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JatinNagpal(2678) pic

In the defence of the idiots who ban any opinions different from theirs.

Disclaimer - I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I only ban others when they are filling my debate with irrelevant and senseless fluff, because they'd otherwise make the debates harder to navigate. Or those who don't want to have any idea of what they are saying. (For example, if FromWithin comes here with his political obsessions, I'll have no choice but to ban him.) 

With this, I hope you'll stop complaining against the cowards that thoughtlessly ban you from debates. 

I'm presupposing that you understand what debates are. If you already belong to the group, then you won't be understanding anything. In that case, find someone kind enough to explain the little baby steps to you, unlike me. Or do the thing you do best - take my word as gospel that this is undeniable defence for your position. If you don't belong to the group and don't understand that, then I wonder what you are doing here. 

As you might be aware, some idiots are being attacked on this site for being cowards as well, which I believe isn't fair. They're simply doing what is in all of the members' best interests by banning them. So, be more optimistic towards them. 

Their beliefs are very rigid, despite being so irrational and shallow. That's why, even though you might feel compelled to try to change them, your endeavours shall turn out fruitless at best. The way this bias works, they'll be even more confident in their (rather random) beliefs than they originally were, and your words might as well have been directed towards void. 

They are incapable of proper thinking by themselves. And, in fact, their beliefs aren't a result of their creativity either. Rather, they are a result of what their superiors tell them to believe. Also, they're much more obedient than the others of us: so obedient that they'll believe it like mindless zombies. Then, there's no changing it, because you can't command them. 

They're afraid of being wrong, even after all that. Therefore, they must ban any conflicting opinions if they can. It also saves your time from being wasted, and you'll be sure that they can't bear having their opinions debated. A debate website is probably the best place for them to stroke their ignorant ego. 
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Considering that there have been no questions, I'd guess it's now a quotable source.

That's why, they're bound to ban you or they'll face painful dissonance.

1 point

It's not the difference of opinion and all these idiots know's the filthy language and insults, people acting like school yard punks who think they are cool or tough by talking dirty.

And you are one of the worst, acting like you think you are Mr. Cool using insults and profanity in place of reason. What a bunch of cry babies atheists are.

No, actually, when they're using insults, that'd be because they've already established it beyond doubt that reason will be ineffective.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Calling people cry babies after claiming that using insults is the wrong thing to do is hilarious. You are such a great comedian.

It is second nature to him and few others. He probably doesn't even have to put any effort.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Good to see you are still with us and not burning in Hell.

1 point

And I'm not reading your stuff, I gave up on you seeing you are void of manners.

Yes, I actually said that you don't have to read it.

It is for those that choose to attack you.