
Debate Info

Soap dat mouth Homer them like Bart
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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 Soap dat mouth (2)
 Homer them like Bart (1)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

If a child says mommy is a pig over & over should their mouth be washed out

Soap dat mouth

Side Score: 2

Homer them like Bart

Side Score: 1
1 point

Yes, their mouth should be washed out. It is very rude to insult someone, especially your mum, and especially saying that they are a pig.

Side: Soap dat mouth
0 points

May not be PC but if they keep doing it in a derogatory manner even after repeated attempts at time outs and telling them why it's wrong then.....yeah, probably. Obviously the other methods aren't working but hey, I'd love to hear what other people suggest.

Side: Soap dat mouth
0 points

But what if their mother really is a pig? Motherhood doesn't absolve you of all sins. It's hardly the child's fault if they have a mean mom.

Side: Homer them like Bart