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Debate Score:35
Total Votes:38
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Warlin(1213) pic

Good Terrorism?

Say there's a corrupt government thats starving and slaving its people. You hear about it on the news and get your friends together, buy some weapons from the black market and smuggle them into the country... Successfully. The government is creating grave injustices and trampling on human rights. In this case, is it right to terrorize the government of that country?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 18

Terrorism is a tactic and in itself cannot be good or bad in that sense. In our case we think of the founding fathers were revolutionaries and not terrorists, but that is simply our perspective since we were for the cause. The British at the time said differently. It's perspective, and if you think modern armies don't use terrorism you are severely naive.

Side: yes

A "Coup d'etat" is always in order when a government is that evil and corrupt. Guerrilla fighters have aided in these ousters throughout the ages to help their fellow man overthrow an unjust government. It's not about's about justice and counter-terrorism.

Side: yes
1 point

What is described here is not terrorism, it is resisitance. Torrorism is acting in violence against the general populace, many of which are totally innocent of the wrongdoings of their government, leadership, etc. Resistance, focused on the actual groups (police, military, or other actual organised groups) that are perpetrating offences against humanity is justified. Is there any other justifiable cause to violence against another unless it is to save a greater group from suffering? I do not think so.

Side: yes
1 point

People shouldn't be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of its people.

Side: yes
1 point

terrorism is only our side if the two perspectives

you can't say that it's good or bad

Side: yes
1 point

Actions speaks louder than words.... If you want to be heard and your voice isn't loud enough, make them listen.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello W:

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter..


Side: Yes
1 point

My terrorist wrote the Quran. Your freedom fighter demanded gays be pushed from high ledges to their deaths, castrated, or beheaded, that is... after being anally raped.

Side: No
4 points

What is the definition of terrorism?–noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.


Terrorism uses violence and violence should never be used. Military intervention should be used on corrupt governments

Side: No
4 points

I really think terrorism is just wrong. What gives you (general 'you') the right to terrorize somebody? There is always another solution.

Side: No
2 points

Another iffy subject for me, but I'm going to take the negative position. Never is it alright to use fear as a weapon. Even if it is against an 'evil' government.

Side: No
HGrey87(750) Disputed
1 point

Unless the objective is annihilation, fear is the only weapon against a country. While warfare concentrates on maximizing enemy casualties, the weapon that will get the other side to capitulate is ultimately fear.

Side: yes
2 points

Why would somethings so horrific ever be right? Could it possibly be just? maybe you could protest in your own country in hopes of getting the United Nations to step in perhaps. Otherwise, you will just wind up dead for no gain whatsoever.

Side: NOPE
2 points

The only difference between the Americans and say Al-Queda, is that the latter are more determined and have less resources. Both sides use violence to suppress other views, both kill civilians to do it and both believe everything they do is justified. In the end, every war in history has been nothing more than a glorified terrorist campaign on both sides.

Side: No
1 point

Terrorism, what a bad thing, I personally fell that you just can't go and harm someone because of your personal reasons. Terrorism, its just bad

Side: No
1 point

I agree with what my opponents say though i would like to keep my point that for the greater good we cannot forget a few people. Imagine a violent revolution for the greater good, lots of people being killed and injured and if you or your relative were in their place.

Would you allow yourself to die for the greater good? The answer to this question is a big NOOOOO...........because when it comes to life no one thinks of the greater good . Further if you don't consider this point important then I have one more for you my friends...........All of you and Everyone of you know that in this era in the 21st Century, no terrorist organization not even a single one uses violence for a good cause.

The one who still don't accept it they neither love peace nor do they want it. You know various organizations like ISIS, the biggest among them uses violence only to establish its rule.........and there are many no organization bothers for the greater good instead they are lost in greed of power and fame.......In a nut shell I believe that every coin has two sides, negative and positive but this coin(terrorism) has more of negative side ...


Side: No
1 point

plzzz...... support my point above ^ it is true and if sometthings missing then let me know

Side: No