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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:24
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Redeemed(1428) pic

Does POTUS Trump hate the WORKING poor?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 12
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Obama got rid of working class jobs. Trump brought them back. Thanks Trump.

Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
0 points

I don't support Obama either. Please try again.......................................................................................................................

Side: Yes.
1 point

You asked if Trump hated the working poor? Based on the tone of the question, it implies you think Obama didn't hate them, and that Trump does.

So let's look at facts. Obama watched their jobs vanish overseas. Trump brought them back. Actions speak louder than words and fake smiles. So no, Trump doesn't hate the working poor.

Side: No.
2 points

I'm with the right-wing on this one. Trump doesn't hate the working poor, he hates the poor who don't work.

I don't agree with that hate, I agree with the conclusion that he hates the latter and not the former.

Side: No.
1 point

Do some research if you have the ability and then you just might know something. But don't let the facts send you to the Safe Space.

Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
0 points

I have the right to free speech..............................................................................................................................................................................

Side: Yes.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You are denied the Right to Research ???????? Is that a mental block you have ?????????

Side: No.
1 point

Near as I can tell, Trump loves the working poor. Moreover, he believes in the capability of the American people, poor included, to both create and take advantage of opportunities to improve our own lives.

Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
1 point

No he does not love the working poor. If he did, he would let them have healthcare.

Side: Yes.
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Hi, Redeemed,

How do figure he is preventing the working poor from having health care?

The best way to ensure people have better and cheaper access to any product or service, health care included, is to remove artificial constraints from the free market.

Health insurance (NOT the same as health care) for the working poor is being taken care of by the booming Trump economy, particularly by the increase in demand for labor. This is forcing employers to compete for workers by paying more and offering better benefits packages.

The worst way to get high quality/affordable services to people is to put the government in charge of it. NOTHING is more expensive than a government program to provide "free" anything to people.

Side: Yes.