
Debate Info

Yah Not really...
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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 Yah (12)
 Not really... (7)

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chimchimney(165) pic

Dose splleing mattor?

Seom sceintists tihnk taht splleing dose not long as teh frist lettar is teh same and teh last ltter (if it has more tahn 4 wurds) is teh same... Wut do you tihnk?


Side Score: 12

Not really...

Side Score: 7

Perhaps spelling doesn't matter, but it does stop you from looking right off the bat like a complete dumbass.

Side: Yah
1 point

Yeah it matters a whole lot to pseudo-intellectual types.

Oh and make sure never to accidentally substitute "their" for "they're" or "your" for "you're" or they'll be on you like flies on shit!

Side: Yah
1 point

It does matter.

Now, it's not like you need to spell every single word right or use the proper term all the time. Just don't sound like a retard.

It's annoying to have to read a shitty sentence, especially in a debate.

Side: Yah
1 point

It matters if you want to be taken seriously. Typos can be overlooked easily enough, but a string of misspelled words does not help you look intelligent in a debate or in any typed message.

Side: Yah
1 point

It does in the sense that you should know how to spell common words at least, even if you mess it up on accident now and then.

Misspelling bourgeoisie for instance isn't a big deal.

I understand messing up their, they're, there, and other junk like that as long as you understand the rule and it's just a typo.

The reason some people (myself) get annoyed at blatant misspellings of easy words is the basic survival of the human race. We depend on communication to survive, misspelling of common words isn't in itself a horrible thing, just the massive amounts I see is a sign of a deterioration of a vital tool of survival - so yeah, it gets annoying.

Side: Yah
1 point

Intentional wrong spelling annoys me (i jus usin da net tlk). Especially when it takes just as much effort to not look like a complete moron (lyke as opposed to like).

Side: Yah

It depends the society you are in. If it is your society, it probably doesn't matter if you consider it not important. However, in our society of America, it does matter. Like it or not, but if you want to be successful in society, you have to follow society rules.

However, that is not always true.

Side: Yah

Of course it matters you do want people to understand you but you can't read or write I would understand.

Side: Yah

Spelling does matter if someone wants to get ahead in the world.

Side: Yah

Spelling doesn't matter as long as the point your trying to make is made.

If spelling was really important than speech must be equally as important, not true. Universities and colleges have foreign professors because they excel in their field not in communicating.

Side: Not Really...
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
1 point

That doesn't mean that the foreign professors aren't nitpicky about spelling in their native languages.

Side: Yah
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Of course it doesn't mean they aren't picky. It does mean that those that accept the errors they make when teaching in other countries aren't too picky or they wouldn't be teaching there.

Side: Not Really...
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

i find it homorous...that yu think abortion is oke and bad speelin is not.

Side: Not Really...
1 point

The "first and last letter" thing is a hoax. You can't just randomly jumble up the letters in the middle. You have to craftily jumble them up in a way that still makes the word's overall shape distinguishable (like switching letters just a bit out of place, or swapping two similar vowels), or pick words with few letters so there isn't much jumbling you can do. For example, can you tell at a glance what I'm saying below?

Dlrateelbeiy utsliniig leognr wrods and mniakg an enasret aptmett to rismadone the sanbrilmcg sgciilainftny deeeascrs crosmnepheoin, agulhoth the iiidadnvul wdors are flaimair to msot ppolee.

I highly doubt you could read that at anything close to normal reading pace.

Side: Not Really...

A misspelled letter here or there is no big deal but with many missed spelled words, that is a annoying.

Side: Not Really...