
Debate Info

Awards and Nominations (YES) Awards and Nominations (NO)
Debate Score:275
Total Votes:289
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 Awards and Nominations (YES) (127)
 Awards and Nominations (NO) (81)

Debate Creator

addltd(5144) pic

First Annual Create Debate Awards

Welcome to the debate listing for the first annual CreateDebate Awards!  I know there have been a few debates already created, but I needed to create a new one so I can edit the main debate as we add categories, etc.!

Please enter your award categories and nominations in the YES catergory, and things you don't want or users you don't want to be nominated in the NO category.

I will start adding the list of categories and then we will figure our timing and a "voting" system.  I would like to actually "give" something to the winners and since I am doing this on a limited and personal budget, if I find something appropriate it will likely be small.

More to come...

Now, get going on those award categories and nominations!

A special SHOUT OUT to Axmeister for the original idea!!!Cool


I will start lising ALL of the debate categories that have been suggested (starting with this debate).  I will go back to the others and add those categorties as well.

Eventually, I will strike through all of the categories I think we will skip, and bold the ones I think we will keep.  If you see a category deleted (strike through), but want it saved, post an argument and ask for voting support!

I will also post concepts that have been shared for the award winners (online badges, wall of fame, T-shirts, Polos, etc.) and will make a decision prior to the final awards announcement.

So, check here for the first part of the list (not in any order and there might be duplicates)...



1. Most Points - Joe "Muttley" Cavalry

2. Coolest debate graphics (and Most Anti-Obama) - Hellno-"Obama in"-2012

3. Biggest Attention Whore (and most troubled mind) awarded posthumously - RIP TheTruth91, 92 and 93

Awards and Nominations (YES)

Side Score: 179

Awards and Nominations (NO)

Side Score: 96
6 points

I'd like to nominate Andy (addltd) as the internet's coolest moderator. Even though he started drinking at an early age (check out his avatar), he is still relatively fair and a decent dude! LOL

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
3 points

Thanks for the shout out! The pic I used as an avatar was when my Great Grandfather let me get the "last drop" of a bottle of Budwiser. But, yes you are correct it started my troubled youth which has led to heavy drinking and dilusional posts in the middle of the night!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

There's other moderators? Where the heck are they all?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

LOL! Well I was comparing him to moderators on other sites since he is the only visible one here.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
TheTruth92(7) Disputed
1 point

Can i ask you something and please don't find me rude. :)

You think it is cool for a child to drink at an early age but you think pedophilia is sick. I find that contradicting...

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

I'd like to nominate Andy (addltd) as the internet's coolest moderator. Even though he started drinking at an early age (check out his avatar), he is still relatively fair and a decent dude! LOL

You're not very bright are ya?

1st, that post was clearly a joke

2nd, if I say someone is cool even though.... then that would mean that I don't think that drinking at an early age is cool.

3rd, and most importantly, no sane person would even compare the two.

You're obsessed with pedophilia and you're a sick bastard.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
4 points

My Nomination for:

Most Articulate: Enigmatic Man


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I agree with this one also.... and he is always respectful, at least from what I've seen.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
garry77777(1796) Disputed
1 point

Not true in fact. I had a debate with him where he was very disrespectful but in fairness to him once i infromed him of it he cleaned up his act alright.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)

My Nomination for:

Most Articulate: Enigmatic Man

I suspect you may have just melted a very thin layer of the ice which encases my heart. Thank you.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
3 points

Biggest Attention Whore

Most Arrogant

Most Respectful

Most Apathetic

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything

Most Anti-Obama

Biggest Obama Loving Idiot

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Billie(790) Disputed
3 points

I'm not sure why so many people believe in rewarding a negative contributor as this is almost like encouraging them to keep dulling-up the community. I really support some of your suggestions but I really don't want negative members to get an award... waits for people to start saying "well that rules you out then" hahahaha, OH WELL. lmao.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

Well, what's the reward, really? Nothing! It's the internet and this has to be one of the most obscure opinion/debate sites of them all... Therefore it's just for fun... nothing more. There can be fun in rewarding someone for something negative... It's better than nothing at all, that's for sure.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Hmmm...i wonder who your refering to in that fifth suggestion???

