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 Debunking White Nationalism (6)

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socratic4(147) pic

Debunking White Nationalism

If genetic difference is what's used to determine a social group each individual is his own social group as there is a difference between each individual's genome, if genetic similarity is what's used to determine a social group all humans are one social group as there are genetic similarities between all humans. I'm not arguing against communalism or having no group identity, I'm arguing against genetics, having anything to do with a community or group identity.
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3 points

From a biological standpoint there is not enough major difference between any of the human beings in this world for one group to claim innate superiority over any other. But hey, that's not what white nationalism is about anyway. Not really. It's about white trash wanting to believe they're better than white trash. And the irony is if they would just abandon their ugly white superiority beliefs and be decent people to the rest of the world then that alone would make them better than white trash. But instead they just entrench further.

2 points

Hello S:

You're right, of course.. Melanin should NOT be a factor.

Look.. This is usually where I jump in and stir up the racists on this site.. Instead, I'm gonna applaud the distance we HAVE covered. I'm certain we WILL get to the finish line. I just hope it doesn't take another 200 years..


Racists will stay racist not out of anger but out of misunderstanding of what mixing and diversifying does to a species.

Throughout history it has strengthened us to diversify as both a species and political organisation; conformity and rigidity have always led to overthrows and such.

1 point

What you've stated here is pretty much inarguable, supported by genetics. Humanity has adapted to different conditions throughout the world, and in those conditions, hold the advantage - as that's what natural selection does - but that does not make one superior or inferior. I would shrivel up and die in the Sahara, where some survive...amazingly, to me.

0 points

"if genetic similarity is what's used to determine a social group all humans are one social group as there are genetic similarities between all humans. I'm not arguing against communalism or having no group identity, I'm arguing against genetics, having anything to do with a community or group identity."

I agree with the sentiment underneath these statements, but the logic is not sound. For instance, why can't genetic similarity, when used to determine a social group, be used for determining a social group that have geographical genetic similarities? Genetics can be traced back to geographic locations and populations. Why does it have to skip everything in between and only apply between ALL humans?

Honestly, it feels as if you have not actually presented an argument, your premises feel more like opinions and instead you've just stated that you are against genetics having anything to do with a community or group identity. A friend told me about this site and I just joined this night, so perhaps I'm missing some important information.

Furthermore, white nationalism does not necessarily have anything to do with genetics, I believe you are confusing it with white supremacy. While the same people may be labeled as both nationalists and supremacists, the two concepts are not the same.

socratic4(147) Disputed
0 points

I'm not arguing that we should artificially diversify every community's genome as that would be contradictory to my argument. I'm arguing against artificially conforming a communities genome.