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 If only someone had warned us about vehicular jihad ten days ago (4)

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Srom(12120) pic

If only someone had warned us about vehicular jihad ten days ago

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And they will continue to kill. Why? That's what Muhammad commanded them to do in the Quran. It will never stop until the West wakes up and shuts its borders like every other culture and civilization on the planet that has any sense. (which is almost every Middle Eastern and Asian country and most of Africa.)

pehir(1) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with you. Muhammad p.b.u.h never commanded people to do those killings and other awful things. If you have any proof of your statement please do enlighten me.

1 point

Practicing taqiya I see. Read the Quran. It's all over its pages like a drumbeat. We both know how this debate goes. I show you the suras, you then show me suras that are nice sounding, and I point out abrogation (later passages that overide all earlier suras), and you disappear, and the debate is over because you couldn't decieve me. The end. Anything else?