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 Every time I need a lift in spirits, I watch Fake new's election night coverage. (5)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Every time I need a lift in spirits, I watch Fake new's election night coverage.

It was the pinnacle of my life long election night viewing pleasure. The stakes were never higher. Two or three possible new Supreme court positions.
Obama had already appointed two Liberal activist Justices and Hillary's appointees would have put the nail in our Constitution's coffin.

All the Fake news mouth pieces kept saying how Hillary would probably win and that Trump had a very hard road to get enough electoral votes.
They kept searching for every vote from every county in Florida, hoping beyond hope that the numbers were wrong. They kept trying to get people to believe Hillary could still win it and to come to the polls.

Watching their faces as they knew in their heart that Trump would win it, was proof of their total liberal bias.

It seemed to be a miracle that Trump won because the vast majority of the news is liberal biased. They wanted everyone to believe Trump could not win. Their polls numbers were cherry picked as usual. Were it not for our biased media, Americans would see that the majority of America is still moderate to Conservative.
The Left has the bully pulpit of the media to make us believe otherwise.

The activist Political correct movement inspired the working man from all walks of our nation to get out and vote. Thank God!

I can't even imagine another eight years of a Liberal President destroying every thing this nation has stood for.
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My favorite is the unbiased media looking like they just saw a ghost as they announce each state...

Not one reporter in a half Conservative nation was happy? That seems like it defies probability...that is...unless they aren't unbiased media...

Yes, the proof of liberal bias is everywhere to see, but many Liberals on this site still have the deceptive mindset to deny it.

For the Left to still be so outraged over Trump's win shows us how very extreme the Democrat Party has become.

They truly do look at Conservatives and those who would elect Trump as deplorable and irredeemable.

Please don't let their extremism take control of Congress once more.

1 point

Hello From:

I can imagine your joy. I was devastated - the Birther-in-Chief was elected president..

We'll FIX that..


FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

For your sake, the Democrat Party better not take over Congress, unless of course you want our nation to become Socialist. If you do, it truly shows how conditioned by Big Government you have become.