
Debate Info

Does Cockadoodledoo
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Does (6)
 Cockadoodledoo (3)

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Rockadoodle(50) pic

Does the Soros media play into Biblical prophecy?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
2 points

The man of sin is this chap:

You're looking at a player in a twisted game. Soros is a 'Rook' but Lord Jacob Rothschild is the King.

Side: Does
1 point

Hello Rocky:

I dunno if I'd be talking shit about George Soros moments after a right winger like yourself, got CAUGHT sending a BOMB to George Soros..

But, that's just me..


Side: Cockadoodledoo
Grugore(856) Disputed
2 points

You seem confused. Republicans as a group do not endorse this kind of behavior. Democrats, on the other hand...

Side: Does
Rockadoodle(50) Disputed
1 point

I dunno if I'd be talking shit about George Soros moments after a right winger like yourself, got CAUGHT sending a BOMB to George Soros..

We condemn all violence of any kind. Sadly, the left does not.

Side: Does
Rockadoodle(50) Disputed
1 point


Side: Does
ExKhan(47) Disputed
1 point

I dunno if I'd be talking shit about George Soros moments after a right winger like yourself, got CAUGHT sending a BOMB to George Soros

You didn't respond to the debate topic.

Side: Does
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

You didn't respond to the debate topic.

Hello Ex:

No, I didn't.. But, I'll say whatever the fuck I wanna say anywhere I wanna say it... Got that??

Now, go fetch..


Side: Cockadoodledoo
1 point

Does it really matter? Assuming that Biblical prophecies represent the reality of what will happen, he can do whatever he wants. Won't change a thing.

Side: Cockadoodledoo