
Debate Info

She COULD Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:16
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 She COULD (3)
 Trump can do no wrong (6)

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excon(18261) pic

Could Michelle Obama BEAT Donald Trump in 2020?


Side Score: 3

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 9
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1 point

Video of her husband telling us how Trump's economic model will be a failure would be played on a feedback loop nonstop. You should elect Maxine Waters. She looks stable.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

Video of her husband telling us how Trump's economic model will be a failure

By Trump's "economic model" are you perhaps talking about Goldman Sachs' economic model? Trump doesn't know anything about the economy. That's why he hired half a dozen senior Goldman Sachs executives to run it for him.

You might remember Goldman Sachs, Bronto. Their name was in the news a lot back in 2007 when they ripped off all their customers with portfolios they knew were worthless. Oh, and yes, they also helped finance Hitler.

Side: She COULD
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Oh, and yes, they also helped finance Hitler.

And Bill Clinton...and Hillary Clinton...and Barack Obama... yawn...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

By Trump's "economic model" are you perhaps talking about Goldman Sachs' economic model? Trump doesn't know anything about the economy. That's why he hired half a dozen senior Goldman Sachs executives to run it for him.

Right. That's why when liberals had Goldman Sachs all over their administrations, we never saw this success. I'd say "nice try", but it really wasn't.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

You might remember Goldman Sachs, Bronto. Their name was in the news a lot back in 2007 when they ripped off all their customers with portfolios they knew were worthless

And some messianic lib bailed them out...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

You might remember Goldman Sachs, Bronto. Their name was in the news a lot back in 2007 when they ripped off all their customers with portfolios they knew were worthless.

Yes. That's why we didn't vote in a globalist this time. Because your globalist policies are a failure. Care to continue?

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

I suppose it could happen, assuming infinite universes exist. Otherwise, not a chance.

Side: Trump can do no wrong