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 How does Democrat Gun Control work (17)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

How does Democrat Gun Control work

Democrats are all about grabbing guns but how is it Democrats think they can grab legally purchased guns.
Those legally purchased guns that are sold the purchaser must pass the background check put in place by government.
So what is the next step of the Democrat Gun control plan.
Do any of you Democrats have a coherent answer.
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2 points

Can the Democrats explain what an assault weapon is because any firearm is an assault weapon.

What Democrat Gun Grabbers do not know is that a 12 gauge shotgun will do more damage than the scary AR-15.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Ho, hum. This is kind of stupid, but, maybe a Chinaman can understand it … anyway. An assault weapon is a gun not meant for hunting OR protection. It is meant to kill the most people in the shortest amount of time. A weapon that will put out an inordinate amount of bullets, probably in seconds, that will do excessive damage to a human, or way more than needed for an animal. Usually they have either a high enough velocity to cause a tumbling effect after they hit, thereby tearing the body apart, or enough "lead" to give a body little chance to survive. (i.e. not giving an animal a "sporting chance").

If you can't defend yourself with, for instance, a six shot revolver, you probably should leave your defense to the authorities! You are a danger to your family or neighbors (maybe even yourself)!

A weapon with a firing rate of hundreds, or thousands, of rounds a minute is a danger to anyone in the area. Not necessary for defense … unless you are being (or doing) "an assault".

If that's not clear enough, I could go on, but …………. there's that Chinaman thing! I hate to waste time. ;-)

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

Ho, hum. This is kind of stupid, but, maybe a Chinaman can understand it

Hi Alfie.

Just a heads up. The Chinaman doesn't understand anything unless you order rice with it.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

To the fool liar, Democrats have already come after our hunting rifles that hold more then seven rounds. THESE ARE NOT ASSAULT RIFLES!

He asked you to define an assualt rifle, and what did you do?

You said... "A weapon that will put out an inordinate amount of bullets, probably in seconds, that will do excessive damage to a human,"

Inordinate amount? The gun law in NY said that our hunting rifles holding more than seven rounds was too much!

You say in seconds? How many seconds? Our automatic shotguns can fire rounds in a matter of seconds!

Tearing a body apart? Our shotguns will definitely tear a body apart.

You prove our point. You spew these general terms for what you call an assault rifle, while the Democrats you elect are after our hunting rifles. They want to come into our homes and take our guns!

It's sick how naive you truly are!

1 point

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