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Debate Score:20
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 An offer to moderate a debate. (13)

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atypican(4875) pic

An offer to moderate a debate.

So what I think would be neat to try is to find two users who have already discovered a persistant disagreement between them, and moderate a debate/discussion between them. By moderate, I mean try to keep the conversation on track and moving forward until a consensus is reached. I don't have all that much faith that I will succeed, but I think it would be a neat learning experience anyway. So if anyone wants to nominate themselves please do. I will wait for a bit to start unless I get a much faster than expected (frankly,if at all) response.

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2 points

I was thinking that I would like to debate JACE on morality (Im sure we could settle on a debate description and positions) and have the debate moderated by Thousandin1 and MuckuMcaw

1 point

That sounds splendid. I love a good debate on morality. I agree that we could come to consensus on setting up the debate. My question is how you envision the role of the moderator precisely? And, of course, whether Thousandin1 and MuckuMcaw would be interested.

2 points

This would be a very exciting debate indeed. If this event does play out I must witness the titans of logic and knowledge duke it out word for word.

2 points

I was thinking the moderators would be there to make sure points were addressed, questions are not left unanswered etc. Also hopefully to keep us on topic and possibly even help us reach consensus. We would acheive something rare if we succeeded.

2 points

ideas of specifics, I will list as seperate responses. Like this one.

Idea: The moderators interview each participant in seperate threads which can be referenced in the actual debate

2 points

I'm working on structuring a formal debate community for these types of one on one debates. Perhaps you'd be interested

1 point

I would like to volunteer to participate either as a debate opponent or as a moderator.

1 point

I'd throw my hat into the ring. I'll debate just about any thing but politics or religion, for a formal debate.

1 point

Do we know of anything we disagree on enough that we would want to debate it? I feel like that would be a good debate if we could come up with something... but nothing is coming to mind. Any issues you are interested in and want to throw out there to see if I disagree?

1 point

Can a moral system be based on objectively verifiable truths


Just the first thing that popped into my head

Maybe they'll help us zero in on a topic.....

1 point

You do not value the concept of morality at all?