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 How much cannabis is too much cannabis? (22)

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believeyoume(909) pic

How much cannabis is too much cannabis?

A friend recently told me that I smoke too much. So I'd like to know what you think. How much is too much?

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3 points

If you had to ask this, you already know the answer. It is the first one you light.

Side: The first one
ledhead818(638) Disputed
4 points

Why do you say that? Let me guess because you think smoking will make you listen to that devil jazz music and have pre-marital sexual relations with white women?

Side: When you can't get things done
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
0 points

I stated this because what benefit is there from smoking? We all know what it does. Why do something that only harms you or may lead to harming someone else.

Side: The first one

You know you smoke too much weed when you can't get things done. The song "Because I Got High" by Afroman? That's the opposite of what is good.

Side: When you can't get things done

I was gonna clean my room, until I got hight

I was gonna get up and find the broom, but then I got high

My room is still messed up and I know why

Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high

I was gonna go to class, before I got high

I coulda cheated and I coulda passed, but I got high

I'm takin' it next semester, and I know why

Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high

Quality song.

Side: Colt 45 is better though
2 points

Nobody should smoke anything.

But don't worry you are free to be stupid.

Side: smoking is bad

Wow, so you agree that we should have the right to choose to smoke weed?

What caused this turnaround in your beliefs, Jake?

Side: smoking is bad
ledhead818(638) Disputed
1 point

Apart from legal consequences why do you think smoking is stupid?

Side: When you can't get things done
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

Well, it may not be stupid (i do it every once in a while), but cannabis is a poison that the body is trying to reject.

It creates a reaction that the body does not like. It hurts your lungs and destroys brain cells. As humans, though, we cope with the idea that we are damaging our bodies in order to get a reaction.

But if someone thinks voluntarily damaging your body is stupid, it's kind of hard to argue with that.

Side: When you're addicted
2 points

Too much is when you're doing it all the time. It prevents you from doing other things. It keeps you from your friends or your job. When you avoid doing things because you won't have the opportunity to smoke. When it becomes more important than the things that matter, you smoke too much.

Side: When you're addicted
xander(438) Disputed
0 points

Eh..... Do you have any idea how hard it is to get addicted to weed? I go to an inner-city school, and many of my friends smoke marijuana recreationally. One of the heaviest smokers I know- he smoked six or seven joints a day- decided to quit on a whim. He was paranoid for a day or two, and then he was fine. It was was easier for him to walk away from it than a few of my friends who tried to quit smoking cigarettes, or stop drinking, or even to give up energy drinks. It seems... unrealistic that one would get addicted before one had very, very serious problems getting things done.

Side: When you can't get things done
Spoonerism(831) Disputed
1 point

I do indeed know how difficult it is. Nearly impossible.

But I stand by my statements. Too much is when you've become addicted. No sooner.

Side: When you're addicted

When you can't socialize without it.

When you feel like you constantly want it.

When you find you can't afford other stuff because you're spending too much on weed.

When you think back and can't remember having fun without it.

When you have more than on thing to smoke out of (bong, one hitter, etc...) and are considering investing in another one.

When your friends who also smoke start telling you that you have a problem.

Side: Controls your life

OK, when you try to leave but you can't find the door.... ;)

Side: where's the door

I don't know, that sounds like the kind of weed I want to buy....

Side: where's the door
1 point

I personally don't know how much is too much because I made a vow never to smoke anything. Not just cigarettes, but marijuana as well. I've even had "temptations" before. I didn't want to smoke, but I had a friend who asked me if I wanted to go over his house after school. I told him I didn't smoke and he said "That's fine. Just chill there." I replied with "I don't want to be around it at all. But thanks." I've just never found smoking attractive or cool.

Side: where's the door

Too much is when you can't do anything but think about the next munchie you'd like to tempt your palette with.

Side: where's the door

hmmm... good question. Personally, I think drugs are terrible and shouldnt be experimented with, BUT... things like drugs, alchohol etc. will always be around, and there will always be a good chunk of the population into it. And even though a lot of drugs are illegal, they are still very popular. So I conclude that drugs should be legalized. Sounds crazy, but look at the big picture for a second. All Prohibition did was make criminals rich. It didnt slow down the consumption of alchohol at all. And the fact that drugs are VERY bad for you should be enough reason not try them. A law against drugs isnt necessary.

Side: smoking is bad

I don't know about cannabis but how much cunnilingus is too much cunnilingus? ;)

Side: smoking is bad