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

I think there's another one in there that you might have a stab at. LOL

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Seems to me honey that you qualify for most of these award categories :P

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Not the last one... that's for sure .

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Most Hated

Most likely to succeed

Most High Maintenance

Most Known


Most debates

Most points

Most funniest debate topics

Most Avatar Changed (Me)

Most respectful

Best Debater

Most loved

Fight starter

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
3 points

The Best Argument Award!

The Best Debate ever!

The Best Debates pertaining current Issues!

The Best Evidence provided for an Argument!

The Longest Surviving Debate!

The Wittiest Argument ever!

The Most honest Facts by a debater!

The Healthiest Comment!

The Most convincing Debater!

The Calmest Debater!

The most Abusive Debater!

Most Debates ever created by a Debater!

Most Allies!

Most Enemies!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
3 points

My Nomination for:

Most anti-Obama: Hellno2012


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Award: You can give away 100 Grand:

How about most allies ?

The Multiple Personality Award could go to the one with the most fake accounts.

The Bipolar Award could go to either the one with the most flip flops (on opinion) on a given topic or to the one who has a house on both poles (North and South).

Most articulate.

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Biggest boobs (real or fake)

Nerd/Geek (most research and links supporting their point of view)

Fanatic (refuses to change his mind and refuses to change the subject)

Best icon/avatar/picture

Most PC (Politically Correct)

of course, we could also have the least PC, etc.

And my all time favorite.... wait for it..... most smileys ;)

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Billie(790) Disputed
3 points

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Since this is an international debate site, these three probably shouldn't count as there will be late nighters everywhere but just don't appear late to the ones in different countries. Good idea, but I just think it won't work.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Good point, but we can still do the never logs off one. That doesn't matter with time.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

I was thinking more like T-shirts that had CreateDebate on the front and all the winners on the back! kind of like concert tour T-shirts... What do you think? I may need to crowd source the graphics and T-Shirt printing.


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I kind of like this. lol It's simple but kind of amusing.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

The old establishment has polo shirts with the CD logo on the left breast pocket (instead of the usual crocodile ;).

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Cool that will be great I want a t-shirt we are should get one, no only the people that are on a lot.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

Most incoherent debater

Most convincing debater

The Nice guy/girl

The cynic

The meanie

The most feline-like

Living stereotype

Most unique

Most verbose

pop-in debater

The joker

The professor

Bible Thumper

Most spacey thinker

Conspiracy nut!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Billie(790) Disputed
2 points

Most incoherent debater, The meanie

Why would the likes of these be rewarded? I think that the award should go to members who contribute in a positive way, not negative.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Wanna add Drama Queen ;)

And what should the award be ?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Lol, you guys are coming up with better stuff than me. >_< But I like his and this. :3

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

So to clarify, a pop-in debater would be someone like myself? Occasionally pop-in to this site and make an argument when it suits me?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

Most amusing

Worst Debater

Biggest waste of time to talk to

Most persuasive (Not based on points, but has actually made us think or even change our mind)

Quickest point gain

On the most (HellNo2012)

Most annoying (Probably to a puppet account though)

Says the most, but actually says nothing

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

What should the award be ?

Maybe a Hot Wheels car...., just so that he can say that he's giving away a car ;)

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I have not a clue. We're kind of limited due to the situation... I just want Dr. Pepper and Skittles, but I doubt everyone would be happy with that. ^_^ I'm just too simple

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

How about most infrequent but active debater? I doubt I've been around recently enough to win any other award.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

One that I think deserves an award is:

Most Passionate

Haven't seen that one in any of these interesting extensive lists yet.


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

Hmmm, seems like a very similar debate...

Either way, I know this isn't a debator account but I wanted to add-

Hide and Seek World Champion: Osama Bin Laden

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Hey Axmeister, sorry I didn't give you the appropriate (it was your idea) shout out in the debate...please see the main text of the debate. All wrongs must be corrected...and now it is!


