
Debate Info

Trump as President? Yes Nah, impossible exists
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Trump as President? Yes (1)
 Nah, impossible exists (1)

Debate Creator

aely55(41) pic

Is anything possible

As Donald Trump being President I think that anything is possible, or nothings possible and y'all idiots.

Trump as President? Yes

Side Score: 1

Nah, impossible exists

Side Score: 1
1 point

I don't personally believe possibility and impossibility can co-exist in the universe. Possibility is essentially another way of describing the state of probability in mathematics. Any integer above zero represents possibility. Since every probability we can physically measure results in a number above zero, it is only speculation that true impossibility exists.

Side: Trump as President? Yes
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

Since every probability we can physically measure results in a number above zero, it is only speculation that true impossibility exists.

What’s an example of a probability that we cannot physically measure?

Side: Nah, impossible exists
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