
Debate Info

Yes. No.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes. (5)
 No. (1)

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Redeemed(1428) pic

Canadian father sent to prison for refusing his cis daughter's sex change. Perse


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 1
1 point

This is too much government. Free speech, and religious liberty are human rights..............................................................................

Side: Yes.
1 point

Such is life under the boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Side: Yes.
1 point

Canadian father sent to prison for refusing his cis daughter's sex change. Persecution?

Hello R:

Canadians aren't nuts.. Clearly, there's MORE to the story than you're alluding.. I'd be happy to comment if you give me a link.. Otherwise, it looks like you're the one who's doing the persecution..


Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

Don't play the victim card, sir. I am not persecuting anyone. The Bible says it is God who makes someone male or female, and being transgendered is a sin. This is too much government, and parents have the God ordained right to raise their children as they see fit, religious liberty, and free speech. Canada is a far left dictatorship, and y'all leftists want that here in America? Sir, no thank you. If you are going to claim to be Jewish, at least owe God the courtesy of knowing what His word says.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Canadians aren't nuts.

The majority are.

Side: Yes.
Infidel(9) Disputed
1 point

Canadians are not nuts, as you say. At least not all of them. Those that are, are in charge. this is not a Canadian phenomena. You have these people is spades in the US. Just look at Democrats. In fact, the left in Canada gets its signals from Dems. This is an outrage. More communism creep from the left.

Side: Yes.