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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes (5)
 No (1)

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CarolineR(6) pic

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For or against using this plateform with students?



Side Score: 5
Winning Side!


Side Score: 1
1 point

ezarvt" ckjliZU LKJDZejilf vfeeeeeeeeeeee -t hhhhhhhhhhhhh

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello C:

Sure.. Why would we HIDE what we do from kids???


Side: Yes

I think it's a great platform to use for students. In theory you can have a good debate here. You just need some intelligent people.

Side: Yes
1 point

Absolutely. I'd recommend staying out of some of the debates our "fine, upstanding christian" members post - sometimes they're labeled NSFW, but they almost always include unbridled vitriol and crudeness that might shame a sailor. (I was Navy.)

Side: Yes

Isn't that why the nsfw section is present in the first place?

Side: Yes

I'm against using this platform with students because if you are learning then you should stay quiet and read up on the topic rather than immediately spew garbage to sound smart and opinionated and then feel trapped by that opinion and unwilling to see the other side as you now don't want to go back on what you said.

Side: No