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 Here are some analogies to how far the Left has abandoned common sense to deny Morals. (19)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Here are some analogies to how far the Left has abandoned common sense to deny Morals.

Here is a comparison to how loving parents treat dangerous behavior by their children verses how the Left wing Progressives treat dangerous behavior by those they claim to care about. You be the judge of who cares the most and who has the best answers.

What's the first thing loving parents say to a child who is running out in front of a car? They scream STOP! They grab the child and explain how dangerous it is to run out in the road and to NEVER EVER do it again. After the child runs out in the road, did they first sit him down and explain what happens from an infection he could possibly get as a result of coming in contact with the pavement? Did they first calmly take the child aside and explain what happens when our body comes into contact with a moving veichle?
Did they tell the child how in the future they should first put on a helmet(condom) before doing something as dangerous as running in front of a car? The helmet might save the child's life right? Just as a condom might save a person from getting Aids? Right? Then again, it might not save the child, and it might not save the person having dangerous sex.
No, the first and MOST important thing the parents did was to scream at the child to STOP! STOP what you are doing and NEVER do it again! STOP the behavior that could kill you! We ALL know this WORKS! It works with even little children.

Now the Progressive political correct nay sayers tell us all how sayng NO to destructive behavior DOES NOT WORK! They tell us people will not listen and that shaming people or teaching responsibility will not work. HOW WRONG COULD THEY BE! They are just showing their bigoted hatred for any mention of common sense moral values once lifted up in this nation as being good for society. 

What was the first response from the Left during the Aids crisis? Was it to scream STOP? STOP THE BEHAVIOR THAT COULD KILL YOU AND OTHERS? Of course not.... that would imply the behavior as being immoral, dangerous and irresponsible. This is the new no fault America! Behavior can never be shamed in this political correct culture. That would imply the importance of moral values for the good of all. To the Left, words such as moral values and responsibility are old fashioned. They are words to be censored from this new enlightened PC culture.

What is the Left's answers to our many problems in this no fault culture? Their answers as always is putting bandaids on the wound verses preventing the wound in the first place. They would watch the child run out in front of the car, and rather then screaming STOP before he does so, they would educate our children to first put on your helmet because this will be more safe.
They say to sit the people down and explain the benefits of clean needles before taking dangerous illegal drugs that could kill them. Their answers are never FIRST screaming STOP, STOP taking illegal drugs that can kill you and others. Never shaming the irresponsibiity that harms so many. They go as far as trying to make illegal drug use legal. This is the Left's answer! SURRENDER while people die!
What is the Left's answer to our broken homes and single mothers on welfare, etc.? More social programs, more case workers, bigger Government... these are their answers. Never is the answer more fathers at home and saying NO MORE to dead beat fathers who walk away from their children. The word NO is another one of those old fashioned words the Progessives hate when it comes to irresponsible behavior.

Before the nay sayers attack my post and speak to the importance of helmets and birth control etc...... all I can say is STOP! Of course it is important to educate people to the importance of helmets, birth control, clean needles, etc. but this shoud not be the first line of defense. The first and foremost answer to our naton's problem is saying STOP! STOP the irresponsible behavior, lift up moral values, lift up responsibility and acountability for one's choices in life. All the education in the world will do little without FIRST shaming the irrespinsible behavior. It's the behavior that is the core problem, not the doing it more safetly. This pretty much sums up the difference between the Progressive Left and traditional Conservatives. The Left has no problem with promiscuous sex, unwed mothers, drug use, etc.
There has never been a more clear difference between the values of the Right and the values of the Left. 

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1 point

Common sense would have told you that a child running out in front of a car was not an intentional act and if it were your cries of stop would be ignored. Common sense should have indicated that prior to your analogy.

If you want to abandon common sense you would parents would try to deny human nature and make the claim that abstinence is the only answer. Now there is something that has never worked. Even in the Biblical days where the penalty was death by stoning people still did it. Only an idiot would think that telling young people who know everything to stop and expect that they would. It is a much better strategy to let them know what dangers are out there and how to avoid the danger and still do the things they are going to do.

I am very far left by your definition I guess I explained the dangers of sex and drugs and told them that if they thought they needed to go to planned parenthood to let me know before they did something that they would regret for the rest of their lives. One was 15 years old the other was 16 years old when they asked me to take them to planned parenthood. Now they are both married with children and happy. None of them use drugs or alcohol. So maybe the whole thing works out well!

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

As always TOTAL DECEPTION. Do you want to read my last paragraph again?

I said.... "Before the nay sayers attack my post and speak to the importance of helmets and birth control etc...... all I can say is STOP! Of course it is important to educate people to the importance of helmets, birth control, clean needles, etc. but this shoud not be the first line of defense. The first and foremost answer to our naton's problem is saying STOP! STOP the irresponsible behavior, lift up moral values, lift up responsibility and acountability for one's choices in life. All the education in the world will do little without FIRST shaming the irrespinsible behavior. It's the behavior that is the core problem, not the doing it more safetly."

What you just did is what so many on this site do on almost every post I write. I ban many of them because I will not waste my time! You spewed pure deception by ignoring what I actually said to make my argument look bad. You said that I would deny human nature and want to make the claim that abstinence is the only answer.


Our welfare roles are swollen with unwed mothers! Sex ed. is not working. The broken homes are at epedemic proportions and still the Left preaches sex ed. being the answer. It obviously is not the answer because it is worse today with sex ed.

