
Randumthingz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Randumthingz's arguments, looking across every debate.

Psh. fo shao! im diggin this idea. If you can still chew, the people who dont do drugs, would be able to hang out with their pot smoking friends without getting high from the second-hand smoke.

According to, "The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day."

-- Joycelyn Elders, MD

Former US Surgeon General

Editorial, Providence Journal

Mar. 26, 2004

Cannabis also has numerous medicinal uses. it can be used for arthritis, Appetite Loss, Nausea, Cancer Chemotherapy, AIDS Wasting Syndrome, Nausea From Cancer Chemotherapy, Addiction, Asthma, Brain Injury/Stroke, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Depression, Mental Illness, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure/Hypertension, Migraine, Nail Patella Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Tourette's Syndrome, and uncountable other diseases and ailments. (

0 points

defenitely fish

0 points

NEWS FLASH!!! just because you "wont stand for it," doesnt mean it wont happen. Japan is now in its biggest recession in pretty much EVER and right now i dont think ANY nation is right in the middle of a "Golden Age" as of now. And well Duh we're all gonna die soon. Also WTF about the "Smart Bomb" thing? we're over that. Sometime within one hundred years i am pretty sure that we will all die.

-1 points

i believe that jesus might have been real but i do not heink that he could heal just by touching people or that he came back from the dead. he could've been just some guy that everyone liked and over the years he became the son of god and could perform all these different things.

4 points

yes and no. while i still believe that there is a heaven and god rules heaven, the theory of evolution overrules the belief that god created everything and He rules over all and controls all.

if the democrats are smart at all, they will do what the people want and try to get elected again so that they can have more power.

2 points

i agree w/ pyg. they arent stupid. i have many friends that are vegitarians. but they should keep their face shut and not try to convince everybody to not eat meat and that killing an animal is soooo cruel and everything.

i think that pretty soon (not in like a year or so) we're all gonna get pissed off at each other and theres gonna be a nuculear WW III and in that war everybody is gonna die a horrible death.

the USA is a free friggin country. if people are stupid then they should be able to vote, if they are smart they should be able to vote, if they are rich, poor, tall, short, fat, skinny, or whatever race they are they should be able to vote.

ABSOLUTELY YESSSSS!!! for only one reason: jedi's are BAMF!!!!!!!!

i leave mine up till after new years and take em down whenever i feel like it but i live in the middle of nowhere so nobody sees my lights.

0 points

Against it. People have rights and one of them is the right of expression. by marrying their same sex, they are expressing their beliefs. if the government passes this law it would be unconstitutional.

0 points

i agree with Muds for agreeing with me for agreeing with him because they might wanna kill themselves because they aren't absolutely beautiful.

that eye for an eye thing was just being used as an expression. what i ment was that if they killed somebody, they should be killed.

i think so because right now would be the perfect time to attack us. our economy is crap, we just got a new president that they might want to test out and a whole lot of other reasons.

jeff dunham all the way!!!

5 points

absolutely. i agree w/ muds. celebs are making girls feel self-concious and therefore, the girls go on diets nd if they arent perfect, they think that they r ugly and have low self-esteem.

2 points

if they commited a crime bad enough to be put on death row, then in my mind, they deserve to die. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.

0 points

they wouldnt be handed out, theyd be available in the bathrooms. and the kids would heve to buy them.

3 points

the school would be selling them for a quarter each and it wouldnt be encouraging the students to have sex. in the survey that i previously talked about, most of the girls said that they thought that 11-15 years old is the right time to have sex so they would be needing the protection.

0 points

Absolutely! the average age for a person to start having sex these days is anywhere from 11-15 years old. of 860 girls, 251 of them were comfortable when the had sex.

for one, the gold coin standard isn't used in ANY government so why should we start. also, think about lugging around gold in your pockets all day. it would be heavy! and the use of paper money has been here for over 3,000 years. why change it!

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