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

OH, I just thought of two new categories:

Best username

Worse username

Lol, some people come up with pretty cool stuff and some people should be slapped XD

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

My friend said masterbater haha priceless.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

My nomination for:

Fanatic: gary77777


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

LOL! I'll agree with that one... I was thinking lunatic, but fanatic works.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

You can call me whatever you want my opinions although they may seem extreme at times are based in reality, its just a reality your not used to hearing about.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
garry77777(1796) Disputed
1 point

My nomination for:

Fanatic: Bohemian

Selfinterested: Bohemian

Most incapable of feeling emotin for the causualties of his countries illegal actions: Ya ill leave you off on this one, although i was tempted.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

My Nomination for:

The Joker: JoeCavalry


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

I think spadedude should get a nomination for most argumentative, creative and mad.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Biggest Cat Fight on CD !

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

I wonder who will win that?

P.S. Does cat fight apply exclusively to females? Because technically you get male cats, but would a male fight be a dog fight? Confused much.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Hehe! No! This is just for females in the traditional sense of the phrase.... Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
2 points

I haven't seen fights at all on this site. Just kind of joking or teasing each other.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

hmmm who would win that one. I haven't seen a cat fight. Did I miss something?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I saw one.... hehe !

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

Biggest Cat Fight on CD !

Is there another cat on this site?

PS. rawr

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

My Nomination for:

Best Avatar: Silaswash


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

My Nomination for:

Best Username: Auntie Christ


Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Biggest Royalist: I'm going to have to nominate myself 'cause I'm a jerk XD

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I nominate Thewayitis for best username :)

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

So is this thing finalized or what ?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
0 points

That's what I was wonderin'! LOL!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Most awesome= christjesus

Because I have represented all straight people on the crusade againbst the homos.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Supporting Evidence: picture (
Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I love it! And then of course the brand / site name on the back!

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

LOL, I love that. I want it!!!!! :D

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

I want Joe Calvery to be nominated for funniest arguments he is so funny

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Bwhahaha! I like number 3... very fitting !

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Great list so far. Number three was the best! I do hope it stays away, too.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)

Pointless Award goes to this debate and awards.----------------

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
0 points

This should be renamed to the JoeCalvary Awards LOL

Most Points>>>>>>>> JoeCalvary

Most Anti-Obama >>>> Hellno2012

Funniest Debate Topics >>>> JoeCalvary

Most Avatar Changed>>>> Sunset

Most Debates>>>> JoeCalvary

Most Allies>>>>> JoeCalvary (with 192)

Most Loved>>>>> Saurbaby08.

Most Respectful >>>>> silaswash

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

#_# Awwww, Sunset! Lol, I disagree greatly but it's sweet of you. ^_^

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
2 points

well it was a toss up between you and Silaswash but I have seen the love around here LOL

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

I disagree on saurbaby - I think silaswash is the most loved, I don't know one person that dislikes him.

P.S. Joe has the most debates? I thought that would have been you or saurbaby - you create debates like every second! Lol.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Agree with silaswash being most loved. Because Billie hates me :)

Joe does because he's been here the longest

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

LMAO! I do not create debates every minute besides I checked it out he has me beat by like 100

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

We really need to narrow this list down:





Biggest Attention Whore

Most Arrogant

Most Respectful

Most Apathetic

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything

Most Anti-Obama

Biggest Obama Lover

Most Hated

Most likely to succeed

Most High Maintenance

Most Known


Most debates

Most points

Most funniest debate topics

Most Avatar Changed

Most respectful

Best Debater

Most loved

Fight starter

The Best Argument Award!

The Best Debate ever!

The Best Debates pertaining current Issues!

The Best Evidence provided for an Argument!

The Longest Surviving Debate!

The Wittiest Argument ever!

The Most honest Facts by a debater!

The Healthiest Comment!

The Most convincing Debater!

The Calmest Debater!

The most Abusive Debater!

Most Debates ever created by a Debater!

Most Allies!

Most Enemies!

How about most allies ?

The Bipolar Award

Most articulate.

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Biggest boobs (real or fake)

Nerd/Geek (most research and links supporting their point of view)

Fanatic (refuses to change his mind and refuses to change the subject)

Best icon/avatar/picture

Most PC (Politically Correct)

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Most incoherent debater

Most convincing debater

The Nice guy/girl

The cynic

The meanie

The most feline-like

Living stereotype

Most unique

Most verbose

The joker

The professor

Bible Thumper

Most spacey thinker

Conspiracy nut!

