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 I wonder when Liberal Democrats start forcing tax payers to pay for sex change operations? (29)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

I wonder when Liberal Democrats start forcing tax payers to pay for sex change operations?

As with Gay marriage now forced on all states, I wonder when Democrats will start the indoctrination of people to accept tax payer funded sex change operations. If you laugh at that, you have no clue what has been gong on in this nation for the past 50 years.


Did you laugh 30 years ago when they started mentioning Gay marriage?


Did you laugh when we said Democrats would force us to pay for other's abortions?


Did you laugh when they said they would only go after so called assault rifles?


Did you believe them when they told us Roe V Wade would only allow 1st trimester abortions?


Now that our courts have enough activist ideologs who have no problem telling states how to run their affairs, we will soon be forced to pay for sex change operations for people on welfare.


Won't be long before men will sue for their rights to have 30 wives.


This slippery slope that fool progressives have created will be the death of the America. Our generation will go down in history as being just like the generation that killed the Roman empire.

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2 points

As with Gay marriage now forced on all states, I wonder when Democrats will start the indoctrination of people to accept tax payer funded sex change operations. If you laugh at that, you have no clue what has been gong on in this nation for the past 50 years.

They won't, and you have no evidence or argument that they will.

Did you laugh 30 years ago when they started mentioning Gay marriage?

No reason to. Letting consenting adults choose who they wish to marry is not something new in Western history.

Did you laugh when we said Democrats would force us to pay for other's abortions

They don't, the Hyde amendment exists.

Did you laugh when they said they would only go after so called assault rifles?

When did they say that?

Did you believe them when they told us Roe V Wade would only allow 1st trimester abortions?

When did they say that?

Now that our courts have enough activist ideologs who have no problem telling states how to run their affairs, we will soon be forced to pay for sex change operations for people on welfare.

Except this wasn't judicial activism. This was correctly ruling that the states were denying Equal Protections and Due Process rights to homosexuals, neither of which apply to sex change operations. You have no legal arguments.

Won't be long before men will sue for their rights to have 30 wives.

There would be no legal or constitutional backing to that suit.

This slippery slope that fool progressives have created will be the death of the America. Our generation will go down in history as being just like the generation that killed the Roman empire.

I can't believe I have to actually tell you this, but no single generation ended the Roman Empire. It was brought down by a wide variety of factors, from a ponzi-scheme style economy that relied upon conquests of foreign lands, to multiple invasions, to an increasingly corrupt system, etc. It took a long time for the Roman Empire to fall (even longer if you adhere to the idea that the Byzantines were the continuation of it).

So not only have you demonstrated that you don't really know what is going on right now, but you have also demonstrated that you do not know what has happened throughout history. You'll make anything partisan, and lie about anything you need to in order to attack the left.

Now ban me, little troll.

2 points

I don't know but I hope they force tax payers to pay for booze stamps first.

2 points

It's already happening in the U.K. Life's mutants and deviants are having their ''quirks of nature'' artificially catered for by the loonie left brigade, courtesy of the taxpayer. If you want a graphic illustration of what happens when the loonie left run out of other people's money, take a look at Greece. It should be no mystery why some people engage in the legal practice of tax avoidance. Why should a large chunk of people's hard earned dosh go in tax so the freakish conditions of life's mistakes can be pandered to?

Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
1 point

Because all ill people are freaks of nature. Disgusting bleedy puss filled abominations under the eyes of God. Look at the USSR, it had a health system to cater for these quicks of nature. Gabble gabble gabble.

1 point

you forgot Did you laugh when they started mentioning interracial marriage 70 years ago?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

No I supported interacial marriage. That goes against no norms of biology and the way man and woman were ment to be.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

No I supported interacial marriage.

No need to lie we all know you where originally against it.

flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

How does biology apply to marriage?

It is a human concept, not an animal concept.

1 point

Did you laugh 30 years ago when they started mentioning Gay marriage?

Nope not a Homophobe like you.

1 point

Won't be long before men will sue for their rights to have 30 wives.

And as long as men can support 30 wives there isn't any issue with that.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

That's your problem, fools have no problem with this anything goes culture, but the one thing they fear? Freedom for a community to choose to say a simple prayer in school if the people so agree, with no child ever being forced to pray along.

