
Debate Info

They do They do not
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 They do (3)
 They do not (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Atheists believe in walking whales and that whales evolved from hooved hyenas?

Atheists believe in walking whales, and that whales evolved from hooved hyenas. They've also decided that the Cambrian explosion should be ignored.

"Whale ancestor" -

"Whale evolution" chart -

"Ancient whales" at play -

They do

Side Score: 3

They do not

Side Score: 5
1 point

While creationists believe whales just popped into existence.

Side: They do
0 points

Well.... we do have the Cambrian explosion, or did they not teach you about it in Atheist church 101?

Side: They do not
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

The cambrian explosion isnt creatures poofing into existence fully formed. Its still a millions of years period of time where evolution by natural selection was taking place.

Side: They do
3 points

Can you please make a fucking argument and stop posting links all the time? Nobody is going to watch them. If you have an argument then voice it yourself. Stop having youtube do all your work for you.

Your debates get little to no activity because of this

Side: They do not
1 point

The thing with Atheists is, we can't visualize Adam and Eve living in harmony with Bronto-raptors, etc..

There is FAR more evidence that "Brontos and raptors existed than "GOD". The thought of Adam having a pet T-Rex is somewhat of a stretch .... don'cha think?? WE know when THEY existed, we know when they went extinct, we KNOW the world is billions of years ... not 6000 years old. We KNOW there are no talking snakes (if you eliminate politicians), And we KNOW there were very intelligent civilizations around earlier than 6000 years. Walking whales?? They would have left very deep footprints in the mud, I know of none being found. Until I see some "rock solid evidence", I as an Atheist, will not believe in your hyper-active imagination about what Atheists believe.

Side: They do not
0 points

Actually "Adam" is just the Hebrew word for mankind, and the story is an alegory. And your dinosaurs seem to be proving God as of late...

Side: They do