
Debate Info

There's some here! And over here too!
Debate Score:678
Total Votes:701
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 There's some here! (39)
 And over here too! (29)

Debate Creator

Akulakhan(2984) pic


There's some here!

Side Score: 376

And over here too!

Side Score: 302
17 points

I think it's crazy nobody thought of this before.....hmmmph!

Side: There's some here!
15 points

So how does this work? Do I get an upvote over here? As if I need more points ;)

Side: There's some here!
12 points

This works like so, tap all the little orange arrows in the upper right-hand corner of posts to win!

Side: There's some here!
11 points

I love your avatar, man .

Side: There's some here!

Your avatar is eye boggling, the eyes can play tricks on you.

Side: There's some here!
14 points

It's worth a try !

Side: There's some here!
14 points

Is the following 'OR' or AND?


| Input | Output |

|______________|_ _____|

m0: 0000 | x

m1: 0001 | x

m2: 0010 | x

m3: 0011 | x

m4: 0100 | x

m5: 0101 | x

m6: 0110 | x

m7: 0111 | x

m8: 1000 | x

m9: 1001 | x

m10 or A: 1010 | x

m11 or B: 1011 | x

m12 or C: 1100 | x

m13 or D: 1101 | x

m14 or E: 1110 | x

m15 or F: 1111 | w

where x and w are Boolean variables, and w = ~X;

Side: There's some here!
11 points

well, its certainly isn't or.

Its either and or something weird.

Side: There's some here!
13 points

I wonder if this is clever enough to work...

Side: There's some here!
14 points

it just might, we shall see soon enough .

Side: There's some here!
12 points

And why shouldn't it?

Side: There's some here!
11 points

I probably haven't been a member of CD long enough to know this, but what is it that we're trying to do?

One of my first concerns with this site (and the subject of my only debate I've made so far) was regarding the point system and how it's flawed in determining a winning argument, so whatever it is we're trying to do, I have a feeling I would support it... let the voteups commence.

Side: There's some here!
13 points

Hmm? Thewayitis might even stand a chance here.

Side: There's some here!
12 points

Do invite him over!

Side: There's some here!
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
8 points

If I get upvoted like I get down-voted, declare my the winner.

Side: And over here too!
13 points

Who does the up-voting? Is there a set of up-voters for this side then for the other side? Can anyone get down-voted? Long live CD upvoters... whoever you are.

Side: There's some here!
12 points

I'll always up-vote you, Billie. You just have to return and hit the new ones that come in.

Side: There's some here!
14 points

Hehe aww bless you, cutiepie. (What is up with me, I'm calling everyone food?). Ok, so basically we all up-vote each other? {feels the love} :)

Side: There's some here!
13 points

I up-voted your post! Hehe

Side: There's some here!
12 points

Hahahahaha! This is so funny! It sounds so much funn.. Just write what you like types!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BREAK THROUGH!!!

Side: There's some here!
11 points

I wonder if Andy anticipated a "debate" like this...

Side: There's some here!
9 points

Who is this Andy?

Side: There's some here!
9 points

His user name is addltd, the owner/moderator .

Side: There's some here!
9 points

The orange and blue colors remind me of Portal. I would have picked a darker version of them, I think:)

Side: There's some here!
8 points

Does anyone wonder why this site is made up of blue and orange? They must be Andy's favourite colours. Hmm, I wonder what colours I would have used...

Side: There's some here!

Does anyone wonder why this site is made up of blue and orange? They must be Andy's favourite colours. Hmm, I wonder what colours I would have used...

I think Andy is a Gator fan.

Side: There's some here!

Don't leave me hanging vote me up I like this lol.

Side: There's some here!
3 points

Thats awesome!!! I could use pleeentttyyy more points! Everybody Hit me up!!! :D

Side: There's some here!
18 points

I think it just might be... :3


Side: And over here too!
16 points


Side: And over here too!
12 points


Side: And over here too!
15 points

How about over here? Does this side work as well? ;)

Side: And over here too!
14 points


Side: And over here too!
15 points

Does this side work too ?

Side: And over here too!
15 points

Are we turning into Myspace? except, instead of friends... we're mass upvoting?


Side: And over here too!
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
11 points

I'm mocking the notion of voting on this website by flaunting and satirically glorifying it's farthest extremity, a festering debate of point bashing bullshitery.

Side: There's some here!
15 points

Okay I will try your idea....This side seems less packed, so here I am.

Side: And over here too!
15 points

Pure genius XD

Side: And over here too!
13 points

HAVE THE TIME OF UR LIFE! Rejoice..............................................................................................! Lol... This is so much funn!

Side: And over here too!
13 points

lol this whole thing makes me laugh a little.. .

Side: And over here too!
13 points

Just how long can this keep going ?

Side: And over here too!
13 points

You people make me sick. LOL

Side: And over here too!
12 points

I know some of these people... why would you say that ?

Side: And over here too!
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
13 points

Point robbing SOB's.

Side: There's some here!
12 points
Side: And over here too!
11 points

This side too, long live you guys too .

Side: And over here too!
10 points

OK, a priest, a penguin, and a three legged dog walk into a bar and the bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"

Side: And over here too!
9 points

VOTE ME UP VOTE ME UP. The points actually would be better if they were in infinite stock.

Side: And over here too!

Okay there I up voted everyone.

Side: And over here too!
6 points

And I up-voted you back !

Side: And over here too!

I can see that and I am doing the same for you my friend.

Side: And over here too!
6 points

Fucking cheaters. I just serial downvoted everyone... okay I didn't but I thought about it.

Side: And over here too!
7 points

I just did your First up vote.......................................................................................!

Side: And over here too!
4 points

I upped you too. I can't believe this is still going.

Side: And over here too!
5 points

17 up-votes ?...................................... .anyone?.....plz

Side: And over here too!
4 points

Is this still really alive and going?

Side: And over here too!
3 points

Voted everybody up. :) Hit me up plleeaaasseee???? I could really use alot more points :)

Side: And over here too!