How about just once addressing the core problems creating all the promiscuous sex, unwed mothers, etc. etc.


If you are ok with 15 and 16 year old girls having sex, then all I can say is WOW! You are as Left as they come!

Guess what, I taught my daughter from the time she was old enough to understand, that sex was for marriage. It should be only for two people in love. I never told her the proper way to use birth control because that is sending the message I am ok with her having sex and thereby giving her a green light to have sex! I told her that these teens crazy enough to be having sex, better be using birth control or they will get pregnant and screw up their lives. That is how you teach kids about sex. You tell them it is totally off limits and then explain how those kids crazy enough to be doing it better be using birth control.

My daughter never had sex ed. classes in her school and she later confessed to me she waited till marriage to have sex. Gee, how was that possible without sex ed.?

I'm ok with sex ed. classes after school for kids with parents who are ok with the classes, or parents who can't seem to teach their children about sex, or parents who want strangers teaching their kids about sex, etc.

I love my children too much to allow the indoctrination of their minds concerning sex. I would never support strangers pushing their political correct no fault ideas of so called safe sex. There is no safe sex with teenagers! Many will not use condoms no matter how much they here about safe sex because it does not feel the same when they use condoms. Teens think they are indistructable and will laugh at what teachers tell them. The one thing they latch onto from sex ed. classes is how adults are teaching them that sex is ok as long as you do it properly.

In case you missed it, teenagers are not very smart or responsible and should NEVER be havng sex. They are not emotionally or financially ready to bring a child into this world. If they chose an abortion, it puts terrible guilt on a teenager as well as most women. Abstinence should be the first and foremost message from sex ed. classes, and then after making that very very clear, they can talk about how birth control can prevent pregnancy and how it should always be used if teenagers were crazy enough to be having sex, and that it will never be 100% safe no matter what they use. They should explain how birth control will not stop killer diseases or sexual diseases. They should be putting fear in the children concerning sex because it is a dangerous thing that can ruin their lives.

Guess what? Back in the 50's and 60's before sex ed. came along, there were far less teenagers involved with sex. There were fewer teenage pregnancies, etc. How is that possilbe? Abstinence teaching DID WORK until the sexual revolution came about, and the broken homes, and our culture stopped shaming irresponsibility, and parents bought into the lie that it is better teaching kids how to have sex properly.

It's great your kids have good lives and did not get pregnant early on. I never said all kids are irresponsible.... I said many many teens are not responsible and will refuse to use birth control. Again, our welfare roles are swollen with unwed mothers! They need to be shamed first rather than just giving them excuses by telling them it is simply human nature.

Yes, it is human nature to be having responsible sex between a man and a woman old enough and ready to nurture and raise any child they conceive. It is irresponsible for teenagers or promiscuous adults to be having sex when not prepaired emotionally or financially to support their children.

smilinbobs(590) Disputed
1 point

Let me start with this morality is a concept determined by the culture you live in. What is moral to some may not be to others. Certain things are considered immoral by the vast majority of mankind but culture cannot be immoral.

Your ideas of the 50's and 60's is not accurate. The outcome of sexual activity was different that is all. My Grandmother was pregnant at 16 and married my grandfather. In the area where I grew up (rural) it was very common for teens to be sexually active. If the girl got pregnant you just had to marry them. That led to many abusive marriages where people lived in misery because religious morality condemned divorce. Many children grew up in abusive households. My mother was taught abstinence was the only answer, she fell in love at 16 and got pregnant with me. It doesn't work Her younger sister fell in love with a 16 yr old farm hand on the farm next door and was pregnant at 13 yrs old. Emotion overrides intelligent decision making.

Our welfare system is the problem they make it easy for lifers to continue on the system all they have to do is have children. It is the cause not the effect. I was a single parent for much of my adult life. My mom was a single parent for most of her child rearing years. Many of my coworkers are single parents and none of us receive any government assistance because we are ambitious and proud. These are qualities that sex ed or school have nothing to do with. This is the fault of government condoning life long government support and giving more for more children. Let's call it what it is "The Entitled Mindset"

My older children are good parents, and responsible adults. Their sex life is none of my business but I am glad that I was honest with myself about the fact that they were going to be sexually active when the mood struck and I offered a non judgmental way for them to be sexually active without unwanted pregnancy. The Planned Parenthood where we live made the girls sit through an hour of STD education prior to giving them birth control and gave them each condoms with the offer of more free any time they needed them. I support their approach to birth control and education.

0 points

At least liberals respect people's rights...............................................................................

Jace(5211) Disputed
4 points

Depends upon the liberal, the people, and the rights in question.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

This is where you are so wrong about Liberals. They for the vast majority are not respecting our children's rights to have a father at home supporting them, instilling discipline, loving them. Liberals should be shaming one night hook ups, promiscuous sex, fathers walking away from thier children, etc. etc. Liberals have no problem shaming cruelty to animals, cigarrettes, guns, etc. but when it comes to our abandoned children? Pure silence.

Liberals do not respect an unborn Baby's right to life. You are supporting that direspect with your vote no matter how much you deny it.

smilinbobs(590) Disputed
1 point

I like how in your little black and white world only fathers walk away from their children well my wife walked out on her children and one of my coworkers had to raise his children because his wife walked out on them also. What is the answer to a parent who doesn't want to be a parent. Do you force them into parenting and marriage. That sounds like a great answer, LOL. I'm sure that the spouse and children will be very happy in that house hold. Which ties into your next comment that is exactly why abortions are a necessary evil.