
Debate Info

Yep. Nah, not really.
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:25
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 Yep. (10)
 Nah, not really. (6)

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Yourfriend(4) pic

If music is subjective, then is there really such a thing as a "bad band" or "bad music"?


Side Score: 14

Nah, not really.

Side Score: 9
2 points

It is also significant to consider if that music follows the rules and conventions of that genre in an appropriate fashion. This does not mean that unconventional music, ranging from American black metal (Abigail Williams) to electronic serialism compositions (Milton Babbitt) and on, is bad in that respect but rather that it keeps within genre boundaries. Milton Babbitt and Charles Ives take atonality to a whole new spectrum, though they still have a recognizable style of composition that is purposeful and clear, in both recording and live. However, if you were to take an amateur serialist composer who has switched over from tonal compositional technique, his music would probably be very awful, as very few atonal composition are outright pleasant to listen to and this person is absolutely new to the style. The level of compositional comprehension, and the level of performer skill, creates what one could consider bad music or a bad band.

Another reason music can be bad is due to subjectivity itself. You could even at Abigail Williams with there new style of black metal. They are almost too unconventional for black metal fans used to Emperor, Immortal, and the like. There fusion with deathcore leaves them with a MASSIVE deathcore fanbase but a limited black metal fanbase. The subjectivity of music itself creates 'bad bands' in this case, as people will sway towards what their ears have adapted to.

Side: Yep.
2 points

When you talk about bad bands or bad music, it involves more than just your opinion on the way the music sounds. Some songs have inappropriate terms and/or subjects in them, which makes the music bad, even if it sounds good.

Another situation in which bad music exists is with bad music players. You are going to have bad music if the person playing has had little or no experience with his/her instrument. It also depends on the type of music; different genres have different styles and instruments for them. For example, I've never heard a lawyer play a piano for a heavy metal band.

Bad music isn't solely dependent on one's opinion of which type of music sounds the best.

Side: Yep.
1 point

This is a real band......... A real bad band...

Side: Yep.

Just about anything after 1960s is bad. I prefer Sinatra, Cash, Mozart, Mendelssohn.

Side: Yep.
1 point

yeah like "bad English" right....?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//

Side: Yep.

If someone hits the wrong note on a piano, it causes a bad vibe.

Side: Yep.

Your premise only applies to deaf people. People who can hear know a bad band when they hear it ;)

Side: Yep.
Yourfriend(4) Disputed
1 point

"People who can hear know a bad band when they hear it ;)"

If that is true, then why doesn't everyone who hears Band X agree that they are a bad band? If people know a bad band when they hear it, why do some people say Band X sucks while other people think they're the greatest thing ever?

Side: Nah, not really.

The way it works is this:

If you hear a band and you think they suck, then they suck. If someone else thinks that band is great, then those people are nuts.

If you hear a band and you think they are great, then they are great. If someone else thinks that band sucks, then they are nuts.

It's kinda like driving a car. The driver is always going at the right speed. Anyone driving slower than the driver is a slow ass. Anyone driving faster than the driver is a maniac.

It's human nature ;)

Side: Yep.
2 points

Every person has his/her own taste in everything. For example if person A liked apples but hated oranges but person B liked oranges and hated apples it cant mean that one of them taste really bad. It just means that each person has their own different taste. So I think there is no such thing as a "bad band" or "bad music".

Side: Nah, not really.
1 point

Looking at this from a strictly musical perspective, no.

But as a whole you got lyrics, hairstyles, the members of the band, etc. Not eveything is subjective. Some things are just stupid.

Side: Nah, not really.
wyobassboy(14) Disputed
1 point

Some aspects of a band are stupid to one person, but attractive to other. In example, Angelspit, a cyberpunk industrial band, pushes hardcore BDSM fashion to an extreme, and many fans like it. However, many a bluegrass musicians would call that vapid and ridiculous. The mannerisms of a band enhance them to those who love them, and the 'haters' don't matter because there is little they can do against that. All of those aspects listed are just as subjective as the music itself. While many other those aspects certainly can be stupid, and most often are, they can be changed and the subjectivity of the aspects often changes them on its own.

Side: Yep.
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

Yeah just like being an idiot is cool to idiots and to most people it's idiotic.

I know that to some extent everything is subjective. But some things are more extreme than others. And most people in our society reject that extreme cyberpunk styles. There's at least a handful of people that will be fans of anything.

It's really about society. For example: We(as a society) will reject a band that screams about killing babies. We won't listen to it and will think you're weird for doing so. If you don't like that go live somewhere els.

I do see what you're saying though. Why do people complain about other bands, just listen to the music YOU like and everyone's happy.

Side: Nah, not really.
1 point

Even though rap is revered by jerks for being all badass, the composition of the music is generally poor in melody. On the other hand, even though Lady Antebellum is a country band, they compose beautiful melodies. Anyone who likes to bash certain artists or genres because they think its crap will ultimately eat their words once they listen closely to all of the music on the records. On the other hand, if you want an album or song that ideal to you, it just will not happen, because it is just not realistic.

Side: Nah, not really.