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 If Hillary loses this election, you are going to finally hear the truth from these Dems. (10)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

If Hillary loses this election, you are going to finally hear the truth from these Dems.

You will hear an outcry from these lying Democrats to why their Party's powers to be picked a criminal for their candidate. Were it not for the wikileak emails, we would never hear of all the dissention in their ranks over her private email server and her corrupt Clinton foundation.

If she loses, you will hear the anger finally come out from these Progressive Lemmings who always follow the Big Brother Democrat's narrative no matter how pathetic it is.

When you hang your hat on a criminal, nothing good can ever happen. If Hillary wins the election, she might well be impeached, and the only one to blame will be yourself for voting for such a corrupt loser.

Your socialist Ideology is not worth putting our nation through another Clinton impeachment. How many Clinton scandals can a nation endure decade after decade.
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1 point

Democrats aren't denying that Hillary Clinton set up a private email server, which was against the rules. They just don't care. At all.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point


She has done far more than something against the rules. You are a joke to suggest such garbage. She is a proven perjurer from the Benghazi hearings when she said she did not know it was a terrorist attack on the embasy. They had phone records of her calling Chelsea that night and admitting it was a terrorist attack. THATS PERJURY!

It was not her private server that we are all outraged over. IT WAS HER SENDING CLASSIDFIED EMAILS ON THAT UNPROTECTED SERVER, which is aganst the law! She did this to hide all her corruption concerning Benghazi, Clinton foundation, etc. etc.

Democrats lack a moral foundation to be outraged over all her crimes. You people are sad excuses for Americans with a total lack of honesty and integrity.

I understand it is hard going against your Party's candidate when it means the other side might win, but if America is going stay the most free democracy on Earth, we must all stand together when it comes to corrupt politicians being above the law. We must all put law and order over politics!

To lose the rule of law means our nation is lost.

pirateelfdog(2654) Disputed Banned
0 points

"At the time I e-mailed with my daughter, a terrorist group had taken credit for the attacks on our facility in Benghazi. Within 16, 18 hours, they rescinded taking credit. They did it all on social media. And the video did play a role" - Clinton. You can accept that or deny it, but 6 congressional hearings of anti-Clinton prosecutors accepted it.

She did this to hide all her corruption concerning Benghazi, Clinton foundation, etc. etc.

And that's what most Democrats aren't convinced of.

I understand it is hard going against your Party's candidate when it means the other side might win, but if America is going stay the most free democracy on Earth, we must all stand together when it comes to corrupt politicians being above the law. We must all put law and order over politics!

Please. Are you seriously trying to argue that there is nothing connected to Trump that you would consider corrupt?

1 point

My impression is that most of the people voting for Clinton are not doing so as a vote for Clinton, but as a vote against Trump. You err in thinking people actually like her as a candidate, but as a general rule fanatic enthusiasm this election has been limited to Bernie and Trump enthusiasts.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You have this totally 100% backwards.

The American people are enthused about Trump and Sanders BECAUSE OF HILLaRY and all her corruption!

The people like you who would STILL vote for her make these laughable remarks to try and excuse your vote. You know deep down you are as corrupt as her when you support the corruption by voting for her.

Trump is crude but not corrupt! This nation needs a tough person willing to take the heat that will come when he fights to DRAIN THE SWAMP OF CORRUPTION IN OUR GOVERNMENT.

Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

Poor assumption. I'm not voting for Clinton.

I also never said Trump was corrupt. I said he was self-interested, which I think is generally true of most people but especially of people who succeed in finance or politics which demands a certain level of self interest. It's not unique to him, but a general observation about people.

The people I know who were enthused for Bernie were enthused on his account while also disliking Clinton, but their enthusiasm for Bernie was not owing primarily to their dislike of Clinton. My impression has been the same for those I know who are enthusiastic for Trump. It isn't just that they dislike Clinton and will vote for someone else to keep her out of office (though they would), but that each group sincerely believes that their respective candidates will effect the sort of changes they want to see.

The idea that any one politician could actually fix our crippled republic also seems a bit naive to me. Sure, the president has power. But hardly the power to or personal interest in undoing centuries of power consolidation into the federal government. The difference between myself and you is that I merely extend my cynicism one candidate further.