
Debate Info

Yes - Bernie will show it Requires Authoritarian ism
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Yes - Bernie will show it (5)
 Requires Authoritarian ism (4)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Can Socialism exist in Democracy?

Ok, Marx didn’t feel pure socialism could exist in open democracy and in open religion.  How does the Bernie camp think “democratic socialism “ will work?

Yes - Bernie will show it

Side Score: 8

Requires Authoritarian ism

Side Score: 7
3 points

Bernie Sanders is not a true socialist because actual socialism does not retain capitalism to the extent that his policies would. He is a social democrat which sounds similar and is not what he calls himself but it is technically what he is.

Side: Yes - Bernie will show it

Ok, Marx didn’t feel pure socialism could exist in open democracy and in open religion

That isn't true (at least the first part). He believed education of the proletariat would inevitably lead to democratic communism, but the problem is the proletariat is also exposed (and to a much greater degree) to deliberate mis-education by the ruling class. See:-

In Marxist theory, a new democratic society will arise through the organised actions of an international working class enfranchising the entire population and freeing up humans to act without being bound by the labour market.[1][2] In such a utopian world there would also be little if any need for a state, the goal of which was to enforce the alienation.[1] Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels stated in The Communist Manifesto and later works that "the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle for democracy"

Side: Yes - Bernie will show it
2 points

He believed education of the proletariat would inevitably lead to democratic communism

Awesome. More of the pure stupidity of Marxists. They can't decide if Communism is the people running everything or if it needs Democratic elections...

Side: Requires Authoritarian ism

Can Socialism exist in Democracy?

The United States isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic.

Side: Yes - Bernie will show it
1 point

The United States isn't a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic.

They aren't mutually exclusive conditions you retarded Nazi slop bucket.

Side: Requires Authoritarian ism
1 point

They aren't mutually exclusive conditions

Cool. We elect our President through electorates, which isn't Democracy. Do you get tired of being dumb as a box of rat shit...

Nope. 40 year olds living with their parents are too stupid to get tired of being stupid.

Side: Yes - Bernie will show it
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