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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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KJVPrewrath(967) pic

Does God go above and beyond to save us?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

Could you give more clarification on what you mean?

Side: Yes.
1 point

Well, I think he has endowed us with the ability to reason and understand the world, and to a lesser extent, the universe in which we live.

The path to ruination and slaughter is well sign posted, yet with all throughout history mankind has decided to ignore the direction which leads to peaceful coexistence and ride like blue blazes down the road to hell.

The French philosopher Alphonse Karr summed up humankind's inability to learn from its mistakes with his quote;- the more things change, the more they stay the same.

By that he meant that we like to think we have developed into a more civilised and caring society, whereas the reality is we're still slaughtering each other, men, women, children and babies on an industrial scale.

Side: Yes.
1 point

This implies god exists, which there's no evidence to assume so.

Side: No.
1 point

Where was "he" when those who loved "him" were killed "in his house"? When his NEW "creations" were killed by a "his" faulty creation in CT? How many of his believers were killed in Vegas? Does he go above and beyond to stop "false religions" from killing thousands of his believers and other creations? Does he save any but a few ... some of them sinners of the worst kind..from HIS floods and storms? Does he even keep sinners out of high places? (Putin?, Hitler?, Trump?) Nope. Above and beyond? He must be "Below" and very "far away" to not see us destroying "His creation" that took him 6 days to complete! SAVE US!

Side: No.