
Debate Info

true sausage
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 true (5)
 sausage (3)

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LordofFacts(163) pic

Amarel's IQ is equivalent to that of a burnt sausage on a stick


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 7

I don't think Amarel is necessarily stupid. I just think he's a liar and a manipulator who would sooner fall into using a stupid argument than admit he is a liar and a manipulator.

Side: true
excon(18262) Banned
2 points

Amarel's IQ is equivalent to that of a burnt sausage on a stick

Hello FM:

Awwwww.. Did the big man hurt you??? Did he kick your ass? Poor baby.

Doncha just LOVE it when losers snivel???


Side: sausage
LordofFacts(163) Disputed
2 points

Awwwww.. Did the big man hurt you??? Did he kick your ass? Poor baby.

Doncha just LOVE it when losers snivel???

Shut up you non-Jewish right winger. This is what you want to be true, not what actually is true, just like the idea that you are special because your ancestors practiced a religion.

Side: true
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

I don't always agree with Amarel, but, his IQ is surely higher than that sausage in the White House at the moment, so, he COULD be President some day. (Careful! ;-)

Side: sausage
1 point

Doncha just LOVE it when losers snivel???

Sounds pretty much exactly like what you are doing right now, Con. Snivelling for support from one of only three people on Create Debate disingenuous enough to allow you to lie with impunity. Strange how you insist on being a liberal while two of the three are far right idiots, and the other is simply an idiot.

Side: true
1 point

I've had many debates with Amarel, and while we don't always agree with each other, he's always presented his side in a well reasoned, intelligent and respectable way.

Side: sausage
LordofFacts(163) Disputed
2 points

I've had many debates with Amarel, and while we don't always agree with each other, he's always presented his side in a well reasoned, intelligent and respectable way.

If you debate him about something like free will or socialism you will see how intellectually dishonest and stupid he is, assuming you are not also intellectually dishonest and stupid.

Side: true
2 points

well reasoned

I really don't think that phrase means what you think it means.

Side: true