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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 yes (4)
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gag1192(6) pic

Are you the same on-line as you are in real life?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
1 point

Yes, I am.

Side: yes
1 point

Overall, yeah, although my persona on the internet is an exaggeration of my actual personality.

Side: yes
2 points

No, I'm even more of an asshole in real life.

Side: no
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Nobody could be that big of an asshole .

Side: yes
2 points

I can... seriously, if you tripped, you and the car you live in could fall into my ass.

Just ask that Russian asshole, BigOats... he'll back me up.

Side: yes
lupusFati(790) Clarified
2 points

Idaho State Legislators. You're welcome .

Side: yes

Nope, people are protected by the internet... that's because people can be anonymous.

Supporting Evidence: Example (
Side: no
1 point

I have more freedom to say what's on my mind, and my brain fires in a different way when I type as opposed to when I use my verbal communication, allowing for more complete thoughts and introspection, as well as self-editing. I can actually think a lot more before I speak, and correct myself far easier this way.

Also, I tend to wear different masks for different situations (as does anyone, but I do it more often). Internet is just another mask to me.

Side: no