty unbelievers replacement of a future utopia.

5 points

Impeaching a President, then not getting the conviction is a guaranteed loss in the coming elections, and has never proven any different in the past.

7 points

The midget was a little Jewish Nazi pretending to be your mom.

7 points

You want to bam bam con's leftover midget?

5 points

How many holes did she have?

5 points

Me neither. They preach tolerance, then openly hate 65 million people.

5 points

It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of National Socialism was not hypocritical. The evidence before 1945 was more private than public, which is perhaps significant in itself. In public Hitler was always anti-Marxist, and in an age in which the Soviet Union was the only socialist state on earth, and with anti-Bolshevism a large part of his popular appeal, he may have been understandably reluctant to speak openly of his sources. His megalomania, in any case, would have prevented him from calling himself anyone's disciple. That led to an odd and paradoxical alliance between modern historians and the mind of a dead dictator. Many recent analysts have fastidiously refused to study the mind of Hitler; and they accept, as unquestioningly as many Nazis did in the 1930s, the slogan "Crusade against Marxism" as a summary of his views. An age in which fascism has become a term of abuse is unlikely to analyse it profoundly.

His private conversations, however, though they do not overturn his reputation as an anti-Communist, qualify it heavily. Hermann Rauschning, for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition. "I have learned a great deal from Marxism" he once remarked, "as I do not hesitate to admit". He was proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924, after the failure of the Munich putsch. The trouble with Weimar Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was that "they had never even read Marx", implying that no one who had failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the modern world; in consequence, he went on, they imagined that the October revolution in 1917 had been "a private Russian affair", whereas in fact it had changed the whole course of human history! His differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were mere pamphleteers, whereas "I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun", adding revealingly that "the whole of National Socialism" was based on Marx.

5 points

Experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy. (Marx, Reflections of a Young Man 1835)


Was Adolf Hitler Named ‘Man of the Year’ by Time Magazine in 1938?

The German dictator was dubbed the "Man of the Year" by Time magazine in 1938

5 points

So he lived in Germany.

6 points

Not knowing your gender isn't a good thing. It's a mental illness. It means you can't tell a penis from a vagina. Very few people had any gender confusion pre Cultural Marxism. This crap was brainwashed into this generation.

5 points

A riddle to rule them all

Sauron and Frodo's magic ring.

5 points

What is American ISIS?..............................................

5 points

Your response made no sense.

5 points

Trump Is Winning Over Blacks, Hispanics, Millennials and Gays

Karin McQuillan, American Thinker July 2, 2018

potatosalad(314) Clarified
5 points

Looks like polaris is an unhinged, deranged, libby lunatic. Binky?

5 points

You meant Muslim men

5 points

All of those lib voters crossing the border have their teeth? Then why do they need to cross the border? Apparently white privilege IS a myth...

5 points

All arbitrary words that can mean anything. In other words you have no answer.

I'm for the "American way". So you support slavery, respect the flag, are anti muslim or are pro Muslim. It can mean anything.

"Justice" for who and what? For 60 million Trump voters? For the rich? The poor? Selected groups? And justice for what?

"Truth". You must avoid the MSM like the plague. They still haven't got one right on anything.

You've also proven the point by deliberately avoiding the debate topic all together.

4 points

You aren't seeing OUR perspective from YOUR own perspective. If I live in Utah, & there is a shooting in New York state, it's about like you living in Ireland and there's a shooting in Somalia. Do you really care? No, why? Because it's thousands of miles away in a seemingly foreign land far away.

It is 5,859 miles from the two 2 furthest points in the U.S.

5 points

In the U.S. the Muslims aren't a big enough percentage to do as much harm as marching a million Muslims into much smaller European countries. They also know we're all armed.

3 points

What the hell kind of town is this?...........................

5 points

The Russian liberal trolls on the site. NumberOne has ruined the site & turned it into mass troll wars. No debate occurs anymore.

5 points

Liberals have a type of Munchausen's syndrome:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability.

The caregiver with MSBP may:

Lie about the person's symptoms.

Change test results to make a person appear to be ill.

3 points

You are a racist, calling people cats, you fuckwit. How dare you. Meow lives matter. You are a disgrace you neo-Nazi skank.

4 points

Leftists think CNN and MSNBC are legitmate news outlets..................

Funny that Communists are claiming that Trump is a Communist.

But the one that you are claiming is lying is a liberal Democrat.

Our Muslim economies aren't capitalist. They collapse all the time. You should feel lucky to be in capitalist Americas. It fixed itself. Socialist country no correct collapse. They just disintegrate.

Oh us Muslims is not brown. Many of us be white.

3 points

I would say a big part of this was settlers moving West. They got away from others speaking with a British accent and mixed with slaves and Natives until it was phased out.

If you think the race of someone matters for who should be in a particular position, that means you are a racist

But white isn't a race. It's a color.

If you can as a state or city, ignore federal law, thengay marriage can be ignored by Conservative states or cities.

0 points

Marcus. Please. Let's talk sensibly here. You're eating swastika cookies as we speak. Are you not?

2 points

We are simply going to have to round up these Nazi thugs and put them in camps.

-1 points

Why would I be joking? If it was half and half, it'd be a true melting pot that could thrive multiculturally.

I am not to blame for anything my ancestors may have done

Yes, but you were born into privilege. This what whites don't get. Minorities have no privilege.

0 points

It's okay to hurt white people to correct past wrongs. It's the price whites have to pay to make things right. What it's our fault that all white people are inherantly Nazis?

0 points

So if a minority attacks a straight white male that's okay but if a straight white male says something offensive that's not okay

Yes. It looks like you understand correctly. It's the price whites must pay for past racism. You are collateral damage. It's nothing personal. Understand?

Not Muslim babies. We kill in womb when we please. Women are to cover up themselves. We men know what to do with baby.

Trump supporters are all Nazi scumholes. They should be rounded up and put into camps and prisons. We're taking over this country, creating a Democratic Socialist republic, and going to create a new order in the colleges to breed liberals.

In my religion you can have a child bride and kill the baby whenever you want if you don't want it.

0 points

Yes, but I want the British royal family to be Muslim too. They've been white too long.

-1 points

You should not protect the majority because they aren't oppressed and should protect the minority because of oppression. You have to let some crime and damage go to protect groups.

Milo is obviously a neo nazi dog. He should be tied to a post and burned alive for his vile puke.

ANTIFA will be the police of the future. With this train of thinking Nazis will never rise up. It's obvious what has to happen.

0 points

Until European countries become more like half white and half Muslim, the bigotry and hate will never cease.

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