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He did She worked hard invisibly
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 He did (2)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Donald Trump outworked Hillary to win Presidency

He did

Side Score: 2

She worked hard invisibly

Side Score: 0

This is Hillary's campaign

"I'm a woman, Donald Trump is a nazi, I believe that...ahugh...ahuAAAACHK ACHUKHZAHUGH HUGH PLGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHTT AHUH AHUH! coughs up green slime balls and faints

Side: He did
1 point

He did. And with the help of Putin, the (new) KGB (by any other name it's still the KGB), Breitbart, Hannity and other right wingers who don't like a two party democracy, a propaganda base begun at the start of the Obama Admin. (To make him fail after 1 term), and a huge number of lies, he did. America should be proud if it survives this Nazi-like attack on its principles, its National Parks, its water and air, its non-white population ....democracy!

Side: He did
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