Talk about misplaced priorities. You fear the one thing that our nation is in desperate need of. Learning to love , forgive, have respect for others, all without one controlling Government mandating law. That is the power of prayer.

People hate being forced to bow to a corrupt Government that tells them how to run their lives.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

People hate being forced to bow to a corrupt Government that tells them how to run their lives.

That's why Conservatives aren't in power.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, men are not even supporting one wife and child today you complete waste of time. The Left has made it easy for tax payers to support a mans family.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

LOL, men are not even supporting one wife and child

Love how you make completely untrue statements.

you complete waste of time

Says the real waste of time.

The Left has made it easy for tax payers to support a mans family.

No they haven't try again.

1 point

This slippery slope that fool progressives have created will be the death of the America.

No that'll only happen if your party gets any real power.

1 point

Our generation will go down in history as being just like the generation that killed the Roman empire.

Only if in this generation conservatives gain significant power.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I wondered what a true progressive sounded like and you fit the bill wonderfully. It will be your children that have to live with the mess you put on them. But of course you will find someone else to blame as a good little Liberal always does.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

t will be your children that have to live with the mess you put on them.

only if your party gains any significant power.

I wondered what a true progressive sounded like and you fit the bill wonderfully

anyone that disagrees with you fits the bill perfectly in your eyes.

But of course you will find someone else to blame as a good little Liberal always does.

yeah you blame everyone but your party.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

good little Liberal

Oh and not a Liberal but I doubt you have the mental capacity to understand that.

Warjin(1577) Banned
1 point

How about the Churches start paying taxes, it's time those freeloaders to pay and earn there fair share, churches want a say, start fucking paying like the rest of us, until then shut the fuck up.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are the typical Liberal fool. If you had a clue how many millions of dollars Churches save Government by freely helping the needy, you might have some semblance of a brain to think with, but no, you are a bigot that fears the only thing that made this nation great.

Churches don't pay taxes because Christians are the ones supporting and paying for those Churches. Why on Earth should we pay a corrupt Government on top of that. It is a non profit place that helps people with not one cent taking from tax payers to do so. Fools would rather an inept worthless corrupt wasteful Government pay millions of public workers to dole out free food stamps and free cell phones on the backs of tax payers.

1 point

They already do that Source

Firnen Banned
0 points

As with Gay marriage now forced on all states, I wonder when Democrats will start the indoctrination of people to accept tax payer funded sex change operations. If you laugh at that, you have no clue what has been gong on in this nation for the past 50 years.

They won't, and you have no evidence or argument that they will.

Did you laugh 30 years ago when they started mentioning Gay marriage?

No reason to. Letting consenting adults choose who they wish to marry is not something new in Western history.

Did you laugh when we said Democrats would force us to pay for other's abortions

They don't, the Hyde amendment exists.

Did you laugh when they said they would only go after so called assault rifles?

When did they say that?

Did you believe them when they told us Roe V Wade would only allow 1st trimester abortions?

When did they say that?

Now that our courts have enough activist ideologs who have no problem telling states how to run their affairs, we will soon be forced to pay for sex change operations for people on welfare.

Except this wasn't judicial activism. This was correctly ruling that the states were denying Equal Protections and Due Process rights to homosexuals, neither of which apply to sex change operations. You have no legal arguments.

Won't be long before men will sue for their rights to have 30 wives.

There would be no legal or constitutional backing to that suit.

This slippery slope that fool progressives have created will be the death of the America. Our generation will go down in history as being just like the generation that killed the Roman empire.

I can't believe I have to actually tell you this, but no single generation ended the Roman Empire. It was brought down by a wide variety of factors, from a ponzi-scheme style economy that relied upon conquests of foreign lands, to multiple invasions, to an increasingly corrupt system, etc. It took a long time for the Roman Empire to fall (even longer if you adhere to the idea that the Byzantines were the continuation of it).

So not only have you demonstrated that you don't really know what is going on right now, but you have also demonstrated that you do not know what has happened throughout history. You'll make anything partisan, and lie about anything you need to in order to attack the left.