Drama Queen

Most amusing

Worst Debater

Best username

Worse username



Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
3 points

Nice guy: Silaswash!

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)

Thank you, very much sweety.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

That's what I told Andy.

What we need to do is make ONE category per comment and then up vote or down vote and whatever gets the fifteen or ten with the most should be what we use.

If we have more than one per comment we get a whole bunch of comments and it gets confusing.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Alright... lets do this... I'm probably going to piss a lot of people off....

Biggest Attention Whore: Saurbaby08

Most Arrogant: Garry77777

Most Respectful: Silaswash

Most Apathetic:______________

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything: Garry77777

Most Anti-Obama: Hellno2012

Biggest Obama Lover:______________

Most Avatar Changed : Sunset

Best username: Hellno2012

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)

Wow man thank you for most respectful.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

Def agree with that list -spot on. I wonder who the biggest Obama lover is? Hellno? LOL - your name answered that itself.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
2 points

Your Wrong on two counts Homie, First of all the Best user name is KODA, Second I can give a run for your Money in the OBAMA sucks department....:)P

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

you forgot most hated, I will give you two guesses but you will only need one

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Lol, at least put me in another more kind category if you're going to do that.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

"Most Likely to Blame America for Everything: Garry77777"

I came into close 2nd though XD

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)

I think your confusing your own arrogance for mine there. You were the one who just couuldnt stand to listen to anything that was remotely against america, the second id mention some of the grave atocities your country has commited you'd blow a fuse, label a jihadist lunatic and refuse to discuss the matter further.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

I don't agree with awards going to members who contribute in a negative way - its a complete waste of time when the award could go to someone next in the positive line.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Since members are going with negative awards, I'll slot in a few nominations ;)

Biggest Attention Whore Saurbaby

Most Arrogant - EDIT - iamdavidh now gets this award. Second in line is Bohemian though ;)

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything Gary

Most Anti-Obama/Most Known Hellno

Most Hated TheTruth

Funniest/ The jokerJoeCavalry

Most Avatar Changed Sunset

The most Abusive Debater iamdavidh

The Dullest Debater Ricedaragh

Most likely to succeed Me ;) Ohh you'll hate that.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
3 points

Biggest Attention Whore Saurbaby: agree

Most Arrogant Bohemian: Garry77777

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything Gary: agree

Most Anti-Obama/Most Known Hellno: argree

Most Hated TheTruth: agree

Funniest/ The jokerJoeCavalry: agree again

Most Avatar Changed Sunset: yup! That's my baby! ;)

The most Abusive Debater iamdavidh: He's an ignorant ass!

The Dullest Debater Ricedaragh: don't know this one?

Most likely to succeed Me ;) Ohh you'll hate that.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
2 points


Most Arrogant: Bohemian

Most likely to succeed: Me

Anybody see the irony?

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
2 points

The Dullest Debater Ricedaragh

Ha ha, how about most belligerent hypocrite Billie

Although I'd have loved a shot at the most arrogant, but I reckon you'll pip me to that post as well, and biggest attention whore too, besides this awards thing is a little bit sad.

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Being an attention whore isn't negative Billie :) .

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

I still have to put Gary above those two for most arrogant... especially after what he said to me today. (I haven't seen arrogance out of Bohemian at all just for the record)

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Really good ones that I haven't seen debaters nominated for:

Most high maintenance

Most points

Most unique

Master debater

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)

First Annual Create Debate Awards

Am I nominated for anything????

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Most hated Most arrogant Fight Starter And The most abusive debater goes to

drum rooooooooooooooll

CHRIST JESUS who also earlyer on won the awards for Fanatic and Worst Debater

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

Wait? What are we supposed to post on this side ?

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
1 point

If there are categories or nominations you don't like you can post them here.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

Lol, we're kind of just disputing them on the other side .

Side: Awards and Nominations (YES)
1 point

Best avatar ? Worst avatar? Shit I put this on the wrong side. Oh well.

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)
0 points

Coolest debate graphics? Wooo hooo! Weeeeeeeeee!

Side: Awards and Nominations (NO)