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 Have you noticed how the Left's bleeding heart answers to problems only make it worse? (17)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Have you noticed how the Left's bleeding heart answers to problems only make it worse?

Whether it be national defense, welfare, retirement, sex, crime, etc. the Left's progressive answers to problems usually make it worse.

Look at what happened when a bleeding heart Liberal Obama experimented with his ideological transforming of America's national defense. As all good Liberals believe, if you are nice to other world leaders, they will appreciate your kindness and act accordingly. Obama started his presidency, going on an apology tour around the world, asking forgivenss for America's super power status and promised to be less involved with other nation's problems.
Did the Putin's and terrorists of the world appreciate his kinder gentler approach? No, they were salavating over his weakness and took full advanatge of it. Russia is now acting the super power, but rather than a power for good, they are forcing their communist ways on other nations.
Isis came out of nowhere becoming an unbelievable force for evil. This is what a kinder gentler America creates. Weakness is spit on by the evil in this world. Liberals refuse to understand how weakness leads to more conflicts and wars.

When it comes to charity, welfare, etc., Liberals simply deny the reality of how takng more and more money from one group to give to another group does not work! Democrats call themselves the compassionate party(I laugh every time I hear the party of aborton on demand call themseves the compassionate party). They believe if they rob peter to pay paul, paul will then be very thankful for the help. He will work really hard to get a job and pay back his debt to society! (LOLOLOLOLOL, again I laugh at the Left's naivety)
Decades of this bleeding heart mentality has proven one thing. Forcing other's to be charitible with our money creates BIGGER welfare roles and MORE people living in poverty. They might have been thankful 40 years ago but today they believe they are ENTITLED to other's money thanks to a Democrat party pushing that type of thinking.(all for buyng votes)

Back 50 years ago when Americans were a proud people and ashamed of taking charity from others, there were far fewer people needing assistence from Government. There were actually both parents at home the majority of the time and by just being there were setting an example of hard work, commitment and responsibility for their children. IT WORKS! Teaching responsibiloty WORKS!
Teaching people it is not their fault for the problems they have created and that they have a right to oher's money DOES NOT WORK! It only feeds on itself as more and more ask why are they working so hard just to see their money taken from them and given to drug addicts, unwed mothers popping out baby after baby while the Father takes a walk.

I could go on but you get the point. Bleeding heart mentality seems so good doesn't it. Welfare seemed like a good concept but as with all Government programs, it became bloated, became political, became a way to buy votes, and fed on itself. It became a lifestyle rather than a safety net and with every year we have young people demanding more from tax payers. Demanding free college, free healthcare, etc. etc.
Churches and family used to be our safety net for the truly needed, the disabled, those who can not work, the elderly, etc.
Government does not work when it comes to charity. It actually makes it worse.
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Well, I think you need to relax and look at things from a more logical perspective.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Listen, I have relaxed for decades and am about as logical as they come. My family says I am too logical :)

I have lived what you have not. Do you know of the saying, young people start out as democrats until they get a job, start seeing all those taxes taken from their paycheck and then become Republicans. There is a lot of truth in that statement. Young people are indoctrinted by many Liberals in our schools. College is even worse.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
0 points

So I've heard... Anyway, I know this is off topic, but 'Outlaw' is kind of like Mark Levin, he never will actually debate you, he'll just straw man your argument and ask "questions" until he feels he has won. Would you agree?

1 point

There are more than one way to see the world but yours is no completely accurate. When discussing national defense I agree that we should not appear weak, yet we should not be the world police. We should not as Bush did initiate military conflicts with an enemy that doesn't exist and spend trillions of tax payer dollars in foreign lands for NOTHING. A kinder gentler America is better for all but the 1% That profit heavily from the spoils of war. Bush, Haliburton, and other super rich corporations that tell the politicians (Dems and GOP) what they are going to do.

As for the charity that you speak of, you only know (or tell) part of the story. The amount of money that goes to actual lazy nonworking welfare collectors is less than the amount the Government gives to one oil company (another corporate welfare recipient) When conservatives discuss the number of people on the government dole it includes many people who should not be considered. people on social security who paid in their whole life yet are considered welfare recipients. I will say this my mother and father are currently part of those numbers and they worked hard their whole lives to raise us kids and never asked anything from the government just gave them a third of their income. Now they are on the government dole SSI and Medicare. Were I work many people make minimum wage yet can't survive and get food stamps (SNAP) they are working 40 hours a week and trying to take care of a family, They are giving the government at least 20% of their wages. I have no problem with my tax money helping them out it is much better than having my money go to some oil executive make 7 million a year. I guess we see things a little different.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You say the exact same rhetoric from every Liberal I've heard. First of all, corporations give just as much campaign money to democrats as they do Republicans. When Government gives oil companies subsidies, it is to get them to explore for more oil reserves so we are not as dependent on foreign oil. It is working as you see with all the oil and gas we are now finding in America. The money does not go to some oil executive making 7 million a year. GET REAL!

I would be fine with stopping all subsidies including those the Democrat party and other left leaning parties supports such as planned parenthood, that we find out sells baby organs for profit, as well as thousands of other subsidies to green energy companies such as solaris, etc., etc.

I never talk about retirees when I speak of welfare. They are not on welfare. They worked for that money!

Our retirement social security is going bankcrupt because the Left has turned it into yet one more social program giving the money to people who never paid into it. STOP THE BLEEDING HEART while our nation goes bankrupt.

When I talk about welfare dead beats, I'm talking about able bodied career dependents that never get forced off the dole. I'm talking about free cell phones, free birth control, free abortions, food stamp credit cards that can be traded for money to go to the casinos, buy alcohol, drugs, etc. QUIT BEING A SAP WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS.

I have a problem resdistributing one man's hard earned money just so some other person can have a better life. Better lives are earned through hard work! A safety net is what charity was suppose to be for, not a lifestyle.

A safety net means feeding hungry people and providing them with a shelter. I have absolutely no problems with safety nets. When you make it a lifestlye, people will never get off the dole. It's too much easier working part time and having others pay your bills.

TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
2 points

So what percentage of people on the social safety net do you believe are abusing it, and do you have any source for that figure?

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

I don't agree with able bodied people living on the system just as you don't but what I am saying is that they are tiny part of the government spending. You make it seem as if I believe that Democrats are somehow more honest than other politicians. The truth is that I feel that both parties are equally corrupt. It is why they give billions to big oil, pharma, banking and other companies which are multi-million dollar companies.